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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. no, its the best thing you've heard since the season ended last year
  2. the low on tuesday is a predicted 32 degrees in tannersville, and about 36 in bethlehem....
  3. i like how the picture makes them appear to have nice looking top sheets
  4. awesome, thanks for the heads up
  5. omg, thats alot of things to add...any room for some big hits?
  6. not anymore
  7. thats kickass, they did some awesome stuff at blue....
  8. not good for ski999, thats his home mtn
  9. skidude is still his head....
  10. hahah made ya look!
  11. that ski in that length is too big for anyone! ski999 skis that in a 171, and im looking at 176, at the max! I couldn't imagine that in 183, and i thought it came in 181?
  12. now now greg, be nice, it is ALWAYS the first mountain in the poconos to open.... but that sounds awesome, and its all about business, and the fact is an improved park will draw more people then an extra trail btw, the other topic you speak of boarder was about JFBB
  13. justo has won a skiier cross or two, and im assuming they were at blue...im sure blue will continue to hold the event, regardless of who designs it, and the skiier cross events will continue.... what happened to team ed's house anyway?
  14. highs in the low 50's and lows in the low 30's in killington!
  15. i'm not desperate, because i have a few other skiing expenses before i buy stix, which might be in january, but its nice to know all these places are out of them, they must be high quality, high performance skis....
  16. does ANYONE know a store around here, or a place online i can find Atomic SL:11's for a decent price....my #1 place for atomics, has NO SL or GS 11's in stock (emilio's in NY) im bummed, and eBay isn't too hot right now, though today a possible pair popped up
  17. the lifts are slow, but the wait is worth it....the trails are amazing, especailly some of the natural trails, like tioga spur, no trail lights, no tower snow guns, just snow and trees and you, its a REAL mtn, i love it
  18. we're definatly going this year...yea, it is a haul for you, hell its a haul from bethlehem, but its worth it, especially on a weekday
  19. whos gunna be heading up to elk this year? looks as if they've been doing some work on some trails. i've always loved elk, especially the trails on the east side...tunkhannock, iriquious and mohawk, 3 great diamonds (known as TIM)
  20. he said he'll be working at whitehall....im pretty sure it should be opening soon....or at least i hope it does..i need new boots!
  21. http://www.skicamelback.com/ that site design is unoriginal
  22. did i hear something negative about atomic? the truth is though, atomic makes some of the best skis on the market, hands down. Ski999 and I both love our atomics to death, hell, Ski999's jeep is "atomic red". You may be talking about the lowerline of atomic skis, but I'd only buy atomic race skis, which i've skiied mine for about 40 days on the snow, and they're still as perfect as they were from day one. you may sell the skis, but i ski them
  23. i've never had bad fries at blue, i think all their food is great, i've never ate breakfast there, but i've heard its great...pizza, fries, chicken, chili and most other stuff is great
  24. i've never ate in the bottom lodge, its always top style for me...i've only ever been in the bottom lodge once...i park/eat/utilize the top...
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