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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. Well, he still has that plane ride home, Missy... hahaha
  2. or 18 and above can drink count me in, if i had a pass
  3. arent they already dead if they're in hell? they should rot in hell.....
  4. hah i remember you tellin us about that girl when we were at blue cause she lived right down the street from thinksnow
  5. lets find out.....
  6. My source knew for awhile, and just wouldn't tell me, but it was really skidude who called it by posting the contents of the memo that was posted in the race room...
  7. Camelback will close for the season on 3/21/04 . It has been a great season guys! This information has now been made public on skicamelback.com
  8. i know it was snowing like a mofo, cuase when i woke up at six, the snowflakes were HUGE, but it wasnt sticking
  9. The first day of spring is March 20th, according to this calendar I am looking at. I believe March 20th, 1:59am is the official beginning of spring (its some 1:x9am time, i forget)....GO AWAY SPRING!
  10. nick, what i wanna know is where is my snow? it didnt even look as if it snowed last night
  11. man oh man, that is one big mountain maybe ill see ya out there one day sib NICE pictures, that first pic replaced my bmw as my desktop picture
  12. Actually, if you go along the ski racks here while a race is on, the biggest brand seems to be Rossignols (at least at the NorAm's, which were speed events here), then Volkyl, then Fischer, then Atomic. The huge difference in brands is really apparent here from back East. For non-racers, I'd say the biggest brand here is K2, then Rossignol, at least in skis. interesting...cause on race days at blue, especially slalom days, EVERYONEs got SL:11's strapped on there feat, then come rossignol with those "hook" tips....
  13. slap some atomics on her, and shed look like a REAL skiier haha jk, lookin good sib's offspring! let's get a race betweens ski999's and sibhusky's daughters
  14. she registered!
  15. im very dissapointed at Blue, decent crowds up till now, freakin AWESOME conditions.....perhaps they have something up their sleeve..well its standard blue fashion to add a new trail everyhere, so i wonder what we'll have THIS year
  16. but thats not a face! thats an asscrack EDIT: oh! i get it now! hahaha
  17. they are infact using a VERY old database system named MSACCESS, its not even a MySQL equivelant....pretty sad? we of course are using the best in database systems for this board, hence the reason we dont have technical problems
  18. that was blue
  19. you two are always testing the boudries of davek like mother like daughter
  20. it'll prolly be heavy
  21. take a screenshot of one of the VSR's from last year...ya cant miss him!
  22. its been a little slow lately, skiing around here is slowly drawling to an end, but hopefully she joins http://www.paskiandride.com dont forget it for the 04/05 ski season
  23. SURE you were just "cruising".....
  24. it was packed powder, cause they blew snow it defiantly wasnt granular
  25. towards the end of the year, they just started doing the midday groom on da weekends. but friday i decided to go because i couldnt pass up 30 degree weather and packed powder, which is absoloutly, 100% was....freakin amazing
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