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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. To close these trails during the day? Its still REALLY cold outside, cant they make enough snow at night. I mean they cant say they're 100% open when they're just opening 33 trails on the weekend. I dont see why snow cant just be made at night.
  2. yea i sent those pics to skidude earlier....pretty cool...i heard about it last weekend from a guy in marketing there.
  3. honestly though, daveyj isnt the one doing the locking, he'll daveK locked it even after daveyj replyed to the thread. word has it, daveyj might even stop by on 2/7 at blue
  4. AtomicSkier


    im with skigurl, whenever im over in that area im always doing raceway.
  5. AtomicSkier

    Sat. 2/7/4

    they could just radio down to the ski patrol at the base but we'll have to all meet at blue, my home mt!
  6. AtomicSkier

    Sat. 2/7/4

    haha yea, sorta like we did on paradise
  7. AtomicSkier


    You say the best things. "I wore my season pass on my thigh underneath my skirt yesterday"
  8. AtomicSkier

    Sat. 2/7/4

    i am wearing my blue jacket. gotta hide from all you crazy people!
  9. AtomicSkier

    Sat. 2/7/4

    ski999 and i were discussing your attitude while we were waiting for you. You take too much of a convervative approach, you ski like your in the lead. Ski like you've got nothing to loose (which is true), ski like bode, race your heart out, dont try to take it easy just so you finish, youll never win races. You win by being aggressive. NOW GO OUT THERE AND WIN SOME RACES!
  10. AtomicSkier

    Sat. 2/7/4

    just tell the ski patrol that i ran over some girl, they'll remember me
  11. AtomicSkier

    Sat. 2/7/4

    NO! no more skiing with YOU! you are the bringer of evil!
  12. AtomicSkier


    im still convinced they dont know how to build jumps
  13. AtomicSkier


    get this topic back on track lol, too many simlies
  14. haha dont you just hate when they take away the computer!
  15. 30th lookin good for everyone?
  16. 1000th baby!
  17. ! this the is the 999.....
  18. skidude and i are skiing together not this friday, but next friday (30th), so if anyone else will be up say something
  19. AtomicSkier


    hah the drugs they give you kickass.....some druggies at school wanted to buy them off be, but i said screw you, im in pain!
  20. dam skimom that sucks! people like that just piss me off, cant respect anyones property
  21. what a fatass...skidude, tell him about our board, then lets see him piss his pants! jk, dont
  22. AtomicSkier


    that sucks though...too bad your boyfriend isnt around to help comfort the pain
  23. do you get a handjob with that? Mind out of gutter
  24. AtomicSkier


  25. to me, blue always has nicer snow then camelback, i find camelbacks dimamonds especially to be always scrapped off and the dam front 4 always have those "humps" now the middle....groom it freakin FLAT!
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