not only image the uphill capacity of one of those, image how cool it would be to say "the only 8 person lift in the US" cause from their site, i dont think anyone has a dopplymayr 8person in the US
click on doppelmayr and its under detachable chairlifts (there are lotsa pictures of the 8 person ones)
haha the image of you, with no poles, in the tuck, hands behind your back, flying off that roller at the bottom of asp, you were in the air soooo dam long, that was really amazing.
Do you ever wonder what it's like to go fast and launch off of a roller? To each his own, I guess.
i find that i enjoy getting in the tuck down the rocket and just airing off those little rollers, i like shotting straight out, not straight can cary some pretty long distances if you pull up at the right time
yea, is right! It was fun watching the races, but that section where the first pic of skidude was where EVERYONE was messing up, cause you were getting decent speed and then it called for a quick quick turn, we saw so many people get on their tails or fall in that section..
actually they can make snow in temps up to 39 degrees is humidity is near 0
Does that mean you were just whoring your first post
humidity defiantly wont be 0 though