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Everything posted by JUVY#7777

  1. Hey, I got ski club soon im just wondering how the snow is up there Hopefully the park will stay held together good this year!!! K danks
  2. JUVY#7777


    yeah i dakines were kinda fat but recently i got these burton gloves the have it all thin but CRAZY warm its easy to hold things cuz of the leather hand grips google cleaner alll this other stuff to http://store.burton.com/Gloves/Mens/PRD_70473/Baker+Glove.jsp;ODBSID=HXftvX3whTfD3jpQFQ8QkC4RBtXb0KZyd1CGZ2l9TMK7N5j4DFTG!1580622865!1835519696?bmUID=1196892142296 take the link these are the gloves the are the best you'll get
  3. yeah thats really gonna suck if u guys are doing that go up in the afternoon before friday or youll be stuck in that mess
  4. what about a snow race that would be sweet and would probaly bring alot of people to bear because its winter and it doesnt happen alot and even a snow best trick comp like winter x games it would be sweet. it would make me happy like this thing.
  6. heyy im new here and ever since i got my skis this question kept bothering me does it make a difference if your bindins are offset for park skiing to because when i see other skiers the have centered bindings and it looks alot easier so anybody that can answers the please
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