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Everything posted by k2wwwkid

  1. BMX Jumps ?? Will bear Build them?
  2. tyler after reading your sweet ideas for the rail jams at bear highly doubt bear would have ever offered you a job... hahaha spring mountain could deffinatly use ur creativity though
  3. the landing off the butta pad has to be toltally redone.... they just have to push a little snow up onto it so it is steeper and has more of a nuckle... right now it has a 1 inch sweet spot.... also if the landing was redone you could also have enough speed so they could have a decent step up or what ever that third thing is
  4. true that. I think the best idea is that bear starts a park pass. For this you should have to pay 40 xtra bucks onto the rest of your season pass. and take a instructional video on saftey. if you are just coming for a day it should just be like an xtra 5 for a park pass 2. this park pass could only be used on cascade and blackbear. also land could possibly be cleared so there would only be 1 entrance to the terrain park... right now where there's a gnarly backtrail and they could use that and move some land around so it would cut into before blackbear... there could be a nice tree line built so that blackbear wouldnt be acsessable unless you had a park pass.
  5. i was just on the webcam and saw blackbear almost if not toltally done they have an up flow, flatdown, flow, urban down handrail, then a jump with three lips, really tall stall at the top of a quarterpipe, barrel bonk i didnt see nything new on cascade.
  6. i dont know why bear creek has to wait to do a full park rebuild.... they could have alot more features down at the end of blackbear right now... instead of trying to throw everything together in 1 nite. i do think that the cascade terrain park is sweet right now... i have seen park crew fixing stuff alot more this year. i want a dfd too
  7. my suggestion is that bear creek buys a giant dome to put over it.... Snow blowers could hang from the cieling and air conditioners could keep it cool.
  8. i was just on the webcam and had the weirdest experience... i would get 5 seconds of time then the other person that was on it would get like 5 sec then i would get another 5 then the time would reset. this person was expierenced on the webcam, wondering if it was ny1 on here
  9. there opening the small stair set for tom saw it on the web cam i pray they put up the inverted rainbow
  10. yeah i loved the old plaza... They new one is way 2 high up, it needs to be more flat. Bear wont keep that there tho bcuz thats where the kid's learn first, bfor the carpet lift.
  11. Yessssssssssssss i missed this rail plz put it up the first week
  12. k2wwwkid


    i heard a rumor going around in my skool that bear is pushing to open in november just the park and 1 chairlift i hope that this is true by the end of november big boulder will b toltally open
  13. Look on their web cam its all filled in Thank god bears pipe sucked they did one cut on it then the walls would curve out cuz of newbs that dont go all the way to the top but i do give bear props for trying to put that thing in front of it but it just wasnt happening
  14. well if i want bloody balls i know where to go
  15. y is the long flat bar in the ground like 10 feet under ?????
  16. it would be sick if bear could do a carpet thing in the summer it wouldn't cost that much and if they opened in friday and sat i'm sure they would get a good amount of people out to ride it
  17. me and my friend were planing a trip to big boulder we have off of school and we want to get up there early we were wondering if they count it as a holiday or wat time they open
  18. the only reason they r doin pondskiming next weekend is so they can close in the middle of the week if needed
  19. i thought that we'd have a new park today in tubin i dont see it??
  20. im miss their old buffalo chicken cheese steaks this year they sux strait up the chicken is nasty thats cuz it isnt all chicken i dont think i think they mix pork and turkey in there i'd also like to see monster they have it up in the trails end??
  21. no i think that the rollercoaster got raped i just saw the inverted rainbow back near the pond after where they keep the groomer please put in the inverted rainbow
  22. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo are you talking about the double rainbow or the dragon/inverted or i've heard some people call it the rollercoaster
  23. yes this weekend will be packed with noobs if you guys do work on the parks tonite adding anything could it please be the inverted/dragon/u or w/e u wanna call it
  24. i see that nice an A-frame and the drop flow in blackbear but i dont see my fav rail the dragon or inverted rainbow
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