Considering I started this little war going on between sno and elk, I thought I would add my opinion on the whole thing.
I have been skiing at Elk for nearly my entire life (although that is not very long), but have been to almost every mountain in eastern pa at least once, including sno a couple times and blue probably a couple dozen. I mingled in junior racing for a little and now teach there on my winter break, so needless to say im very attached to the place. However, they could be in a little trouble if they do not get their act together and recognize sno as being a huge player in the pa ski industry and their main competitor. I always get pissed at the 'locals' that always cry that there are actually other people on the mountain other than them, and then bit#h about them not blowing any snow or opening any trails. I agree that a huge portion of the mountains business is their die-hard skiers and people going there for the charm, but a huge money maker is ski lessons, and if you dont have any new blood and new skiers, you wont have any lessons, and will lose a ton of money.
I think their management is torn themselves; they try to maintain their 'skiing in vermont' attitude yet want to make money. The snowmaking has greatly improved the last couple of years, they now will actually blow on more than one trail at a time and have opened a lot of terrain quickly the last few seasons, which is a far cry from even a few years ago when they would be happy with 2/3 of the mountain open in mid February. I know they have a lot of plans for improvements; a whole new snowmaking pond is actually on the agenda, if and when it gets done is anyones guess. There have been rumors of a high speed lift for a year now, and they have a huge amount of land to expand onto (on the east side/ south mountain) if they ever buy the land, which could have happened a while ago if the mountain's owner wasnt an a##hole to the people a generation ago.
All in all, elk is getting more modern, but they seem to still be stuck in the middle: appease to their very loyal but sometimes delusional season pass holders, or try and get more day-trippers and beginners to come and bring with them much needed money to improve and stay competitive. The next few years will be very interesting in what happens to elk, whether sno is a success or not, elk has some decisions it needs to make.
-(End of rant)