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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. I posted about this awhile back in another thread but this is a tit for tat kinda dealio. The real question is why PCMR didn't handle their business and maintain there leases.
  2. I wear flip flops every single day for the last 10 or so years. The only exceptions are court and funerals. Cheap flops generally suck and don't last very long. I had a pair of redley's that lasted almost three years. They were the greatest flops every but they are from Brazil and no longer sell in the US. Olukai makes really good flops, the current pair I have is going on a year which is pretty good. I like the mic fanning pro from reef but they only last me about 4 months. Kukui makes nice shit too and they used to have a vibram flip flop which sounds stupid but I do alot of hiking in flip flops.
  3. I got five on it so that's a solid 6 dollars.....
  4. It's not tech gear, it's not 3 layer goretex, its resort look at these crazy colors gear you paid 150 bucks for. I have ten tech jackets and they are great but to rock groomers at Blue or Ajax you don't need 20/20. I have a FD outfit and so does my buddy Andy, its not the best gear by a long shot but it's held up reasonably well and I paid $150. I've had way worse stuff from Sessions or Orage. It takes different strokes......
  5. I agree on everything but the last part his gear is solid and cheap.
  6. Ease up players it's a joke, it's meant to be funny, it's parody for the summer doldrums. I can't believe someone actually wrote back as if it was a legal argument. LOL This is a skiing message board in which 3 months time most of the people posting shit on each other are going to be drinking beers in a parking lot and focusing on what's important in life, beer and skiing. Don't turn this into some super serious circle jerk, the response I was looking for was maybe a lol with some kind of update on his posting status. This online thing is a game, a way to entertain and maybe spread some info, it shouldn't become a point of division. I get it, I understand maybe you don't like GSS or something he said but it's just the internet, its just 10 of the same dudes chattering to each other. Why not keep it easy ? Why not be more sparring with the ban hammer ? If you don't like what has been said make it known and let the peeps work it out, all the ban hammer accomplishes is having this crap slow burn for months. PS I love everyone, I would consider giving you a kidney if necessary....LOL
  7. My client has recently informed me of a grave, miscarriage of justice, one so foul and putrid we can no longer proceed in silence. There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels…upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all. Approx 1 week ago Mr. GSS allegedly used the term "sandy vagina" in reference to another member. At no time did he actually believe this member had one, a vagina, or two sand in the aforementioned vagina. Rather the term sandy vagina is protected speech under Title 12 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Communications Decency Act and Anthony DiMeo, III v. Tucker Max as it is made by a known 3rd party, not using a telecommunications device as defined under 47 USC 223 and is of a satirical nature. In response to this my client has suffered under the onerous weight of mod preview, in what only can be described as a willful and knowing desire to inflict further emotional pain my client has been unable to get any posts past the so called "mod" preview. This process has become a vindictive and malicious attempt to silence my client. This is preposterous, outrageous, egregious. Mr. GSS is a fine upstanding gentlemen, a scholar, a spitter of hot beats and runs a pedophile skiing rehabilitation program as evidenced by his work with a one, IwantIceCream. In addition to his service within the LV he has an extensive and productive relationship with PASR. Although we are confident that damages would be returned, my client being the man that he is, has requested that we limit our complaint only to the restoration of positing rights. What say you fellow posters ? Do you support the tyrannical reign of malicious mod's, hell bent on preserving their power and authority ? Or do you stand with your common man, the eagle of American freedom, the cheese on your Mc Double one Grilled Steeze Sandwich ? The choice is yours but remember history is watching.......
  8. Its like a carbon copy of blue, same vert, similar crowd, very similar layout. I was only there once, I had to pass Spanish 101 and 201 in college and there was a girl from Peru I had to date that lived in Schenectady.
  9. Shitty SICK BIRD!
  10. I'm just fucking with you, it's summer nothing should be taken all that seriously.
  11. You got some lungs dude that's a haul.
  12. Set ? You mean uneducated and without a redeeming quality for non rednecks. Shit that isn't fair to rednecks, I know alot of rednecks that love philly. The anti-philly element of PA are ignorant retards that lack refinement and culture. Philadelphia is a great city, a gem on the EC, those that believe otherwise are doing themselves a disservice. Yeeehaw billy lets go spend all our frackin money on ugly ass strippers in wellsborough and then buy another 1956 Ford dualie so we can bitch about gas being 4$ a gallon while we get .4mpg. PA is a great state but half of the people that live here are straight up willful retards that don't know anything about anything that doesn't exist 5mins from where they shit. Succession bullshit is fantasy land crap in which all of you problems stem from that which gives you the ability to bitch about those problems in the first place. WTF is northern CO or VT going to do on their own. Shit VT can't pay the bills without fed money as it is yet these types think the state will magically shit cheese money or whatever the second you make the feds go away. Never mind the 1000000x bigger issues of trade agreements, security and wtf you do about borders. Will NH honor bs VT passports when they all flock to the rock pile, shit will it even be worth the hassle of building some kind of customs facilities ? None of this shit gets thought out, its all bs, a simple delusion to solve all of life's problems. Gov't is the price we pay for having someone to blame.
  13. Griffith is black domed though the building looks similar. It kinda looks like Palomar.....I'm going lick on Mount Hamilton but that's only because I know alot of people ride up Mt. Hamilton.
  14. I knew about Glacier but that's just crazy amounts of people considering where you are. They all come from Missoula and up 93 ? (i think that is the right road) You learn new things everyday.
  15. Downhill mtn biking. Sib's hill is kinda in the boonies I was wondering if they did alot of summer business. That was my question, thanks.
  16. Do they run downhill or something ? Interesting that they leave cars on the line.
  17. Johnny Law

    Boots advice

    Lange is 98mm last unless they changed it recently, where alot of slippers are in the 100 range. Nordica always works with the flatter fatter feet crowd, myself included. Head had or has an adjustable last boot, 98-108 if I remember right, kind of an interesting idea.
  18. I vote leave it up, according to the link he's on borrowed time anyways and the video above is a solid 10. Quality post JS.
  19. Johnny Law

    Boots advice

    Get whatever feels good on your feet. Feet are so weird but way too may people rocking 130 plug boots because they are hardcore and end up only skiing 15mins whereas the dude in the 90 flex slippers goes bell to bell. Not a knock on anyone just saying.
  20. Whatever you do don't go both are just terrible. You would be much better off at Deer Valley or Park City.
  21. How do you like the KONA ? I only ride a bike like a noob but it does interest me, I have a hook up on KONA's. Disclosure: All I know about my current bike is that's its black and it only has one working gear and the brakes only kind of work, particularity when my giant kid is on the back. Women for some reason they love to grow useless quantities of herbs you can buy at the store.....now if it was herbs you can't buy at the store.......
  22. There is the law and then there is the "law", VT has been herb friendly for as long as I can remember. Five mins on Church and somebody will ask if your looking. All this is, is confirmation of the situation on the ground as it has existed for 40 years there. Now they certainly did bust people for simple possession but its not like your going up to Stowe and going to see things crazy different. Additionally this isn't a money thing, VT peeps really value their identity and part of that identity is doing things differently and what they believe to be correctly relative to the rest of the nation. Burlington being Burlington there was a large occupy protest during which someone was killed. I don't think it had anything to do with the protests but regardless the police wanted to come in to investigate and this was obviously a big fucking to do with the protesters so as a ruckus is developing the mayor of Burlington goes to the protest and ya know actually talks to them. Sure enough everything is worked out and nobody gets a billy club to the face. These type of events are a testament to who they are and their willingness to put their ideas to the test, VT to it's credit generally walks the walk. I think you have the wrong quote Ride, shadows comment I'm guessing says he doesn't see the medical value in Cannabis. The scientific literature disagrees but it's certainly not a settled question.
  23. I own at least 3 or 4 pairs of ski's I didn't pay more than 50$ for, quality shit too. A pair of Goat's, B Squad 104, rc4 WC GS, etc. If you are looking for something let me know and I'll keep my ears open. Shit just go on TGR and outfit yourself on the super cheap.
  24. I don't get the elk slob job, its a decent hill but it's all straight down the fall line dipsy doodle and your back on the lift. The only one with some legit turns is Tioga to West slope which is all noob style. Blue has better trails in Switchback, Dreamweaver, the knob has even better skiing in general. Elk is just ok and its sure as hell not worth 1000$, there is no mtn in PA worth a 1000$. Buy and epic pass and use the leftover 600 bucks for gas to CO.
  25. Sickbird !! Looks so good....super jealous.
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