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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. That whole intersection is dumb but they seem to love having the steepest fastest sections of the hill dump out into something dumb. Coming Soon is prett flat until the bottom pitch which dumps straight out onto their number 1 beginner trail, specifically the corner they most like to stop and scratch their balls in. Lest we forget the most interesting part of side dumps into a multi way interchange as well. Cutting trails that way is faster and cheaper to bump the count but as Killy and other found out it creates lots of crashes and now they've ripped most of them out. Ideally Burma would go the other way around the ski patrol building or they remove that issue entirely and have separate lanes back to the lifts. Even more ideally you figure out a logical base area configuration but before that you gotta figure out what to do with the base itself etc etc etc.....this also basically is the same issue with all the roads in the NE.
  2. Was super sweet to get back at it and not work this morning. I was impressed with how much they got out of last night, I thought pdis may need more time but it's pretty much exactly last weekend. Guns were on too long and there are some slick spots, down the gut on midway is like wet marble but lower was pretty good. Christmas week will be mad interesting unless they limit tickets
  3. They got them all going now, Vista should be prime Thursday....at the very least we can say they really did all they could so far
  4. And now is the winter of our discontent.....weather is total shit fuck, like 7 inches of rain and more days at 60 than 30.... get your shit together December....
  5. It's like someone thought you know how a monoski is like if you sucked all the joy out of skiing and made it way more sketchy....what could be even worse than that?
  6. You guys are seriously underselling the hilariousness that is pdis, we were on the 2nd chair behind Oz and it was like a really good Norm McDonald joke, so bad it's like instantly hilarious. Free fall was rotd, up top was all super low key feel like a king and then kapow half bumps half rando piles and pleebs down in the hole. It's all loose, water down the hill skiing and the bad good is one of the best conditions at blue. Bonus points for the single file luge runout with even more pleebs down in the hole. Mad props for them having the stones to open dis and free fall no sign. All season when it's minty fresh they have that experts sign but the one time it's kinda approaching it that fucker was collecting dust in the shed. Today was perfect in it's craptacularness which is what blue is all about
  7. Agreed but experts only fast grass and it does go....ski it like your 17 it's 3am and your sneaking back into your parents house.
  8. Gotta be a real fixer upper with some expensive fixes as that's pretty cheap even for slowkemo. The difference being the ones at Alta are cool and in big years you can ski right on to the roof of the one coming out of Catherine's.
  9. I think they probably lost too much there, it gets pretty flat so it wouldn't surprise me if it was a bit of a lake after the rain. Not enough new snow to make it deep and wide so now it's just weirdly narrow.
  10. Lower lazy has no snow, considering the weather and how narrow lower Burma is pdis would be a Christmas miracle...... Today was super dope, really good weather and crew. Snow was way better than I thought, best snow is on homestretch get out there and farm those noodle turns. Its currently 56 at my house, its just amazing they are even open at all never mind the endless delusions of grandeur....when is razors going to open ? 🙄🙄🙄🙄
  11. They still have the fan guns on, you can see the rainbow being generated on the Vista cam. Mad props for trying it's gotta be near 40 there.
  12. Upper sort of does the same but they really need come around park to split the traffic. Plus it tends to be a place of congregation which works out for everyone.
  13. I'll be up tomorrow morning and sat/sun....gotta go the blue way expect nothing and you have a chance to be politely surprised.
  14. They made some fast grass last night but I'm still hopeful for upper or something. Just throw up some lollipops and let it rip.... still major props for having the guns on they can't be getting much if anything now
  15. Highlands is one of the best anywhere enjoy !!!!
  16. So dope to wake up and the guns are still on, fucking blow that place superstar deep....... tonight is supposed to be a bit warmer but that should give them 3 nights where they can blow.
  17. Negative only was down as my daughter was performing at Epcot. I did ride Guardians which was dope af and velcicoaster which is the best roller coaster I've ever been on. It was cool but now I would really prefer if it got cold.
  18. They got a dusting which covers up how much they lost yesterday. Fucking blows to come home to 60 degrees monsoon weather. Pdis after that shit would be a legit Christmas miracle
  19. I'm in Florida so it should be pretty good tomorrow for sure.
  20. Fucking soooo boring with no skiing ......its like we got all dolled up, went out, shit it was even in and then bam the roommate is home......
  21. With them closed tomorrow we had to get two days worth of shenanigans in a single day. I 1000% agree, BMDI, PPH, whatever and CBI has a new dinner menu apparently. Dirtwolf has eaten at mad places in Palmerton that I've always wanted to eat at but no 1 on my list is Bert's steakhouse.
  22. Today was le tits, good snow and super nice to hang out. So nice I didn't get home until 530 and just woke up from my post skiing nap. Shame they are closing tomorrow but it does make complete sense.
  23. Rode the night shift with Dirty and Edge, Mute and little boo were also in the house, killing it. 50% gorillas in the mist but it was shockingly good. Midway was a soft field of large lady lumps and the apron had nice smoothness to get the wiggle on. One of the best openings I think, just a super good night and my lord is the world a better place with skiing. The beer fairy even left me a ice cold beverage, as good as it gets for December 1st. Cannot wait to do it again tomorrow
  24. I'm going to have to ride in the rain due to work must be the most stoked to ever ride in the rain.
  25. Agreed, plus on ig/tik tok your place only has to look cool to bring mad peeps in the place. Guaranteed the ROI on the space lights is super high......whereas the new fancy lift.........
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