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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. That is behind my uncles machine shop in rofo, its three phase so I would have to get an electrician out to run shit to my house so for the time being we just use it there. I have some good friends who run some shops and one told me at the end of last year they were going to scrap some machines they pretty much never used. Buddy called me and my cousin a few months back and said if we paid 300$ to get it freighted it was ours, done deal. Its older but pretty much unused, the belts didn't even have wax on them, with a little TLC fucker runs great. Base work is stupid simple now we just have to figure out how to sharpen edges, it came with this guide plate but it doesn't work as well as we would like. Think we are going to rig up a spring system. Excellent pick up. EDIT: I'm a dumbass and uploaded a microscopic picture
  2. So far so good, patience is the key early season. Too much cold now and not enough later... the EC is a fickle little bitch so I'd gladly exchange some Nov warmness for a sustained January.
  3. Montana machine Will try to post some pictures, pretty much up and running as of last night. Now we can base grind, edge work, base weld, sidewall fix etc etc. Now all I gotta do is get a rotto cork, my skis won't know what the fuck is up previous to this endeavour they got a tune once every 5 years unless I dry docked them and then it was throw down some ptex and roll out.
  4. Love it dude, living the dream...well the dream has a helicopter but that's not really relevant.
  5. I can do Nov 2
  6. Good luck dude, hopefully they can get it turned around. I admit to being one of the big your fucked people and you are fucked but I hope by some miracle things turn around and you guys stay open. Chapter 11 can be good if its done correctly.
  7. This, plus they weigh terrain equally with the off hill services like daycare and whatnot. For many people that is not a equal conversion but that's why DV scores so high....they do have very nice off hill shit and when it snows your fighting like 10 peeps for snow. Still small flat hill with alot of attitude.
  8. Theme song of whatever tool puts this shit together every year....not that there is anything wrong with that of course.
  9. The racing money seems to make all the difference, Copper really upped the Super Bee area complex with all those dolo's. hahaha maybe I have that remembered wrong but I do believe they added a ton of snow making equip and such. As for the PA peeps, early cold is generally bad, only virgins want it short and sweet. Skiing is a marathon, sustained cold for the NE is what we really need. Additionally as a matter of house keeping there is an entire second half of our state that is far higher, colder and snowier than the eastern sliver. Elk mtn ain't got shit on the Knob or even the Laurel Highlands for that matter.
  10. Or he could just wear black like 10 billion other fuckers. Skiing is very serious business......LOL
  11. Like a siren's song, Highland is boss...more places should do a similar deal and leave some real nice shit hike to.
  12. SLOWKEMO - fuck though at the moment I would ski at Spring Mtn........
  13. In NO Oct 21 through ? so not looking good for me.
  14. What kind of donkey ? Like a full size one.......... I'm not saying for good, I'm saying you take a pill and now you got some nice tits. Then in like an hour or something everything is back to normal. Shit would sell out.....stuck in traffic with nothing to do....................... and its titty time. LOL
  15. Never liked bolt on's, a very few implants are done well but most are a fucking hack job. Little tits are good too, symmetry and proportionality are way more important than straight up size. Hahaha on Dougie.....I think most men would get tits if they say had a pill you could take and get tits for an hour. They really are that much fun.
  16. You could live in PA where skiing groomers is the entire season....LOL
  17. Baffin is as far north as still somewhat sane people go. It is home to the worlds most vertical cliffs and therefore coulie's, it haunts my mind's eye. Huge, beautiful, remote and more dangerous its my life's goal ski place. Baffin is my white whale.....
  18. A$$pen with a Taos, Ride, Durango extension, fuck that's right its purgatory now or some other stupid shit. Maybe Tahoe for Christmas, maybe Jackson....to be fair my maybe list is pretty long... We got a Baffin trip planned but that isn't for a couple years, gotta get someone to throw down some $$$.
  19. Purple has been associated with royalty and nobility since the Phoenicians were collecting that shit from sea snails. Purple is a glorious color...now if I could only find pants.
  20. Good for skiing, bad for everything else....if the Yakima Valley was too cold that like 90% of us grown hops alone....what use is skiing without beer
  21. God speed good man!
  22. What do you need ?
  23. Sick Bird ! I got some free shit, florescent green goggles and some hoodies......I want to get a pair of Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot with a custom Buddha graphic but I probably don't need any more skis.
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