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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. No, just no I was watching it too because I am a nerd as well. The real problem is its early season so people aren't respecting that shit because they are all hungry for powder. The pack is shallow so they want to find spots were you aren't going to dry dock which means shaded, upper elevation. Ground facets are easy to spot and people should have known as the temp gradients and a shallow pack are classic conditions......this shit is going to stick around for awhile which is maybe even worse. RIP JP, you were the man
  2. Congrats Ride, sounds like your in for a hell of a winter...now go buy a split board.
  3. Congrats Moe! Way to realize a dream, the shangri la in the woods is awesome.
  4. 11.5 holy shit, either your riding Markers (lol) or I'm really old lol I knew a dude at Bear they called the doctor, made about six trillion jump turns every 100 yards. A serious muscle rider for sure, he ran 916 ninja lab's at 16 across the board......would have been better off bolting his boots directly to the boards.
  5. For along time they didn't think they had enough countries involved, essentially it would have been a NA dominated event. Back in the day I was super into this, I thought it could really help skiing. I think now its less important in a strictly American sense as the explosion in this style of skiing has been at least to me very impressive.
  6. Its funny how long this took, shit like 2002 people started working...good to see they have realized the dream.
  7. That's such a cop out for the vast majority of parents, I'm not saying you personally I don't know you well enough and you seem to get out alot but for most people its an excuse to sit around and be lazy. It certainly gets more difficult but if you really want to do shit you'll find/make time. I have a 2 year old, commute 100 miles to work and ski 60-70 days a year and play hockey 3-4 times a week.
  8. UT, it may not be the most popular place on here but it is by far the most consistent of the continental U.S. places. You haven't skied until you've skied nipple deep 4%. Park city fucking blows, relatively speaking I don't know why so many people go to UT and then fuck the whole thing up by spending time at Park City. 9990 at the Canyons is good but the rest of the hill is pretty shitty, DV is for old ladies. Basin and Pow Mow are worth the trip outside LCC/BCC and Sundance can be.
  9. I heard it was due to some kind of fuck up in the planning stage, apparently they were planning some kind of mid station and then realized it wasn't going to work or it was against the law or something crazy so they had to put in the double turn. Additionally there was some kind of trail/wind issue so the return line was like 9 miles from the haul portion. It also had two piece lift towers which is a big no no in the freeze/thaw VT. Generally you aren't supposed to ride a chair around the bull wheel on a fixed grip because the hanger actually releases so to speak so the added weight can unseat the chair. As far as I know there was no other lift like it in NA. The turns were actually kind of awesome because they were so violent...I only saw someone get tossed once though which was kind of disappointing..... EDIT: Found a great thread about the lift, I was only kind of accurate LOL - http://www.skilifts.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=9049
  10. Ahh good catch....regardless it was a glorious chair and perhaps the only one in NA with two left turns on two bull wheels
  11. YOU'LL BE DEAD !!!!! Did you ever see the ass puckering steeps of mouse trap ? Can you imagine the fear that will invade your consciousness as you muster up all your courage to peer over the edge of the gnar that is Bunny Buster ? The Snowdon poma will rip your gonads from your body and add them to the ever growing pile of testicles stolen by its mechanical maw. Such peril, such danger...I weep for the good souls lost to such a mighty lift...... Killington is the BEAST OF THE EAST!!!!!! Seriously, I heard they ripped out the North Ridge chair....super sad, everyone knew it was coming but that may have been the greatest chair in NA if you award points for jocularity and retard design.....
  12. ON3P, thats nice dude, let us know what you think not too many people have a pair.
  13. x2 Models are all relatively consistent, the outliers say maybe 20" for central PA though I think they are still working with December type ground and water temps because that's a 10/1 ratio. I'm bullish on this one but nobody really knows as PA has relatively little October snow data.
  14. READING !!!
  15. Apple was a place near Allentown, my parents were there. Crystal Ridge was some tiny place near Virginville that my grandparents would go to. I remember vaguely a place in Chester or West Chester that is now a farm.....LOL PA your 50vert farm could also be a ski area!
  16. LOL I fucking knew it.
  17. Its a NY Metro thing, think Spring Mtn but for NY instead of Philly.
  18. Bridger for sure and check out Lost Trail, sick mtn, its the Powder Mtn of Montana. Also Turner is only open on the weekends & Friday, so if it snows on Tuesday you know where to be if you want pow three days later.
  19. That hurts, I remember the TR thinking you guys would get eyeball deep pow...alas that is the PNW, feast or famine..... Ut is due, the last few have been decent but nothing crazy....
  20. Accuweather sucks balls, I swear they have some deal with the grocery industry to hype bs so Suzie and Dick Chapstick buy up all the bread and milk. NOAA on the other hand is filled with actual scientists who know what they are talking about Link - http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2011/20111020_winteroutlook.html Relevant for PA "If enough cold air and moisture are in place, areas north of the Ohio Valley and into the Northeast could see above-average snow" I think the AO is going to bomb out super negative and the NAO is going to set up block for Jan and Feb, combine that with the extra moisture from GW and best season in a long time.
  21. I don't think anyone here is actually hoping for the end of Sno but lets be frank Sno doesn't have the best track record. The not having the electricity on deal is not a sign of a healthy bottom line particularly when your leasing land to a 3rd party that requires electricity. This isn't anyone here's first ride on the merry go round, I hope they got some $$ and the place actually makes money but I wouldn't invest that's for sure. For you sake I hope they make dump trucks full of money and I'm dead before Sno is.
  22. If you work at SR or something of that caliber the discussion is totally different, you could still be a dick but not for Blue Mtn type reasons. LOL I know of a place in PA were a liftie was riding around the bull wheel (big no-no most places) not paying attention and the chair dumped him about 30ft to the ground. "Patrol" took 15mins to get to him and then fucked up getting him in a toboggan twice. When the ambulance arrived they told the dudes that he had no neck or back injuries just a broken leg which wasn't remotely accurate. Dude ended up being fine, I still ride with him occasionally but not all ski patrols are created equally particularly at smaller mtns.
  23. You blew a femur right ? Did they freak out ? My cousin snapped his at Mt. Snow and the first lady that showed up almost passed out after yelling about the femoral artery for five minuets. Its certainly a difficult job but it doesn't really help when the person that is supposed to help you is having a major melt down. I'm ok with the slow skiing as long as they used some common sense, Monday night at 9:30 when there are literally 5 people in the whole place is a fine time for some speed on Paradise, Saturday at noon is not.
  24. I'm using the horn for every post now.......this place is going to die, its only a matter of time. Federal tax liens and business's coming after you for 60k is how it always starts. The mtn always says nothing is wrong we just turned off all electricity for three weeks to help al gore save polar bears but inevitably it all ends with the mtn closing, maybe not this year or next (depends on how deep the pockets are) but Sno is on death row for sure.
  25. That trail and dream weaver with some variations actually have a really nice design.
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