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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. some models moving west with more QPF still better than that r word
  2. That's a cool shot, thanks
  3. Gabl's is ill The are in between Gabl's and Canyon is redic though bring a partner/avy gear. Hemispheres is awesome if your one of the first 100 Be careful around those big ass trees, beautiful but deadly
  4. Johnny Law

    Skis stolen at Elk

    I weld mine straight to the rack, kinda tough to remove but no way is anyone stealing them
  5. looks sick what area is that at about 38 seconds in ?
  6. 2" near Reading, shame there wasn't more low water content snow for PA. Hopefully this one Tuesday drops a bomb.
  7. This was linked from BC facebook....lulz
  8. Your in luck I'm stuck here in PA until next weekend at the earliest (Idaho trip coming together) so if you head north life should be good.
  9. One behind it for early next week, way way way too early to tell but somebody between Charlotte and Boston is getting 12 or maybe it just ends up in the ocean. lulz
  10. Johnny Law

    Elk 1/5/10

    No...just no, Elk is like VT or NH if it stopped snowing and all the mtns got way shitier. Blue Knob is light years ahead of Elk, 7 Springs probably is too.
  11. The change in the place over the last ten years is incredible.....shame DENREC is more interested in where dogs are shitting and if you actually fishing with your surf tag.
  12. Oh shit Baker is the coolest...soo fucking jealous
  13. Cool shit man, next time I see you at Blue we have to discuss the sit and spray technique. If you know how to do it right 6" can look like 6 feet... a true powder magazine stalwart. Lulz seriously looks like a hell of a good time.
  14. This one is fucked because all the models say different shit, with the luck I've been having lately just go where I'm not. If I say in PA it will nuke NE, if I go to NE it will nuke in PA. lulz just one of those years.
  15. R2D2 back in the house !! Your the tedski of PASR, love it.
  16. I heard about this a few years ago, my recollection is marker got sued by some dude in Colorado but I can't remember what happened. There is a problem mechanically with springs when they are used at the lowest end of their settings, I don't know a whole lot about markers as I believe they are better used for door stops but the upper level models have a different forward pressure system than comparable solly's. The bigger thing is if god forbid something did happen do you want that kind of shit on your gourd, it could have nothing to do with the binding but still that thought would be in your head. Its like my uncle said about fixing his three legged cat, every time I thought about seeing Mindy Mindy Mindy rocking three legs it would just remind me of how cheap I am.
  17. Maybe I have to figure out where my usb cable is and get it off the phone.
  18. Landing is further down, while trying to figure out the video on my phone I took some pictures.
  19. VT was the worst I'd had seen it in Dec maybe since 07, stowe is fucked every crossover is like the Sherbie in May. Killy is better but still pretty shitty. Jay true to its image did have some snow left. Better snow soon or things will get really bad. Still had fun and even found some drops at Jay. Snow around Andre's was maybe 4 - 5ft deep so we could both drop this though most of the other woods were thin. Looks like it might snow this week, thank god.
  20. Used to happen to me all the time until I learned that a task killer will sometimes cause phresheez to force stop. I have a Droid X and advanced task killer would pop in like every day and kill a few hours of the day, uninstalled three days ago and it hasn't lost anything.
  21. No its true there is a study some where I remember posting it.....lots of kids slide out reaching for the bar.
  22. Nothing here, No VT until Weds and my back is seriously fucked.....not a great start to my week. Lets hope things improve and Blue gets some.
  23. Ten Fidy is incredible though kinda hard to find around here.
  24. I'll be there 8:30 to 11:30 with my buddy, think I'll start the day with a founders breakfast stout
  25. That's awesome on the trails thanks guys, Toast 52mph on upper main st....damn maybe I need to wax my boards or just get better at skiing but that's pretty close to what I think the limit would be on that trail. 52mph=76fps upper main st is around 1700ft so 22seconds some math and terminal velocity on the slope would be around 117f/s. 76 out of 117 is pretty fucking good.
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