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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. It feels like off a cliff kinda start but fuck like 1/4 of that would be serious serious early season titty sparkles.
  2. We match homie and as far as 1 ski thats my favorite. If you want to get rid of those 193's I'll pay a premium... some for style and some for ownership history
  3. It happened twice no ? I remember the first time it was hyper cold for a couple days and I expected some whales but shit was still brown. Nothing major but temps are starting to improve a little in the forecast
  4. You can't hold out like that...what did you get ?????
  5. Last year they got super lucky iirc it was a narrow window to get anything open and then it got super sketch before the slow addition of trails but I distinctly recall us mentioning had they not gone hard in that first shot it would have taken another couple weeks.
  6. It's hard watching the other places get cold and snowy and Tuesday it's supposed to be nearly 70. It will get cold but every year I feel like I get more and more impatient but even dec 1 is a good start.
  7. What I'm most impressed with is that must be a North Korea level lock down on the thermostat. Like my daughter would ninja that shit back up to 71 no time flat.
  8. I saw some areas already got big dumps that buried their snow stakes ! I dont know why we even ask blue because the answer is always the same, be it the endless peeps asking when sidewinder is opening or this thing where they picked a number out of a hat......when it gets cold. If it's witches titty two weeks from now they open and if not they don't. The best weather peeps can do is say next month it's likely to be warmer or cooler than avg and maybe give you temps 10 days out. Sometimes the slow start years make up for it at the end, I'd trade two weeks of wrod for some legit storms any year.
  9. That's a super dope video, many moons ago there is a Peggy O TR where we skied the Wright Ski Trail though I remember it being alot more brown. That totally goes, I would say that's beyond fast grass and into actual skiing. I don't care what anyone says Killy even in their coke fueled bright lights ASC days has been and continues to have skiing at its core. Mad places would not attempt such Tom foolery, shit there are tons of places that don't open until 50"+ has fallen from the ski but Killy keeps it real......it's 29 turn the fucking snow cone machines on and the moment we can get a plausible amount of snow down it's kick the tires and light the fires and shits off
  10. AC is one of the coolest, weirdest and shitiest places on earth.. I've never been anywhere else like it so in its own way it is very unique.
  11. It's the Sunshine mtn.... short shots but a fun mtn and super close maybe 4hrs from the lv
  12. Its the crossroads, on the way to everything, cool cool I'll hit you up.
  13. The back row is dope if the plane is pretty much empty or the isle donkey is hot and flirty. One time on the way to England a dude had a heart attack so they wrapped him up and stuck him across the back row like a Christmas tree.
  14. I'm out next weekend but if anyone wants to get some beers or eat I'm through the LV almost once a week and in the Philly area all the time....hmu
  15. Yooooooooo bust that bad boy out, that year was a good one and cold af if I remember right.
  16. I'm clearly the out lier but I want to turn the heat on in September, Tromso has like a foot of snow already. That would be impossibly dooopppeee.
  17. 99% of that stuff is vinyl with a carbon fiber print on top. Real carbon fiber parts are expensive AF and in general you need to be in something spendy or has spendy parts plus has to actually move fast rather than look fast. Generally you can tell because real CF has better depth but some of the vinyl is very good.
  18. An email never hurts and who knows what will happen but if needed there is always a gummy stone in my car. I would think it's a combo, generally aluminum holds a crappy edge and would be more prone to deformation as its strength isn't great. You have to ask someone smarter than me but as you move up the hardness scale it gets more brittle so you dont actually want something super super hard. You could probably do it with some kind of alloy but it would be way too expensive for minimal weight savings. With reasonable care rust isn't normally an issue obviously tp4's was prior to him obtaining possession.
  19. Gummy stone or half a run in the sand and it will be gone. Hate when stuff shows up like that but like 10 mins in the right environment and there is some rust on the edges.
  20. I can put a gofundme together to get you sleeves....... tomorrow night it could get in the 30's in the LV, we are getting closer now. Deer are cool but also suck, I've had 3 interactions with deer and cars, two they fucking ran into me and the other one his ass was camped out on 322 like he was eating berries. Plus Lyme sucks hairy ballsack....I guess my problem is we need a predator of the deer.
  21. I think Nmski may have the inside line on an open +1
  22. I heard Windham has a members only club now.... my first question is does it come with one of those jackets from the 80's but second presuming it's some kind of loot who wants to spend loot to be a member at Windham ? That's like being a member at Arby's though on second thought that would be funny.
  23. I just came here because I saw the video on the front page of reddit and figured out why you where there. Fucking unreal dude, the visuals are mind blowing, to have that kind of scale is like when you take drugs in your dreams in the future. Fucking wild, you gotta give the deets when I see you next. The whole This Never Happened gang in there would be unreal !!!
  24. I'm there ! Thanks dude, I'm more of a pita guy but I can do wraps too
  25. You guys are pretty much at the start of the first Hangover, enjoy !
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