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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. I had a couple of really good days up there last year, the day before Valentine's or Valentine's can't remember, was pretty sweet. The best thing is that it is a good place to stop on the way to the bigger stuff in NEK. .....PASR should throw together a Jackson or UT trip together, the hostel in Jackson is cool and cheap and ECer's go ape shit when they get out there. I remember when then UVM kids from TGR went to Jackson and just charged off of everything, be warned though they all moved out there after graduation.
  2. NOAH doesn't think so Oct-Nov-December Temperature: Oct-Nov-December Precipitation: Nov-December-January Temperature: Nov-December-January Precipitation: December-January-February Temperature: December-January-February Precipitation: January-February-March Temperature: January-February-March Precipitation: February-March-April Temperature: February-March-April Precipitation: If these pan out, it's gonna rawk again in the PNW.
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