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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Mountain Creek in NJ sounds perfect for you, seriously though JH is better though Steamboat isn't just for families. Steamboat has really nice trees and Christmas Tree Bowl and the chutes are decent. Though not really in the same league as JH.
  2. I don't get that at all, I mean what the f&*k is barking bear ? They really should change there names to something more apt like Pink Flamingos or Angry Butterflies.
  3. I haven't been to Windham but I really liked Belleayre. Hunter bumps up and has some steepness to it but IMHO it is designed kind of stupid. The whole mountain is on top of itself and it leads to the a very crowded feeling when there aren't that many people. Belleayre has bumps and a decent park and has a much better layout and if I remember right midstation unloading on at least one lift. Belleayre is generally open a little later (maybe a week or two) though watch out for the burgers in the caf, only time in my life I have ever eaten something and gotten sick.
  4. I thought alot of people didn't get there 5 mountain pass yet. Though I am probably 100% wrong and my friends are just lazy. Dude I will be at Loveland this weekend if they open, if you see someone with a PASR sticker say hi.
  5. A Basin opened today and you got all this for 45$ Truly EPIC!! A Basin rocks but ^^ sucks I think I would wait for Loveland First ski area to open in the nation for two years running Arapahoe Basin, Colorado
  6. Or the summit double at Soli, on one particular day they had to keep stopping the lift as empty chairs were crashing into the lift towers.
  7. If it ever is what they say it will be, bums we be a plenty myself included. Did the provence throw money down for an airport? I thought in the never ending Jumbo conversation it was established that a larger airport was going in but I could be totally wrong. Anyone know?
  8. Rumors have had this happening for years but it has finally happened, Revelstoke would over cat, heli and lift skiing all from one village and North America's longest vert. at 6000ft. I'm sure some of this is condo sales bs (real estate is going crazy in Reve right now) but I saw the plans and the construction and this place has the potential to be huge, like larger than Whistler huge. I skied with Powder Cats several times and they have fantastic terrain. You get in the cat at the dinky Powder Springs ski area, climb several thousand feet, and then do 2,000 laps up high while looking across the river at the CMH Monoshees' terrain. Last run is 5,000 vert back down to the area however the problems I see are these: Reve is 4 hours away from any large airport (calgary) and has a lot of closed roads between it and Calgary. On the way from Calgary to Reve you have to go past Norquay, Sunshine, Lake Louise, Kicking horse, and the turn off for panorama, Nakiska, jasper, Castle and Fernie. Too many other places that are working at less then full compasity, that are way closer, with better roads.Current large construction delays include from castle mnt to lake louise, then coming into golden, and then to pass from golden to reve was all delayed this summer badly. Still if this all works out this could be crazy cool, and unlike Jumbo it's already approved. http://www.discoverrevelstoke.com/ Here are some pics
  9. First off I'm not some smart ass kid, I am too old and injured to often to be a kid, though it would be nice to be that flexible again. Its great that you get out that much, my post was not meant to be 100% serious, more that I don't enjoy persons that slam the bar don't without looking two seconds after loading. If you look to see what is going on and let everyone know I'm cool with that. My apologies to you personally if I have some how offended you, my post was not intended to be 100% serious and was more about the Strattoning of a lot of mountains that had more of a soul.
  10. 100% agreed...only gapers use saftey bars, really wtf is so hard about not falling of the god damn lift and don't say kids because even industry numbers say 95% of the people that fall off a lift have the bar down. No everytime I ride there gapers are going to crack me in the head with the bar lord knows that riding 2 seconds out of the lift house with the bar up results in 100% mutilation. My apologies in advance the whole bar thing kinda pisses me off.
  11. The report says it would also have six lifts.....but don't worry they have already started selling condos for all those people that want to live next to a warehouse
  12. hahah you know I never looked at it that way but your totally right.
  13. I don't know how many stayed but I still think people visit places like Jackson and then just move there. I know one is still in Teton village. I think our motivation is just totally different, you feel like I have to give 200% because this is going to end soon and I don't want to go home without having done some stuff. I remember when I moved out to UT I had to keep telling myself to slow down or I was going to kill myself in a week. I don't know about the specifics of a trip I was just saying maybe a get together would be cool, the Knob would be awsome if it was the right day.
  14. What was that triple black diamond (hahahah) at Denton ? As a kid I can remember that being on steep mother through the trees, but I was like 6 so who knows.
  15. I had a couple of really good days up there last year, the day before Valentine's or Valentine's can't remember, was pretty sweet. The best thing is that it is a good place to stop on the way to the bigger stuff in NEK. .....PASR should throw together a Jackson or UT trip together, the hostel in Jackson is cool and cheap and ECer's go ape shit when they get out there. I remember when then UVM kids from TGR went to Jackson and just charged off of everything, be warned though they all moved out there after graduation.
  16. NOAH doesn't think so Oct-Nov-December Temperature: Oct-Nov-December Precipitation: Nov-December-January Temperature: Nov-December-January Precipitation: December-January-February Temperature: December-January-February Precipitation: January-February-March Temperature: January-February-March Precipitation: February-March-April Temperature: February-March-April Precipitation: If these pan out, it's gonna rawk again in the PNW.
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