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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. I am always thinking at some point the bottom has to drop out. I'm not talking just about skiing but the general idea that there are no limits to making the absolute most money possible but at least so far we all just keep dancing faster and faster.
  2. Radon is kinda a big deal here and it's interesting because it's not at all 20 mins in the right direction. Same with coal or 1000 other things. Plus the big one is when you look at a topo map of PA for the first time and are like what the fuck happened ? It's also interesting but mostly useless so par for the course. Until I go off on some tangent like this and everyone is there for accounting 101 Isn't that everyone? Is this like the people that don't see pictures in their heads ? That has to be very strange.
  3. The interesting thing about the uranium and radon thing in PA is its a totally different rock than the rest of PA. Its named after my hood and is a crystalline structure most similar to New England called the Reading Prong. It's PreCambrian like 500 million years ago where the escarpment is Allegheny orogeny which is like 250 million years ago. What we call South Mtn is part of the Reading Prong which is totally different than Blue or the Poconos all within a relatively small space. PA got folded up like a NY door mat pizza as Africa and NA collided so in that sense we have alot of cool shit going on near the surface. All the coal areas get their bang from the Carboniferous period where for like 50 million years nothing could decompose trees so they just piled up. PA at least geologically is a cool state.
  4. Super cool pictures, the escarpment Blue sits on goes for 150 miles or so and becomes the Kittatiny Mtns in NJ and the Gunks in NY. It may seem pedestrian but it's actually pretty interesting geologically and we learned metric fuck tons in general from the whole coal dealio and where PA got folded.
  5. Your timing is impeccable, that's gotta be one of the better cycles all year so far in the NE. Love Pico, lotta racer types but A&B slope are awesome if it's super windy and the glades off the peak chair are dope.
  6. Today had lots of sugar but there is none to coat conditions. Shit is bad and that snow is mostly rotten ice pellets. Midway to lower main wasn't too bad but ROTD is whatever took you back to the lot. I always love skiing and will keep showing up no matter conditions but imagine your just a normal pleeb who pays for that and then just goes home. Absolute worst case the skiing sucks but I drink dank beers and laugh my ass off. I do hope winter makes a return post haste, I'm getting quite antsy in the pantsy but the pasr crew redeemed an otherwise shit fuck snow kinda weekend.
  7. Killy is always good but that ikon comes with Fast Track is huge
  8. Good Ole Tussey, I skied there a bunch with my cousin many moons ago when he went to State College. Only place less concerned with safety than blue knob, of the 3 trails one had more than one cinder block. I also love they have 4 ways down but like 20 trails allegedly. Tussey is Spring Mtn for state college or Doe mtn before Bear became Bear. Blue Knob is worth the drive Tussey only if you got a date to pick up meth in Boalsburg.
  9. I didn't know anyone was filming or I would have channeled by inner mattedge
  10. I know that guy lol Thanks man ! I have seen very little of myself skiing. The family photographers are usually elsewhere than where I'm skiing and the only other video I've seen are NM's from telluride and a 3 second clip on Peter Glenn's YouTube from 647854 years ago. I'll try to remember inside arm next time but it may be a lost cause lol
  11. I arrived at the lower lot at 850 under partly cloudy skies after being delayed by the funeral procession being led by 3 busses from Wilmington Friends. C1er was in the house but I was slightly behind and got the first chair on the new sixer Upper main was a carpet but super soft serve so it went fast, lower was a little lumpy but not bad as its at least 30% poop chute. Lazy and Pdis were fine but soft snow and they are slow. NM/DW was why I was there and while far from perfect it was nice to get the turn going. They bifurcated the run out after Jeff's left which is super nice as now you can exit full speed. Another groom should really improve the smoothness. By 1040 the barbarian hords from DE had crossed the Hadrian's wall of lazy mile and it was time to go. Super nice spring day and major props for rolling out NM/DW.
  12. Shit is open, groomer got into it and it's lumpy and a bit narrow. You can 75% attack but the groomer got into the dirt on the inside left and now it's more of a double apex where you push late to hit the orange stick instead of that super sweet off the ledge drop where you get that nice natural flow into the power right. Not bad but can use some more work
  13. Sat and maybe Sunday but with rain and party rocking Sat it's unlikely
  14. There are more people riding Pali than at the Royals, every time I'm there it's empty empty so they are going the FL Panthers route......many moons ago you could get a .50$ ticket and the one with the meal pack was under $20, my sister would go all the time just to eat
  15. I talked to some workers who said alot of the food is the same price in the valley as at slopeside so if your going to get food might as well eat there were it's nice
  16. I had meetings this morning so I was on the afternoon schedule again. Super spring like, low crowds and that smell when snow is melting. Razors was closed for the training of 6 people but coming soon is back on the menu. Upper ditch is non existent but the lower ditch held good super soft turns. Snow was slow, soft serve ice cream. Main was pretty much perfect except for some piles at the bottom but the lip on upper upper is massive and you can boost out to Pluto. New sixer was running and the quad which I like more than quad and old sixer. NM/DW was getting alot of work to push out, particularly for the power right turn and the portal to hell. It may be a bit thin or narrow but I bet it opens Friday or Saturday. I can't imagine there is enough snow on there for any kind of features at all.
  17. It's just a little thin but speak of the devil. He did one push down from the piles on NM and one up from DW and it's one groomer width wide so assuming he does another down it should be at least two or 2 1/2 widths. I can't see the bottom but that looks like the thinnest section. My guess is push it out, let it rain and it opens Friday.
  18. It's thin on the second power right as I never saw them with those guns on. They can push down from NM but I'd bet there is less snow there than we think.
  19. I miss the carny trucks with fried oreos. The og valley lodge I remember being way different than now.
  20. I had meetings this morning so i went up for some afternoon delight. Good grip but too much water in the snow and horizontal movement was very high drag. With the warm temps there were moderate piles as it started to come apart but upperp main and pdis were still smooth. Not alot of people around so the new lift wasn't running. I did see BFG and crew eating snacks on my way in but otherwise a quiet day.
  21. I ride a pair of LP's alot but not that graphic which is world class in my opinion
  22. This morning was some of the best of the year, good crew, low crowds and good snow. Set it and forget it skiing where you can put the hammer down. The new lift so far has been running pretty slow but it has alot more buttons than the dirty double.
  23. I forgot about razors, it looked bad from the lift but it was even worse than I imagined. It was so hilariously uneven about half way down I can hear indiggio dying laughing behind me. It was mad cobble stone skiing
  24. At least if you can't see anything it looks like nobody is home.......I heard Highlands the other day had a phantom 10" that skied deep on the lower half of the hill and I would just be happy if it stayed cold a bit.
  25. Today was considerably better than yesterday but that's an awfully low bar. Riding the new lift was dope to see the same old hill from new perspectives. I'm not a fan at all of how many people it puts on main, particularly if it fucks switch. Most excellent to hang in the lot with some sun, no matter the snow shooting the shit delivers.
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