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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. When I woke up this morning my first thought was put me in coach.....shit is catchy
  2. Today was soooo nice and it's a rare day at blue where it has surpise depth. First run I went NM/DW and I almost couldn't believe it was untracked titty sparkles. It probably snowed about 2" but the wind made for deeper turns on more sheltered lines and it was a most excellent way to start the day.
  3. I'll be there l, mad stoked to ski and not work
  4. I had meetings all morning and stuff tonight so I could only get up around lunch. Snow was fantastic, soft infinite grip spring cream cheese. Saw root in line and bfgs crew was bbqing but otherwise pretty quiet.
  5. I've skied both as have some others. If it was me it would come down to a couple of factors. How much driving you want to do ? What I'll call the party rocking factor and the big dog weather. UT is probably much faster to get around and to and from the airport. There is an early morning direct on Delta from phl that pretty much someone from my family takes every couple days. It almost always goes and you can be skiing by 1130 noon same day. BCC and LCC have been a complete cluster fuck though it sounds like your not looking there. Washington isn't that much harder as Seattle is convenient and generally out of the winter weather but the hills are spread out more and some are a bit of work to get to, like Baker. The big factor I would say is weather. UT probably has the best odds for big ass pow days in the lower 48 if you're just like showing up. It snows alot and potentially huge amount particularly this season. The PNW on the other hand can be just as good but generally has more fickle weather with alot more rain as the hills are also alot lower. Also it's way way way heavier snow though at least personally I do like the cement it's not the 3% diamond dust in UT. The PNW definitely kills on the culture/party rocking factor. UT is alot better than 20 years ago and you can get fancy wasted at the vintage room and what not but it's either going to pricy or not as good. Any random brewery will also be alot better than whatever they are calling the new Squatters but UT does have good beer. The terrain is very different, the trees and general way they look too. UT is very pretty in spots and also very ugly. PNW looks like Jurassic Park during winter and is insanely green. Volcanos are fucking dope but so are bristle cone pines. I don't think there is a right answer but I would also think about adding a day at the big dog hills in either area. Pow Mow can be the best pow day you've ever had but it's not Alta or the Bird even remotely. Mission Ridge in Was I heard has been running like Steven's Pass last year and just the drive to Baker is a great adventure. UT has better hotels in better areas if your not spending any real effort in looking. You can just roll into Ogden or something and the Best Western will be decent whereas parts of Washington they are closer to the population centers. Also and I'm probably not objective but UT has better Mexican food as they have alot more Mexicans. Red 1 preferably, Red 2 is pretty much the same but never Blue when in SLC.
  6. I had about an hour and half around lunch time and it wad quite good snow. Fast and with alot of grip, minimal lumps for the amount of water in the snow. You can forget how pretty it can be when all the brown is covered up in snow.
  7. Already there, North Carolina. Depending on when I get back I might be able to ski tomorow. Feels like forever
  8. I had to make a last minute trip for work which guarantees you guys will get some goods. 5-8 seems possible if your on the all snow side.
  9. What happened to your foot ? Good to hear they are going whole hog
  10. Heard it's cold AF from a friend in Revel. Stay warm and post some pics when you get there, never enough interior BC stoke.
  11. I wish, I even went to bed early but right before route 12 something was in the road. Blew a tire and ripped a cv boot.....mother fucker but what can you do. I'll be up tomorrow if they finish in time or I get so annoyed at not skiing and having 2 cars in the shop I just fucking walk.
  12. I got to change a tire in the hood at 530 so I'm out today
  13. Interior BC is a dreamland, have a good flight and enjoy !
  14. I could never tell if R2D2 was so meta it was all a joke or if he was actually just crazy
  15. The teeter totter is maxed out to the west.....it's been snowing for 3 days straight in UT and I would settle for 3 days of cold
  16. Anyone got any deets on the 110 sender free ? Lots and lots and lots of chatter thats it's super hot shit but while I have liked a bunch of rossi skis in the past nothing super stands out.
  17. Ski you there both days
  18. I'm on my way home today but I wish I could stay, 31" and still snowing..... I'll be at blue soon for sure
  19. You post in everything Blue related even though we are all well aware of what you think and didn't give two fucks in the first place. You like to stir the pot and antagonize and when someone gives it to you back you play that same shit like above where you don't know what your doing. Do I post in your shitty trs about all the stupid ass shit you do ? Do I have a great need to go on to others threads to make myself feel better ? Who has 100000 posts in a thread they have nothing to do with and who has two ? Why do you post in every blue roll call thread when no one gives a fuck ? Who's that about? What do you feel when your doing it ? Who's judging who here ? Small people, shitty people, miserable people need that shit. I don't give two fucks what you do, I mostly pay you no attention because you are not worthy of it and my God is that bar set low. I also see no need to comment on it the vast vast majority of the time because it does nothing for me. But you do and that plus 10000 other things means I do know who you are and let's be real we all knew who you were the second you valued free food over making friends.
  20. You may not be but humans are social animals, left to our own devices and alone we suffer greatly. I can be as much a lone wolf as anyone, most people bore me terribly but for the last 15 years or so I get to share my experiences with a community of like minded people who are my friends. Real actual community in 2023. One of the best adventures of my life was with persons I hang out in the lot with. Nevermind the everyday, every weekend, year after year after year. Life is made tolerable by those you share it with and if I was dumb enough to have my values so out of whack that a couple hundred bucks is worth more than community then I believe I would be a miserable sack of shit exactly like you.
  21. I remember the riders could routinely hit the catch net at quite a high speed and some could jump the berm as well but they seemed to enjoy it more that way.
  22. I recall Bear had a very serious tubing injury that required them to make changes. Idk but I don't think anything happened at Killy more sounds like nobody is home. If I'm not mistaken they have tubing at Deer Valley at the Montage, no matter the place that tubing loot is hard to turn down.
  23. I didn't know BFG crew could ski without BFG
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