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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. I would guess it's different in PA as they are technically an amusement ride but in alot of states ANSI specs that they run the APU everyday so that if the lift does break down you know the backup works. There are as many combos as chairs it seems, some have full diesel backups some can only run aux to unload the chair. The crossover chair at the bush ran an entire season under the diesel and used some kind of generators as the backup. Totally a guess but as its a fixed triple of some age I would bet you can run the whole thing of the diesel but they hadn't run it in awhile and the motor was running like shit.
  2. Carson Wildcat ? Those are cool af, real wood core and construction as full size. Everyone remembers there first pair of skis and you just made some great memories for him.
  3. I just like that Darth Vader showed and was first chair on opening razors day
  4. Fucking cold as a polar bears butthole, like 11 witches titties but lower main was good and it wasn't too crowded. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone, I hope you all get mad titty sparkles from Santa.
  5. I'll be there tomorrow morning and then I'm gone until after the new year.
  6. Major props for getting at it, good to hear falls is good and main St held up. You may have been the last good runs for a minute. Hard to figure it will be good Saturday morning.
  7. Cheyenne dropped 32 degrees in 8 minutes, that some day after tomorrow shit.
  8. The lift turnstile got me last year but that at least was partially my fault, they gotta get some mats down there or something.
  9. Bring your phone too and tether, in places where wifi sucks you can often get two bars at least which is enough to run teams with video.
  10. Best runs of the season so far, main just keeps improving. Today it was colder faster snow and with midway perfect you could attack from the top. Just ludicrous speed arcs all the way down with full grip smooth snow. Big fucking grins at the bottom kinda full speed actual skiing. Last two runs there were other people so maybe peeps have started to figure it out but man were those good runs out the gate. Falls should be good to go soon, razors needs Friday night. New lift looks like all the chairs are on and when I left electric was on and they were doing something. Come around has some piles and there is a big whale up top of midway so maybe they are getting ready to run sooner than later.
  11. Incredible work all around.....I wonder if that guy is in the band ? I almost caught him two days ago but he pulled out before I could get close enough, if I can catch him I'll get all our questions answered
  12. I think his name is greg but I normally call him Jskis guy or Darth Vader but he actually looks most like the Cylons from Battlestar Galatica. I haven't seen him yet this year but razors isn't open yet and that's his favorite.
  13. Is Eaf skiing this year ? I thought I saw him today maybe.
  14. I slept through my alarm so I got there as the first chair group was pulling out. With excellent beta I didn't fuck around and took one run down lazy to warm up and then the next 8 down Main. To my last run around 1230 it was a perfect carpet and with one exception totally empty. It's soooooo nice to let the dogs really run and I really like the spot where midway falls over to main, far right entrance, early over and power down straight down the fall line hugging the left side of main it's like you've gone plaid. I think this was posted before maybe but who is on the sticker the pontoon van has on the back ?
  15. No way in hell I was waking up to ski this morning so by the time I got my shit together it was 3pm. Only the quad was running and with the groups the line was busy, maybe 5 or 10 mins. Everything except main was riding the sugar berm. Where it's flat its very nice with a soft sugary toping but any turn of merit was cleaned smooth until a massive berm of sugar. Sling shooting it was fun but I was thinking the lines weren't worth it until I worked over to main. With only the quad running nobody was home and I ran that 7 times in a row a only had one person on a run. From the last wiggle on midway to the bottom was super nice smooth gripy snow where you can arc them to your hearts content. Most nice afternoon/early evening but I wish they'd run the sixer. As of 530 they were blowing falls to good accumulation, razors to about maybe 6" and the learning areas. They were loading chairs on the new lift and big news of the day tubing is galactic......I like the purple 💜
  16. The food up top at Ajax I remember being pretty good and they normally had a noodle option like pho or similar......mad lodge ladies for a rather small lodge and I'd bet more than half have never touched skis. Later in the afternoon they would hit the Gorsuch that used to be at the base and then right on to the bar with the hot tub outside but really there entire day is standing around
  17. Snow was good today and pretty consistent with the exception of midway though it was consistently cookies. Super super nice first runs and it feels good to make some real turns. Most excellent feast from Enjo and chairs going on the lift to top it all off. Good weekend for pre Christmas
  18. Today I thought the snow was pretty good, a little firm but smooth. Maybe it's the new optics on lower main or I'm out of practice but it was hard to find a run where it wasn't all people avoidance. Racer kids didn't help at all. Good day and I may be back at it tomorrow, my daughter is sick which is terrible but good for me as then we are staying home.
  19. I knew you'd ride this storm, when I was thinking about it I was like tp4 will be there for sure....... No kids with their parents, the old heads are still there, we are, the diehard snow board dudes but the one group missing this year weekday mornings is no school age kids or their parents. In my daughter's school there are very few kids that are remote only so maybe that's it but so far even later in the morning it's empty.
  20. When they first built the parks they didn't allow skiers. My cousin and I got our passes pulled like 6 times an no amount of go read Freeze magazine or references to the new Canadian Air force would help. I feel like it was only one season but they have some dumb ideas. Blue doesn't realize they are using the wrong side of the ruler....8cm is way more accurate
  21. I'm going to try to get some in tomorrow, I'm supposed to be at the beach but I couldn't ski yesterday or today and now I'm getting the Jimmy legs.
  22. I'm out this weekend, Christmas party weekend.....which means it should be tits Mcgee for you guys
  23. My earliest time on skis I think is actually the daks where we were on skis at around 3am. At a resort i think my earliest is one of them opens at 7 which is stupid early. Maybe Fourrunner at Stowe. It's still dark af. The earliest I've started a ski day was around 8am the day before, a couple of times I've driven through the night up north to ski a storm. Gotten there at like 630am, skied all day and then finally passed out. Driving all night sucks though kinda as if i try to skip a night's sleep I start falling asleep everywhere eventually.
  24. Tonight was actually pretty good, the upper part of coming soon was smooth fast with just a skootch on top. It was effortless carving and while the lower headwall had a few spots the star was the ditch spine. The sugar had piled up deep and made for a super fun bounce. Big credit to dirty and edge for that line. Crowds weren't too bad some annoying race kids but maybe the best conditions I've skied all year and I rode nearly 3hrs which isn't bad for 1 1/2 trails plus a ski tour. Blowing on lazy, lower main/midway, tubing and the big fan guns at all the intersections.
  25. Sounds like a maximum doodle turns kinda surface
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