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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Soooooo jelly ! No cookies and a new lift.. are they getting their shit together ? Who made the first chair with Atomic ?
  2. Mother fuck yes !!!!! I gotta travel for Thanksgiving but I'll be up Sunday at the very worst. Mad bonus skiing and it's not even December.
  3. I've only stayed once downtown like blackout drunk but I've always wanted to stay at all those places. One of then, the Rio ? Is apparently 20$ a night and run by cats.....Vegas for a few days is such a riot
  4. Crazy if they open Friday, that's an early start for sure plus I like how they are blowing the Magellan route first thing
  5. Super sucks, they made a pair of customs for my step dad way back and they couldn't have been nicer. Plus the skis are holding up well and from what I gather they have become pretty popular particularly with their custom graphics deal. Hopefully that dude is well insured and gets back up soon
  6. I don't disagree but the caveat is the US has by I believe many accounts to have the finest freight rail system in the world. We can do whatever if it's a priority and for alot of reasons passenger rail in the US is not a big priority now or post war really. They are inherently way more practical than single cars as they can hold way more people and travel significantly faster. Our problem is we built freight lines and they will not share them with Amtrack so you want to build something new along the EC or in CA and it costs billions as imagine if I said to you find a new relatively straight line from Philly to NYC without endless shit in the way. Tunneling is fucking more expensive than straight up burning money. I do think there is a huge difference with trains too that you don't get with flying. If nyc to LA is 20hrs on a train 8 of which is overnight and you get to see the country along the way often away from roads without all the hassle of flying I think you have to then think of the travel as part of the trip and it becomes alot more attractive. We need more critical mass in the system too and from a certain perspective the only party that could fork over the money is govt hence why they are always involved but it's not that way in lots of other places You need enough riders but to get that you need a big system but little private money is interested in paying up and building shit if its I think people will ride kinda deal.
  7. If you sort of drug the inside tail when turning so it got a shit ton of bite you could do the equivalent of handbrake turns with skis.....revolutionary ski design and I don't even think he used a ruler
  8. I was going to say the double was sketchy af, there was a big cross beam they had slapped on that ran diagonally about 40ft out from loading. On a quick stop that fucker jumped and moved a good foot on the left end while the counter went 4ft off the ground. Loud af but of course I'm riding it otherwise I'd have to walk back like some kind of joker. I'm sure there was some kind of angular force or torsion so throw some big ass piece of metal up and call it a day but the new whatever it's called won't work with that back yard engineering so at least at that level it's an improvement I vote tbar as its both entertainment and transportation.
  9. At a certain point just Vista or whatever becomes like the strip club....all build up you gotta take home but damn if I won't be out there first thing.....think maybe two weeks as next week has some high to the highs
  10. Still blowing plates....good to see somethings stay the same no matter how they change
  11. This weekend/early next week looking good.....God damn it's making my dick hard
  12. I remember it being like it is now, this new lift is going to be luxurious af
  13. I had the house ac on yesterday then I woke up and it was cold af and all the leaves fell off the trees. Trees know what's up, cool Temps are coming
  14. Splitting wood is a long days work, hot tub, jazz cabbage and a whole pie I say
  15. That shit is hot though it does look strange to my brain, like it's not blue. When was the last time they had a lift that at least is theory will be so smooth ? The quad always was a bouncy mofo but I don't remember when the six was new....
  16. I'll be there and super stoked to see everyone who can make it. I got some beer but if there is anything else I can bring hit me up
  17. Super bee is always good runs and it's the tits Mcgee when your happy to get sun on a spring trip. Somewhere there is a pick of that timber Ridge sign in summer like 30ft in the air. Shit is deeeep
  18. Fucking titty sparkles There is not a soul in almost all of your pics, that shit alone is like a dream and your eating good in the neighborhood. Props for always keeping safety first, that spring pow is gold but can be treacherous.
  19. Peeps getting the goods at Vail, April is hoooot and your going to get it real gud 👍
  20. April has started hot everywhere and you should get some goods for sure. Where are you skiing at ? Have fun !!!!
  21. If we could ever get a group at Baker with snow that would be a Homer-esque style saga. How many of us have touring gear now and all that access......
  22. Looooooove Alpine Ghettos, such good playground style terrain and all of Tahoe has that laid backed vibe. The backside is fantastic but even without it you could spend day there. There are some legit steeps too. What's up with the interconnect ?
  23. Last dance with Mary Jane Tonight I have the redeye home so my final stop was Summit Central at Snoqualmie. I stayed at the Snoqualmie Inn Hotel America or something but I think it's a converted office building but my room was enormous and super quiet if your ever in the area. Central, East, West and Alpental form the Summit at Snoqualmie. Alpental is the real draw of course but only open Friday though the weekend. Summit was essentially a blue mtn day soaking up the sun and taking it easy and just enjoying the snow. It's not a particularly interesting hill outside that it has good views and you can hear I90 drone on anywhere on the hill. They also had they worst rental skis ever, I would have much rather been on the Jfdan pro models. I think it was one of my more successful trips with some of the best pow skiing I've done in a bit and endless adventure. The PNW definitely will hold a special place in my memories and although super finicky weather a place everyone should check out. I hope you guys had fun reading, I'll shoot for more action pics next time but I didn't have that kind of group. Until the next episode.....
  24. Korean BBQ, fondue and hot pot I think are the only exceptions otherwise i couldn't agree more. If I'm cooking it and I select my cut of beef what the fuck do I need the restaurant for ? Fire ? Napkins ? Small talk with a waitress ?
  25. WTF do I even say about Baker ???? 63" in 3 days like the ticket says. I skedaddled out of Bellingham hot to hit the Mt Baker hiway. The road while well designed with consistent low grade is at least 12 miles of seemingly constant switchbacks and was one of the more sporting drives I've undertaken while being in control. To anyone that goes, respect that road, it is no joke. I'm not a religious person but if there are those spiritual places in skiing, Jackson, Alta, Aspen, Cham, etc etc then I contend you must add Baker to the list. First of all the views are unbelievably spectacular, Shuksan alone would be unbelievable but the arm, the globular sort of hemispheres, Baker itself etc etc etc. I can't say enough about how good the place is to simply stand and look around in any of 360 degrees. At the top of chair 8 you go up and out the arm so the top of the chair looks across at the entire arm like a stadium. Some group was filming, dropping absolute bombs and you can just stand there at the top of the lift and take the whole thing in. I do it no justice either in pics or prose but it is stunning. This is the spot at the top of 8 First legit run I'm going to chair 8 and the guy next to me is trying to recruit me to go out the arm although he has zero gear and like isotoners on lol lol We settle for what he kept calling the elbow, it was maybe 15 mins of quick but mostly flat sort of skating on a well constructed traverse out sort of across hemispheres. It's entirely treeless and the snow is stupid deep and thick like a milkshake. You basically point them straight down the hill and wiggle your ass some for effect and to throw snow in your face but otherwise it's entirely effortless joy all the way to lift. This picture is from like 11am, it was 4 or 5 laps after we skied it, I don't know if it's the norm but this place holds snow. Second run I'm on chair 4 by accident some how which is like a bs feader chair but the doodle areas are also deep AF with like two groomer tracks down the middle so you build up speed and then plow into the deep until you run out of speed and back on to the groomers leaving thigh deep trenches. I get it right this time and get up six to hit the "extreme danger area" under the closed C-1 lift. We ran that 3 times in a row working across the face left to right. Face shot after face shot until you hit the flatter portions where you had to tail gun a little it was so thick and deep. In total I bet we did 20 runs essentially across from Pan Face to the Canuck run and it was all lift service cat skiing. Even when it was patching the untracked together there is so much resistance you still go full fall line just bouncing as snow is flying all around you. Now up C5 to the fabled gables a sort of side of the hill shot that is a twisting set of cliffs and little chutes. It was just as deep and just as wild. All over Baker there are cliffs everywhere, the big ones that will kill you are marked. The ones out of the C-1 zone are particularly impressive but it was like Palisades kinda playful and challenging. Jump off this, two slash pow turns around the tree and down the little chute kinda terrain which I live for. I swear to you I've never seen less powder panic. After gables we went up 8 to run a blue bullshit zone called Oh Zone that is directly under the lift and it was still patching untracked sections. The entire day it was lap after lap of pow runs and the whole time everyone is super super chill. This is from around 2pm I swear like maybe two trails over from a lift and it's still skiing untracked. It was a day I'll never forget as long as I live on what are good but certainly not the ski you'd choose skis, at a resort with maybe 2 groomers, that has zero high speed chairs, is not on any pass other than its own and must be bought in person, is 1500 vert and only 5k feet high, has no lodging or development on mtn or really nearby. Essentially Baker is the opposite of everything most of 2022 skiing is about and if you get it on the right day beyond the most fabulous thick pow skiing you see why the Baker Bros are right. That my friends is mad fucking spiritual. If you read nothing else from this report; GO TO MT. BAKER* !!!!! *when it snows
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