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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Tylenol is acetaminophen which is totally different type of medicine. It's for reducing pain and lowering fever, ibuprofen and NSAID's are anti-inflammatory and the mechanism of action between the two is really different. Too much advil and your stomach is going to be in rough shape, too much Tylenol particularly with moderate amounts of booze and you die and a terrible death at that. If I remember the mechanism correctly your liver can metabolize it in 3 ways and if you make your liver work too hard it runs out of the good ways and metabolizes a toxic acid based by product.
  2. Rode from 9 to 1020 with BenM and Antman, though he arrived shortly before I had to peaceout. Temps were crazy nice but a serious fog was in from my house all the way up to the corner ski shop. Fools would assume the lack of fog in the A side would extend to the Zincy side but true Detroit players know the deal. Shit was as thick as I have ever experienced, first run down challenge the top 200ft was above the fog and then bam straight in your grill it came on an erased the world around you. Middle of Challenge I could see a white blur in front of me and dark blurs to the side and all I was doing was keeping it in the white. Snow is really good, mostly super soft hero snow but the problem was you really couldn't see it at all. No trail was any better or worse with the fog but coverage is excellent all across the hill. If you squint your eyes and forget where you are with the fog for a second the place looks legit af. Antman got the timing right and by the time i was pulling out it was mostly lifting but cool day to be out.
  3. I can bring some cups and oj too
  4. I can do charcuterie for sure, reading farmers market has Monte loro who has the actual good shit short of the iberico that only eats acorns.
  5. Rode this morning, C1er, BenM and BFG crew in the house. Stiffer frozen cord first thing that was 30% rattle your bones, oddly some of the trails had pockets of 3d snow that was considerably softer but it was probably tough grooming last night. We followed the sun and as it warmed up the snow went to a super nice fast soft serve ice cream. Widow-midway/chute-main was rotd, excellent huck your meet soft snow. Sidewinder too was most excellent down to the turn as the top had baked up nice fast jump off everything snow. Quad only but light crowds of mostly slow skiers so I didn't notice them. We were a bit early on the cut over to soft snow, it was good but my guess is the c1er and those that could ski until later are getting primo corn harvest. Coverage is most excellent, deep across the hill with no spots I saw anywhere. My guess would be anyone thinking about the twilight session would get classic blue super spring skiing.
  6. Just so you know there is a line today to tell me to fuck off. I meant it as a compliment but regardless I'd rather do 18 runs on razors.
  7. That's a killer day and uphill in the slush and sun is always fun. Super cool that they are down with the uphill, 3 people I've talked to on the lift this year mentioned buying passes at shawnee
  8. Fuck I think your right lol lol I can never keep it straight my kid was a yo gabba gabba type
  9. Sweeeeet! I've almost pulled the trigger on them like 4 times but I don't know a single person who has a pair. Bert is mad appreciative ! I can't wait, I've never skied bedazzled skis and imagine the trenches
  10. Fuuuuck dude that ski has been on my list for awhile and with the Forza colored clamps. If it doesn't bother you I'd love to take a run on them sometime.
  11. All of Rehoboth is rejoicing ! Fuck the free drinks alone ! All you need to know about those dudes is they think gay is an insult and somehow color auto makes you gay, like it's rona. Fuck dude I wore purple and now I love dick. 🤣🤣🤣 Massively insecure, particularly in their sexuality and totally afraid to express themselves and fashion. Plus their wives, mothers and gfs loooove my color, they tell me all the time.
  12. Today was le tits, such good spring snow. Challenge first thing was excellent but side and the midway run where such good soft serve. Lots of excellent spring lips to get nice floaty airs. Super super comfortable out and I could have left the base layer at home. GSS I'm sorry I drew so much attention to exactly when a snow snake bit you. 100% honest to god when they were coming over I thought they saw you go down and where coming to help 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tomorrow should be a good one and I know rumors abound about closing on Sunday but I just don't see it. Maybe during the week but the depth is good all over the hill.
  13. Your good to go, most bindings adjust a full size, pivots are 3/4 maybe a full size. Obviously it depends on where in the adjustment they were mounted but 1mm isn't even measurable in alot of bindings. Forward pressure on pivots is notoriously a feel thing and even with like a screw world cup plate setup and a machine the values don't change much until you get to like no forward pressure or you can't get the boot in.
  14. I'll be there both days and can bring anything pretty much.
  15. Nice I should be there too
  16. Rode this morning from 9 to 11, BFG crew in the house and the triumphant return of C1er. Dude was spry af, if you didn't know you wouldn't know and super good to see him back in the house. Mini root and actual root were also there. First run down razors was a dream, it was effortless perfect grip cord. I did it four times in a row. Rotd was switch, I'm a big switch guy but it was a perfect carpet to put the hammer down and harder full grip snow. Upper headwall of challenge and a few spots on side had some firmness but where otherwise perfect. TCS is just ok a little more crumbly over there. Moderate crowds, three busses of old heads is in the house for some reason and lots of people buying passes which is always good. Temps are picking up fast and shit was starting to get diabetes when I left. Razors headwall was pretty choppy though everyone and there brother was on it.
  17. I had dumb stuff to do this morning and was behind which is normally the kiss of death but it held up super nice. Everything was great except the challenge headwall, main and switch were particularly good. Lot as always was fantastic, hoping we get two more weekends as in my head it feels like it should still be February.
  18. Today was le tits if you love winter and dog shit weather. The first run I took down challenge was the strongest gust of wind I've ever felt at blue, it pushed BenM and I backwards for a solid two seconds. It was so awesome I did it like 4 times in a row, it never got that strong again but shit is howling up top. It was so good to have at least one last day of winter, with snow pasted on your goggles and the wind stinging your face it feels alot more like a legit hill. Snow was just ok pow but that's kinda besides the point, it dropped like 10 degrees in an hour and was 44% water. There was untracked around and it was suitably smooth what more do you need for a good day but I do think it will groom out better. I hope so because I need some wax, it was like I had the drag chute out. Major props to GSS for the soft pretzel and Mute for killer beer, all that skating I needed orange slices and juice box.
  19. Literally just turned over at the bottom lot of blue still showing 33 but by 8 it should be all snow.
  20. Hell no I'm natural tree or death.... no offense to the artificial tree peeps, it's like if you like white lights; personal preference
  21. My tree is still up in the stand, we took the decorations off in January but I haven't taken it to the recycle place yet and it's still green
  22. Super sick TR ! Love the rare spots ! Thunder is big by some standards in NY. I had a gf that lived in Schenectady and skied maple Ridge which I remember being like negative vert. Royal and Willard are in that hood and I've heard Willard is the best in the state outside of the big dogs. West if I recall sells dinner and breakfast with your pass which I'm not sure I've seem anywhere else. Post a TR for sure
  23. Blue showing that Palmerton moxie and powered through the rain strong. Main was legit pretty good which is very impressive given it was mesh tank tops and daiquiris 10hrs ago. Pretty much everything else looks like crap but skis OK. Side does have a stretch of chicken heads but it's the lower shade side and peeps should know. I would advise they throw a couple lollipops up above TCS, shit is unreal and as much as I would love to see someone try to ski that, the tiny circle spun backwards that says icy probably is a bit of an understatement. Toast said it best first really really shit weather and it was a solid six kind of day. Gotta give them their dues they have been turning water to wine a bit this season.
  24. Super good day, the best condition is no people and the rain kept then away for sure. No crowds, hammer down hero snow skiing is the best and it felt like the days of yore with just the pasr and boomer continent in the house. Disappointed I didn't do the second session but it was nicer to sleep 6hrs Props to Atomic hitting 60 days
  25. Today was sooo good, even better snow than yesterday everywhere except coming soon which was still pretty good. Excellent crew two chairs deep formation flying is tits Mcgee and you could put the hammer down all over the place. I hope this slop coming doesn't do too much damage as it is skiing so good right now.
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