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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Hell yeah if I had a non work calendar it would be on my non work calendar
  2. I wondered too as it seems it wouldn't be a mistake but it seems super dumb. They haven't marked it at all, they literally just appear and as far as I could tell it was only on the right side which is furthest from midway. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems way more people would take a beater from the speed bumps than ever crashed into eachother at the merge. I thought I might hit the deck and I would think my shit snow skills are above average. Maybe the groomer party rocked last night but I can't see how it won't be a Jerry trap.
  3. Sick dude ! I've been dying to get up north and lake placid/adks are so cool. Doesn't look too crowded and your timing was great it was worse up there than blue just a few weeks back.
  4. Anyone going up tonight check yourself on main. They basically threw up what are speed bumps that just appear. The left side is good but the speed bumps could put someone down for sure. Today I'd say is an average blue day shit always wants to brick up there and under the skiff it's pretty brick. Not bad but needs more smooth to be good when it's firm. They will be fully open this weekend so no complaints.
  5. Fid days are a slanderous betrayal akin to 9-11 Rain/sleet up to the tp 309 interchange then snow. At the sheetz on MacArthur it goes to nicer bigger flakes
  6. Down for either would be super super fun to run some gates and their log is always the best.
  7. Way to bump this...... did I read it right that at one time as had public enemies?????
  8. I've heard at least both of those and one that involves an 8 pack. The dude I talked to today said it's a done deal over the summer. IDK but I do know they have alot more plans for stuff than things they get done. I say buy a new lift build a new trail pod and then nobody will care if the quad stops. 🤣🤣🤣
  9. 16" compresses down to very little depending on the density. The way to think about the knob is like magic or old powder. Very good terrain mtn with interesting terrain for its area, cool vibe and good different but everything else is almost always real half ass and maybe not at all. It's good and you should go but ideally during the week and only when mother nature has been most helpful otherwise it's probably bad because these types of places the hill more is than what a mgmt group makes it. That's Edges hood and I mean no disrespect at all but he is Einstein compared to that area. I wouldn't doubt they can't find people. The deal really with the place is it has the sketchiest road with snow to a skiing area maybe anywhere. Off camber no guardrail 300ft drop 80 degree right turn slightly downhill if I recall. When my cousin went to toon town we rode their a bunch and he swears he was there when a car went off and all the people died.
  10. That's exactly what I think too. Any expert has to be able to skate the 2 mins to the top there and even if you Sunday walk in the park'd it at most it's 5 mins. Plus it uncompromises the hill and the trail itself. It's got the best guns and lights but every person I've talked to said the last 3 days it's been essentially unskiable. Why because they had to 3d it to slow peeps down but if you have to walk to it you'll get 1/10000th the traffic and maybe netting is enough to groom it again. My even bigger point would be all this effort all the capital for the new trail and lights/snow making and it's all a compromise now because of some dumb ass idea to save some $$$$ and merge with pdis. That's when being cheap costs you more money. Sadly I didn't see her, she's probably at her house anyways but I think we only saw her that one time in the lodge early season.
  11. I bet it would run more 🤣🤣 Iirc early detachables had two entirely different drive systems stacked on top of eachother. One of my favorite chairs like mechanically is Northside at dv and it's that style with two chain driven toothed lines where it essentially never detaches but the faster lines teeth slide by. It's got 7483783822 parts but if the quad is that style you could totally improve the quality with some montage style tech. My board on a stick idea a la craps though is much cheaper.
  12. Rolled up at 830 to an empty house; apparently everyone was late as I was in the lineup without another person until 855. Only the quad was running and only sometimes. Razors was open so I took the first two down and it was a perfect carpet. One of the mogul dudes said Challenge was good and while it was a little loose it was the best so far this year. Main and switch were rotd just effortless carpets. By 915 everyone had arrived and by 940 both lines were back to the gates I took 4 more but the loose chunky was coming through on razors and challenge and I had enough of the lines. Good day and some very good snow around but the quad thing is getting ridiculous. The tail is wagging the dog, one trail is determining the entire operation of the hill when it's been the worst trail on the hill more often than not. All of which is because they thought it better to merge the steepest part of the hill with their primary green run rather than extend it 500 yards and create an easier merge on homestretch. It's almost like skiing off a tram where you get pulse delivery lines where everyone is being delivered on both ends at similar times.
  13. They already got another hamster and wheel what more do you want them to do ?
  14. The multi mountain pass like Epiq or Ikon or Indy is a fantastic idea that is a total no brainer. Where I'm not sure I agree with VR is that snow sports can be run like Walmart. I think Katz was a corporate raider type who saw value and dangled a big juicy treat at skiers while he took money out of the actual resorts and their economies and put it in like 9 peoples pockets. Does anyone know what happens if it doesn't work ? If you could get a group vote would it be a fair trade ? Is VR ASC version 344392853 ? I doubt it, they have a big ass pile of cash and it wouldn't be hard to get their shit together but I still say it's not a good deal for snow sports.
  15. Love some high peaks daks action and it should be awesome skiing this week. The mountaineer is in Keene and is probably the best mountaineering shop in the north east. Their books alone and they have every piece of gear on earth.
  16. I didn't remember you being super pro vail at least in my mind it was alot of Rodney's crew that thought it would be the second coming.
  17. I loved the box until they poisoned all those people but I'm confident thats all in the past. Can you imagine how angry all those peeps who were dying for Vail to buy Blue would be if it had happened. I remember every dumb ass was sooooo excited to potentially be on the pass 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. If you factor in that it's less than half the price of the others it definitely scores higher. A whole meal at in and out is less than a burger at the shack bur I'm biased as I have really good memories of in and out.
  19. The best burgers and shakes in fast food, In and Out is close Whataburger further back but the Shack reigns supreme. The only one I haven't had is Culver's. Shake Shack is to McDonald's as Ferrari is to Ford so them and Wegmans won't come to reading as Berks people are too cheap.
  20. Fuckin sweet day, sunny half way up the road and then wham blue cloud in effect. Sidewall deep sticky icky pow turns made for a surprise super sweet day and covered up the cookies you can still feel underneath. Surprise snow, surprise shake shack hashtag blue my mind
  21. The universe shines on blue the true today, the triumvirate of MacArthur fast food is complete. Voltron has formed, the power rangers have morphed the almighty Shake Shack is coming to MacArthur road. Short of them adding a 1000ft of vert to blue this is the best news.
  22. It's always super nice just to be there when it's empty empty. Just go stand around for 30 seconds and look at the place without 4 million Jerry's everywhere it's alot easier to appreciate. Sounds like top quality tail gunning snow, its soo wet your getting alot of base suck and snow sticking to the bases. Should be nice all groomed out and with some time to dry out.
  23. 2.5 inches in the ding when I went to get pizza. Would be a killer storm if it can stay all snow. Wet and thick like a milk shake.
  24. I almost don't want to say it out loud but blue has been in serious boner donor mode. Everyday for the last 10 or more has been waking up next to the person of your dreams nearly as hot sibling. I rode switch like 6 or 7 times in a row, just a near perfect carpet, plunging at full speed, Ronco effort turns the whole way and switch didn't even have the best snow. Top fucking notch lot session, massive props to Enjo for a surprise feast. Nothing is better in single digits than delicious hot food and the one meat that was like hot butter, just crazy good. Everything is everytime and still it's like fuck is that good. Round of applause to Atomic too for throwing down on gs skis after running to Mars yesterday, that's Shane levels balls out. Snowing here about an inch so far crazy to say but hope it doesn't fuck up the snow LOL LOL LOL
  25. And it's 3 runs at JF, no hate but that's 3 trips down the learning trail at blue
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