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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. They don't cook it and you get to check out their super sweet bathrooms
  2. The knob is good with lots of snow, there is alot around that place for PA but its needs alot of snow. Otherwise you've just driven three hours to Claysburg to ski a crack head version of Blue. Also don't get a cheeseburger from the lodge.
  3. Wow that's a shit ton of time but happy bday PASR
  4. It was super good to park in the valley and ride the big comfy couch in the sky. The snow was pretty awful, cookies everywhere but they were blowing and by this weekend it should be much better.
  5. That doesn't look too bad, some browns town but not too much coming through
  6. Is that for real ? A sweet street truck is like a dream. If I could ski and get a dope pie that would be all time
  7. It totally worked out but it's not a powder issue, if it was weather that's totally cool and par for the course. Even the CO stepped openings.
  8. Apparently they all went to Alta who has a union and better wages. I don't know if that's true but that is what the local peeps were saying. The ski patrol who eventually came down had no idea the lift wasn't running and 4 lifts never ran. I saw 0 ski patrol on the hill, no lift line people and at most 2 lifties top and bottom, most had one and the head maintenance guy was running Motherlode lift. The obvious answer is throw money at a core contingent of workers but VR is publicly traded and they don't want to show rising labor costs. Most of this week is people spending serious loot to take their family on vacation and if I was one of those people I would be fuck vail too. I don't care because every morning it's been skiing knee deep untracked and Alta got 2 inches in 30 mins like 2hrs ago.
  9. Sunday night, I'm bringing that cold air back
  10. I don't think this is any kind of revelation but any PASR peeps traveling to VR hills be aware they are hyper short on workers. I was at PCMR today, 15" and shit was pure railing rainbow coke off the finestest of asses but first chair on town lift was 950. They had no ski patrol to do a lift line recon so they couldn't run town lift. None of the 4 lifts from the base were running before 920. The lifty told us they currently have 4 groomers and had all but the base lodge closed for anything other than peeing. They aren't currently grooming Canyons at all and had only the 5 or 6 majors groomed pc all week though I only saw it myself today. Honestly if your a certain type of skiier it's awesome, pow turns everywhere until late in the day and no frills so those people seemed to stay at home. However they were close to not having enough personel to operate and outside of Vail itself I highly doubt this is unique to PCMR. It has been this way all season so far since they got snow and could actually ski. Basically make sure to have snacks in your pockets and be prepared to be chill, shit is fucking wild right now.
  11. Happy New Years ! Better weather in the new year is coming
  12. Holy shit that's terrible ! Stay safe and take care of yourself !!!
  13. Spry like a mtn goat but it makes sense kill it on the dance floor kill it on the snow.
  14. BC is a good hill, well run and the best lodge milf game in PA. The restaurant food and beer is pretty good, its not blue but it has its place.
  15. I think it's like the 3rd largest storm in their history
  16. I love the crown tv show ..Utah has been super super good 8 or so today and 5 or so yesterday so really fun knee deep meadow skipping style tree runs. None of the gnar stuff has enough snow but super fun. I heard from a dude Jackson is getting hammered. Wind was solid 30+ up top all day, sultan never opened and all the other lifts were jogging at least at some point.
  17. Good to see they are still blowing and it may snow. Who loves the queen ? Salty ? Dan ?
  18. Today had the best snow of the season so far, first full length main st was very good and I'd say second and third where just good before the cookies came out. Snow goes fast at blue when main st is 1/3rd width. They did awesome though making snow and lazy tuts all looking much better than yesterday.
  19. I have no idea what free fall is, its coming soon forever. Shit is looking very tasty valley blowing hard and upper main. It would be so nice just to have an extra trail.
  20. Creme Brulee is the best everyonce in awhile French dessert, its like fritos I eat a ton 3 times a year
  21. As far as a reclosing day goes it was pretty good. Nice weather and a little slick but the bottom 1/3 was nice. Even midway was good enough in a drifting kinda way. Never want them to close but I hope they open back up with some better snow Gotta say major props to blue they called down to the bottom about my pass and told me before the rope drop. In alot of smalls way every year they get more and more professional without losing the vibe.
  22. I feel like tomorrow we'll show up and it will be totally different but for now it's the poop chute.
  23. If not for liberal shitholes this state would make west virgina look like Monaco. Red states far far far and away consume more tax dollars than they bring in because red areas are poor. Red states are 9 out of the top 10 federal government whores and the blue state is VT which is .00000001% of a state like Mississippi. Conservatives are all like Rand Paul bleat like a retarded goat and deny hurricane sandy funds but when habitually poor and eternally shitty Kentucky gets hit with tornados Mr self sufficiency is first in line on his knees sucks Joe's dick for money. Abortion, taxes, the list goes on and on and on what being a modern conservative mostly is endless noise about how shit everyone is for taking x handout until they need it.
  24. It's currently 63 degrees at my house so with that it mind it's actually remarkable. Soft and fast and not too uneven. Super perfect way to spend a morning. Just saw their ig post, makes total sense but fuuuuuck what the hell am I going to do this weekend ? Christmas stuff with the fam ? I'm amazed they are projecting 22 trails by the 26th but I'm down for Kool-aid drinking. Needless to say I'll be up tomorrow am
  25. I must have low standards because it was better than I thought it would be. Some smooth on Vista and the rest was rowdy but fun rowdy. Saw mute and fam going to get my pass fixed, little one was killing it and even cut somebody off which is a pasr move for real lol lol They issued me a new pass but it still doesn't scan but the second time I went it she was on the phone with the IT guy talking about my account. It almost doesn't matter now anytime the lifties see purple helmet they open it up.
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