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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Brighton is the shit but you gotta go out the gates
  2. Shes got the bug for sure, riding in the rain is hardcore PA skiing !
  3. I will add DV does have tremendous accessories. The St Regis deck at 7452 has insanely good oysters and truffle pizza. Rime has bomber steaks. I dont often drink during skiing but they do have very fancy drinks, drink people proclaim the shit. Empire has the Veuve tent, their ski school is the bestest, they have an oyster and tuna tartare at the top of the gondy on the Jordanelle side. That's what DV is all about and if that's your thing nobody does it better but Pow Mow is chicken tendies and rusty pick up but both are worth your time.........but not the mint LOL
  4. I'm here now, well DV but that's still park city the town. I've skied the canyons/PC maybe 7 times? Where as all the rest way way more. I've skied DV 3 days so far and Alta/Bird 1 and by far the snow at Alta is in everyway better than DV. You hate icy snow yes ? Than your favorite place all week would have been Alta by far. Two days back 1" at DV was 6 at Alta. Its all awesome and amazing but the snow is generally better in LCC/BCC though it always depends on the year. Sometimes Basin and Pow Mow do really well over the canyons and one year Sundance had the most snow with Timp. Everyone agrees though, even my family who has a house at Park City its good but not LCC/BCC. Do whatever vacation you want except the mint, that shit is lame. I'm just saying there is a reason people talk the talk about the bird or Alta or whatever. Today DV opened Empire for the season and my brother, cousin and I got 3 laps in all the H&R fluff and stuff they had on the ground so far pretty much by ourselves as we can get their before everyone else with the car. Thats what its all about to me but I do think the resorts are very different and my least favorite is Park city fwiw.
  5. Sweet switchback is open, that's good shit so fast. All things considered this year I'm just stoked to ski in general.
  6. I only had a short window with work but well worth the trip. Good snow and nice weather make it hard to leave.
  7. Today was awesome ! Decent snow with some new stuff open and sausage Sunday!!! The pork belly was fucking unreal as always enjo killed it but the most impressive part was him crushing 19oz of pure American go go juice. I rode over NMDW last night and it looked to be about 50% of the way there on snow.
  8. I rode tonight and they were blowing all over, mad shit should open soon...p diz looked chunky
  9. Jim said they do and as they are closed for the weekend I would imagine you may be out of luck until the week
  10. Sunday for sure, Saturday maybe later though
  11. 19.25 fluff adjusted of course... Super smells like snow in Berks its going to nuke for sure, the wet smell to the air is off the charts according to my sniffer. The sky too is the perfect mix of grey with a little bit of bite to the breeze prime PA snow conditions. Somewhere in the snow corridor is going to over produce and get 2ft plus you can just smell it in the air
  12. I got up around 11 and it was a super nice day out but sit ton of marbles everywhere. The place does look sooooo much better with snow on the ground..... can't wait to see what happens tomorrow !!
  13. I need a grand father clause then as I never remember to get my pass until like 3 days before. Hopefully this means they are doing OK in terms of revenue otherwise I think they'd sell as many as possible
  14. I pay full price every year because I'm lazy but id pay way more to keep more people out. The best condition at blue is empty bleachers
  15. The trees out at was I think called dark side of the moon near the blown out cabin on Ascutney are some of the best in vt imho
  16. Today was boner city, nobody around, warm Temps and decent snow. If we can keep the country club for another month it should be a January to remember.
  17. Holy fuck i love the boner city reaction emoji 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆
  18. Damn i make cookies one day and its the day salty shows up......
  19. Today was super sick ! The snow was awful but it was soooo good to play skiing and see everyone. Can't wait to do it all over again Sunday
  20. I'll be there Friday and Sunday, Saturday I have a cookie making date with my daughter. It's going to be a shit show for sure but i don't give a fuck. It will be so nice to ski and hang out with the best degens in Carbon/Lehigh County
  21. That's weird because some weekday mornings once people were at home for rona were busy. It will just be so nice to go skiing !!!
  22. That's actually probably going to be the bigger issue, we'll get some tastes but when the hell winter shows up is anyones guess
  23. Anyone can ride the lcc, its national park land and the resorts only rent the land under the lifts. Though there are some small parcels that are owned prior to the park but my recollection is they were trying to buy them up. Dick Bass loves to transfer shit at snowbird for better land elsewhere. Alta has a couple groomers but nothing like DV. Alta is mostly traverses that access steeper bowls or lines. A noob can ride Alta and have fun but your going to run the same 10 or so groomers all day long. Alta is 100000000x more impressive and beautiful than DV. DV looks like VT and Alta looks like real mtn skiing. The bird is even easier to get to rowdy goods and you can board there. I'd say if your going all the way to UT pick your hills on where you want to go not cost. DV is fantastic groomers but like 8 on the list of places to ride in UT
  24. This is March all over again where we form two camps, lockdown vs no lock down which means we're all still missing the point. A lock down buys you time, that's it, if you do nothing with that time you end up back in the exact same spot down the road. This idea that humans have such control over nature is ludicrous and based almost entirely out of a fear of mortality not a response to reality. Nationally there is no enumerated power within the federal government to enact a national shutdown but he could ask for one and get some level of compliance. Wolf has said pretty emphatically that no state wide shutdown would occur, likely based on that the state Republicans would lose their shit. Regardless we are all still missing the point we talked about in March. A lockdown without a holistic understanding and addressing of humans needs both financially and mentally is ultimately meaningless. Rich people who work from home can virtue signal all day long and bleat about masks until the end of days but it won't matter one bit because starving or serious depression is far more real and dangerous than Rona. What we are trying to do is control a part of nature that existed longer than we have. That is of prime level difficulty and instead of using our best tools, imagination and creative thinking, we've done the same thing we've done with politics. X vs Y, lockdown vs no lockdown. It didn't work in March and it won't work here unless you do all the other stuff that is complicated and messy that no one wants to do. Additionaly at some level humans need to get ok with the fact of existence that we cannot control everything. Humans will die, you, I, everyone will die, diseases will kill people. These are the simple facts of existence to fixate on zero deaths is a noble but ultimately ridiculous concept. What we need is targeted, attack the low hanging fruit, do our best to mitigate and accept that the die was cast the day the virus showed up. The really really really big one is to take what we've learned and to build a society that is built to both reduce the risk and impact of such events...... but let's get real we won't do that, we'll bleat about numbers we don't understand and yell endlessly back and forth about lockdowns and who isn't wearing masks. Eventually a vaccine will come along save our bacon and well go right back to same shit that got us in this mess in the first place. We are dumb hairless apes with some real nifty tricks but we cannot run counter to nature and expect to win especially if we aren't even playing the right game.
  25. What's up with Gasoline ? I went to Disney for a bit with my daughter and mad stations were straight up 70s style out of gas. I'm not aware of any refinery shut downs or supply interruptions but it was pretty weird to see so many with even 87.
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