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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. 327 but the are early p series so they are on the worm screw and adjust pretty far. He can take them if he's interested but they are man skis not RTM's
  2. Today besides the low vis was pretty great. Best part though was maybe the ladies from nj talking glamour shots in the parking lot.
  3. Cloudy is awesome beer. Look up into the top house on long haul sometime, it's a mix of 50 different long defunct lift companies and "custom" parts. I assume that's why it doesn't always run but it is cool as all hell.
  4. Snow was alot better than I would have thought, snow was much more even than Thursday night. Lower park is irrelevant. Switch was good and sidewinder is still super playful. Tarpon - Death Posture is crazy good beer and the abv creeps lol EAF ! - I have a pair of stockli stormriders that haven't left my basement since last year. If you like stockli's so much they are yours, somebody should ride them.
  5. I'll be there saturday and sunday once the rain is done.
  6. From blue to reading via 78/61 there was very few cars on the road. This morning was shit but apparently they all went home. I heard 476 was super awful
  7. I was up for about 3 hrs, I saw zz in the lodge and said hi but he must not of heard me. Edge's car was in the lot. Maybe and inch over some pretty firm crust at first, maybe 2/3 inches total by the time I left. Razors to razor back had good consistent soft snow, everything else was a mix of softer stuff and icy crystals that was a little hooky.
  8. https://giphy.com/gifs/owntv-drama-dramatic-xUPGcxSVNhWX0y8fh6
  9. Those doughnuts are amazeballs, I ate three
  10. That was a really good day with runs I'll never forget for all kinds of reasons.
  11. Root and I were up, I got an hour in before going to work. First two runs were a carpet, just a skiff over groomed. Root took a beater on razors first run, there are a set of sleeper rollers that werent marked. He did a complete roll in the air, he took a bunch more runs and seemed ok but it was a pretty good thump. Hope your feeling ok dude.
  12. Your not funny and although at first I dug your mystic shaman style of posting your thin skin kills the picture in my head of some palmerton weirdo living in a van taking LSD and posting trail reports. You should have kept that vibe going for sure.
  13. Skied with mute, Schiff, and indiggio. Today was good, snow on switch was the best I thought. Windy but sun was shining and it wasn't too cold.
  14. God Damn that looks amazing ! I'm so super jelly, rip paint brush or tower 4 for me. Lol It's painful to watch you guys get the goods.lol For those not in the loop my wife was white girl wasted the night of the Super Bowl and broke her fibula falling down the stairs. So while I should be in Jackson I'm playing nurse and daycare lol
  15. That's that special pow pow feeling lol
  16. Get it man !! Those deep days are life changing
  17. Dude that is the tits mcgee and your pics are great. One could spend their whole life exploring that area and not even scratch the surface.
  18. Keep your head high and your heart even higher. We may never ski in the Olympics or get dope movie footage but we play a dangerous game. Humans are weird, to describe snow sports to aliens or even other animals would be very strange. We aren't chasing prey or running from predators, while the occasional women or man may be interested in us for our abilities 99% are not turned on by making good turns or dope tricks. We get no medals or trophies and for the most part our triumphs are personal and difficult to describe to others. Injuries are the downside to playing this dangerous game, you go out time and time and time again and you roll the dice, from a certain perspective it's amazing we can survive at all but such is the wonder to be human. There is a human sort of purity to going out and risking your body for the simple pleasure of sliding on snow, putting ligaments and bones on the line to chase the ephemeral beauty. Most of the time we are so used to doing highway speeds or bad ass tricks its not even thought about in any real sense, today was a good day because the snow was good, the integrity of our bodies never enters our minds. If your mind is right and your will strong there is no injury that can keep you from getting back in the game before you know it. Rest up, hit the PT HARD and you'll be back ripping before you know it. While patting one's self on the back is the lamest of past times remember what it is you do and maybe more importantly why you do it, let it be that nagging little voice in the back of your head that says I fucking rip and I'm Matt Edge bad ass so lets do 5 more whatever you do for a busted arm in PT. The road may seem long now but before you know it you'll be back out there because attitude is everything and you got the right attitude.
  19. Antman heal up buddy, you'll be back killing it and looking super fly before you know it.
  20. Sure cause you live there, your metrics are entirely different. Carbondale is 40 mins from skiing and looks like any number of towns in dirty jersey. If your visiting aspen from PA staying in carbondale is not nearly the same experiance. For the vast majority of people living in carbondale is a better deal. I've spent probably 50 days in aspen, never once have I felt like I didn't belong though I also don't give a rat's ass. Everyone I met from town is pretty chill, Vail always seems to me to be so much more flashy with there $$$$$ Regadless, TP4 your living the dream man. Enjoy snowmass tomorow you could spend your whole trip just skiing there.
  21. It's very cool, I've never gone but my sister went, it used to be advertised on the safety bar at snowmass with gwyns. Aspen is way less snobby than Vail, aspen is way more authentic too
  22. I rode last night with the three matts, Main st was perfect and I like the way they groomed sidewinder, its fun to connect all the little airs.
  23. Their is a bar from the same dude up the stairs around the corner from there, Zanes, dude is from philly and his cheese steaks are pretty good plus the bar has darts and shit.
  24. I'm in NYC for work so of course it snows, enjoy anybody who gets up tonight Should be tits mcgee
  25. Today is what it's all about, snow was pretty good, smoojie was redic and the meat, holy fuck the meat. That's a real solid day gents.
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