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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Today was super dope, great snow, great peeps, great beer.
  2. 12's are fine if you run at 10. Most shops won't set to 10 as I'm pretty sure it's off the chart for your weight. Blue does a good job on mounts, they normally are next day maybe two. You just gotta be real specific with people around here if there are multiple mount lines or something.
  3. Sickbird ! CB is a real treat and the way the sidewalks are shoveled is perfection.
  4. It was super windy but maybe a cash flow type move. You blew alot of dollars on the hill this week and saturday was good but empty Sunday, Monday. Cold air will be around later so spread that cost around more days to even out the flow. Plus peeps are happy because like 5 actual trails opened up so nobody is seriously complaining.
  5. Instructor dude on the lift said sixer is fine, that they planned on running only the quad due to no crowd and it took an extra minute to get up in the cold. It ran just fine and there were some pretty strong gusts today.
  6. Its so good, razors is fucking perfect. Cold but with the sun totally reasonable. Yo Root,........me, edge, telematt and his friend are out, we yelled but you rolled by.
  7. Damn, I tried to leave around 830 but the wife was going out and I got fucked. Glad the core mofos got out.
  8. Today was pretty awesome, new trails, pretty good snow and an excellent parking lot scene.
  9. I'll be there sat, and MLK sunday is a mystery box. I'm a gambling man though most times
  10. This storm is a real shit stew but it is the perfect base for the real pay off which would be a real humdinger with this stuff on the ground.
  11. It happens so rarely, the bird was the last one I can think of. It really means its a light news day but Eurp got crazy snow, 99 I think was the super crazy year when half of small mtn towns were buried.
  12. I don't see there books so who knows but my best guess is she's leveraged out at like 75% of max revenue. You can see it in some of the things they do, gotta make those bank payments. If you can't lend anymore money you can't build condos or a hotel or whatever and while you can get a quick injection of cash your also increasing risk and daily costs. They are proceeding with caution when it comes to any thing grandiose which is a smart play, they put there money were it most counts, snowmaking.
  13. They don't have any money lol
  14. Today was the best snow of the year, first run was a perfect carpet of titty sparkles. It finally feels like winter is here, new trails will get open soon.
  15. Today was probably best snow on main st all year. Crowds got crazy but nice to see them make some loot. They should really be able to get some stuff open soon. Headwall on razors/challenge could use some more snow. Beers as always were first class and bmdi after is the cherry on top.
  16. Fucking A that's sick. I'm jelly.....
  17. That's crazy, San Juans are generally considered the slideiest in the lower 48. Do you know where they were ?
  18. DV is fucking cool, way to get out there and put your thing down. Enjoy the bird.....what a place.
  19. Sick bird !!! Get some gents for all of us in the low country.
  20. Of course I am, its more fun that way but there is an element of truth. The bottom of the caynons resort looks like VT. Parts of Park City ski like VT, short blips and then meandering. PC is a world class hill surrounded by even better world class hills. I know he's going to Jackson he told us Sunday. But if someone else was going to UT just to go to PC i sure hope somebody would have said hey this is pretty amazing but it's waaaay more interesting like 30 mins that way. That's all I'm saying but the spicy version lol
  21. Park city ? Are you high ? I'm not judging but Park City is like the worst mtn in UT and my cousins wife has a big ass house on the hill and we still went other places. Jup is ok but it's advanced meadow skipping. If you go to UT at least get in the canyons, Brighton is a fucking gem if you know where to go, it holds snow forever. Solly is it's slightly more popular neighbor with excellent trees and pow pow. LCC do I even have to type anything out ? The bird is the fucking word. You ain't never ridden something like Hidden Canyon at Brighton or mineral at the bird. Park City is a slightly taller VT, it's conjoined twin the Canyons is really VT outside of 9990. I know you've seen there pretty sweet parks in mags and shit but are you really going to UT to ride park 24/7 ? The answer to that question should unequivocally be no, you want to get utarted with the kind of snow that is so fucking deep you seriously consider quitting your job and just never going home. The kind of diamond dust that blows up under your helmet, were 20ft cliff drops to bonk is a pooof. UT would be 1.Bird 2. Brighton 3. Snowbasin 4. Solly 5. Alta 6. Pow Mow (much higher if the snow is right) 7. Deer Valley (higher if your mom is going and doesn't want to carry her skis) 8. Brians Head 9. Park City/Sundance Your actual best bet would be to hit up Barb on CB. Crusty butt will check if you have the skills to pay the bills. That hill is steep, almost the bird kinda consistently steep, the town is fucking dope, that thai place is legit, the vibe is awesome and you have somebody offering you a legit hook up to keep those bills down. If you rip big fucking arcs down Bannana and that ain't enough for you well then jackson is a logical step up. Plus CB you can drive to other hills in the area. That's just my useless two cents but Park City ? You gotta be sniffing glue.
  22. That's super dope. way to get out there
  23. Today was what it's all about, if the snow is meh we still find our fun. I ask you good sirs who the fuck else has a cask at there post skiing shenigans ? That's a champion move there. Big shout outs to antman on the doughnuts and the og, the sultan of meat.
  24. Shit was good but monsoon skiing, my shit will be wet for awhile lol. First run down main was worth it and the king was good enough to join me for some slight stupidity. Tomorrow should be excellent
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