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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Today was awesome, everything was super perfect....then I got stuck on 78 for three and a half hours when some tractor trailers took a group shit but just one of those early runs was worth it.
  2. Mother fucker was there alot of traffic.....heavy snow from reading to shantz rd, moisture from the second wave starting to fill in at blue.
  3. hahahah now they all swung waaay back, LV is in the foot range again.......models this storm are just all over the place, the last runs were only 6hrs ago.
  4. 0z nam says precip shield never makes it much past philly, 12z says LV does about 6-8". Models are all over the place, nobody really knows what will happen. Bust potential is huge but my gut says LV gets something out of this that makes skiing tomorrow morning worth it.
  5. Today was awesome, snow was excellent, almost as good as yesterday. No uniforms in skiing gotta let your own style shine through. GSS I stole your pic for ig, I have no pictures of myself
  6. I love the Six, love the pics haven't been there since my daughter was born
  7. One day we all die and that kind of sucks but it's going to suck alot more if you haven't lived your life. Logic, reason, science these are things near and dear to my heart but sometimes you have to put the experience ahead of dollars and cents. Shit some of the best times in my life have been when I absolutely shouldn't have spent x on doing y but I did it anyways. Kids are only young once, you only get to watch them grow and develop for so long and then if you did a really good job they leave and go live their life. How much is a smile on your kids faces worth ? How about time spent together doing something you both actually like ? Money can't buy time and it sure as fuck can't buy you a specific moment in time, it's a tool, a means to an end, nothing more. Lastly and maybe most important your kid's are going to be messed up if every life decision requires actuarial tables and GAP accounting.
  8. Snow last night was the fucking shit, smooth, super fast endless grip. NMDW was perfect put the hammer down crank crank crank
  9. I'd add that kids these days are generally alot more risk adverse. First even though you could argue about what exactly attention is kids above a certain income level get way more attention from their parents now then in days past. Parents are adults and naturally more risk adverse. Second kids get less time with other kids and less time with other kids unsupervised. When I was a kid I got off the bus around 3, told my parents I was home from school and then was gone until 630. No phones, no real idea where I was which means I did alot of stuff because my friends wanted to and we go into alot of shenanigans. Now days it's so structured kids don't get into the same kind of trouble but the legal punishments are way worse. I'm talking normal kid/teenager shit like shop lifting, ditching school, minor vandalism, being a dick, etc etc, we got cops tell your parents and you get yelled at but these kids are getting in the system. Lastly kids now are alot smarter, not wiser but they know alot more shit. They have the internet and school is alot more hardcore. There is no way around it dumber people generally take alot more risks.
  10. He was kinda a dick though.....
  11. Razors was awesome.....ricky loves vt
  12. That's not the resort but the actual notch itself, that's legit gnar gnar. Years ago a meathead died in the notch when a wet slide pushed him off a cliff. Alec something...
  13. It looks like I just smelled my own fart
  14. What a fucking day, for real legit legit. Enjorales dude wtf, seriously wtf the bacon alone was next level. Your the god Damn man.
  15. About rutvegas ? I always wanted to write a skiing version of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance where it's partially a guide book to skiing, eating and experiencing VT and partially a collection of random ass funny shit that kind of explains VT.....place is so strange in a way, if you hang out there any decent amount of time you run into funny weird shit.
  16. Rutvegas is cool, I like Roots, Kelvans, the palms, table 24 and Little Harrys as far as places to eat. Sugar shack is ok but waaaaay too many people, Johnny Boys I think is better.
  17. Nice ! Enjoy VT Do you know where your going yet ?
  18. I'll maybe wear the Miami hat but I also have a new one so who knows.
  19. I got three bottles of champagne so far and a bunch of Stickman, I have a weber grill if we need it just let me know or if we need something else.
  20. My recollection is one lift and a poma maybe, if that's it trees off the back were excellent, mostly blacks and higher elevation maybe. I remember pines just absolutely caked in snow. Good day if I'm thinking of the right place
  21. Massif is the shit
  22. Sainte Anne, Massif, Royal etc etc nobody in the ec ever gets up there but they are cool ass mtns.
  23. Today was amazing, great snow, great people and endless fries
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