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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. I found this place when a certain member started a ruckus on tgr, I was at first amazed by his stupidity lol but also by his relentless character. I must have drank the koolaid because all these years later I'm a Doug lyfe fan. This place is foul, irreverent, sometimes cruel, often drunk or high, almost entirely nonsense and I wouldn't change a thing. In a world of sell outs and fake bullshit this place is entirely real. We are nice but pretty much exactly the same in person. Real is what everybody else is pretending to be. I've met the best skiers on the mtn. I'm definitely a better skier, particularly with a buzz on. The best in this life is to do dope stuff with dope people and we do that every weekend. The size of our mtns may be small but we have way more fun than places 4x our size and that is something truly precious. Here's to 15 more.
  2. I'll be there sunday for sure, sat morning looks shitty but I'll be up sometime sat probably maybe lol
  3. WTF I was hoping to come back to some progress and best thing on the radar is 6hrs maybe Thursday night lol The jet stream is just railing warm air into the east....gotta make lemonade.
  4. Today was excellent pre Christmas turns, beer was flowing, new skis to molest and life is good.
  5. They have a touch of the law but there is only one at the end of the day
  6. I'll be there sat, sun and monday morning, my sister and brother may come up Monday morning.
  7. It's not about the overall number of likes but the likes/content ratio LOL Congrats toast your are well liked on this den of degenerates
  8. Those are fucking hot man !! Sexy Sexy ski
  9. This morning was awesome and for at least a couple runs it was pretty empty
  10. I can't be there tonight my FIL is in the hospital and I'm on dad duty for a girl Scouts initiation. I'm super super jelly, shit looks real nice
  11. I seriously think they blew so much snow down there they were like fuck it let it sit. That's actually the smart thing to do which is why its so weird blue did it lol.......i hope for a sense of normalcy they didnt inspect the quad or something
  12. All that matters is they blew a fuck ton of snow in the valley last night and should have some more good nights ahead of them. The rain if it shows up is later in the week Johnny Law's problem. This many days out too all that means is it's going to rain at some point probably.
  13. Elk is just like VT, VT has 100" and elk has.......more new pine trees !!!.....no hill is more over rated then elk
  14. Today was a super sweet Sunday but I'm ready to be in the lower lot. The upper just feels weird
  15. So sick riding with you guys today, rest of mtn was a mix but can't believe the pow pow in the lazy glade
  16. The way to think about your pass is the first run costs 600$ or whatever and everyone after that is free. It's a liberating mindset. Snow is straight shit you can go home after 5 runs, shitty day at work and can only get there at 830 for 10 runs, saddle up partner and welcome to flavor country. Money is a tool, nothing more, nothing less.
  17. hahahah no reindeer in Lewes, she is pissed I'm not there to make cookies lol but my sister can hold the fort down.
  18. I may actually be there tomorrow now, my daughter is sick so I'm probably going to do hood rat stuff with my friends lol
  19. I see her all summer and she'll be in Costa Rica and Christmas but my family is oddly tight. Normally I would say that's a pretty bold move cotton but for you I say go nuts, once you break your neck your carbon footprint is going to get real small.
  20. She only has one bday a year lol but they get hyper social and with the new school almost every kid gets invited because of the feels. I miss 99% of them but every once in awhile even I have to play chauffeur. When your 85 year old grandma is like are you coming to the annual cookie baking you gotta show up. I'd much rather make some turns and drink beer with you shit heads but she could die any minute so priorities.
  21. I'll be there Sunday, Saturday I have to go to DE to make cookies with my Nana
  22. Blue's orange lights are orange becuase they are high pressure sodium bulbs and orange requires the least amount of energy and is thus the cheapest. I do think they are better then the white ones. Blue's problem is that sometimes it seems only half of them are on, switchback one year had like three in a row out, it was hilarious though sketchy.
  23. This qualifies as round the clock blowing.......groomer fucking around in the valley
  24. It must be tough to get up everyday with that Vantablack like darkness in your soul. You could probably write some pretty awesome lets go kill ourselves kinda songs though......... Blue still has some guns going, Valley next weekend I think, still shit is hot to be talking about the Valley on dec 5th, one year iirc we were 17th opening day with the baby lift only. Root you gotta be happy LAZY !
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