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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Zinc-ies have to be from that area but not all people from that area are Zinc-ies, its the LV equivalent of Reading's Mushroom pickers. I'm not sure exactly how to describe them but there is a certain subset of people at blue that you can just tell are Zinc-ies. It's kinda like a townie but more redneck less wanna be gangster. If you met that instructor girl last year that was straight up thirsty for it (particuarly NMSKI lol) she was a Zinc-ie though maybe slightly too educated. A good clue your talking to a Zinc-ie is when the conversation is over and your main thought is WTF.
  2. That looks real nice
  3. hahahahhaha I know Palmerton is where the zinc mine was, it's still a huge superfund clean up but I assume all super close area natives are zinc-ies
  4. hahahah I always forget he was randomly there, that was just awesome because the rest is like aggressively flat but it has this random ass 5ft drop Justo's power cut line last year was pretty rare for Blue I don't think I've ever skied that before......shit how could I forget about Edge's spines dude loves to grind the spines
  5. What's fucked up is that's the first thing I think of when it's windy in the winter.......ahh looks like Blue is blowing another glacier for the zincies.......I feel like that needs a K but zinc has a C....can I get the official spelling of zincies
  6. This is scary accurate.....I'd add the sketchiest run on the hill is the burma lift line, bigger than it looks drop to cinder block filled gully, toast almost took my head off....most difficult thing I've ever done on boots is shit in the old Killington bathrooms at Ramshead IIRC, shitter was like on the floor which with boots on put you in this like aggressive hover/squat technique and the door was .7 inches away from the end of the toilet. If you gotta drop the cosby kids off while skiing that's an automatic level 4 because it's going to take at least 3mins to get all your gear off now imagine you ski all day and you can't even take a load off when your taking a dump, I mean all the shitting angles were just way off......if I was smart I think I would have crafted a couple of prusik like devices out of TP and shit in comfort.......
  7. ghhahaha I didn't see that before but it does kind of look like he's jerking off
  8. Nice, I'm hoping for like a super rich lady with like a driver and shit type character. I think that could really round out our cast of characters and add a really interesting perspective. Like pinky up, drinking ipa's from a china cup and plate. See I love this kind of shit....one random Monday night at like 830pm, totally empty, Edge, The dude and I are hauling down main st and about 3/4 of the way down is a hippie looking semi-hot girl "skiing". In reality she's going about 20ft to complete explosion, at first I thought she was fucking with us, like who loses skis, hat, gloves going that slow but on like the 400th time we lifted her back up and got her going we realized she's like on the ninth moon of Jupiter. Xanax, paint thinner who the fuck knows but this bitch was high as fuck. Eventually we got her to the double double....two days later the dude says she came back the next night and the cops had to come she was so fucked up while trying to buy a ticket in the upper lodge. Blue is just like this site....what a perfect collection of fucking weirdos
  9. Thanks man......LOL
  10. This but really how hard is it to stay on the moving couch..... I like how every year it's the same shit but peeps still show up expecting something different, stop fighting it and embrace the shit show that is blue sometimes. Early season is always questionable snow, kooks fucking everywhere doing all kinds of irrelevant shit down lower main, long ass poorly organized lift lines and season passes that only kind of scan. It's the magic that makes Blue Blue, best terrain in eastern PA, excellent equipment with people that only kind of know what they are doing. Shit is good, embrace the bs.....I mean beers in the lot are actually what early dec skiing is all about how stoked can you get on repeat laps on midway to lower main minefield.
  11. Lehigh could do maybe 4" but virga concerns all around
  12. hahaha........good good not too long I think now
  13. 9th/10th but unless it comes way left it wouldn't give PA more than 2-4" plus it may go OTS
  14. There is a storm on the clock......everything except GFS says coastal blaster, couple inches in PA....GFS says OTS.....early early but still nice to see a possibility.
  15. Johnny Law

    DPS Phantom

    My guess is as often as he sets forward pressure on those bindings lol
  16. Johnny Law

    DPS Phantom

    EDIT: Apparently it's this patent - http://google.com/patents/WO2016042323A1?cl=en It's 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and according to the patent works like this "As before, this is achieved because the composition permeates the ski and bonds to the surfaces of individual grains within the base layer, coating the outer surface of each grain (even where the grain is located away from the external ski surface). This prevents water from associating with any portion of the ski surface even when damaged, whereas a thin film of water would preferentially associate with non-superhydrophobic portions and contribute to significant performance loss through increased drag and friction. The chemical component may include at least one polymer having functional groups. Preferably, each polymer may have at least one repeating unit. More preferably, the functional groups may include functionalised silicon. " You can buy it from China if you wish - http://www.lookchem.com/product_Supply-high-quality-low-price-Poly-3--2-aminoethyl-amino-propyl-methyl-dimethyl-siloxane-hydroxyl-terminated-Purity-99-/15229579.html I'd say it probably work pretty ok, you may have to grind/brush/scotchbrite it more but the science seems legit. Will not replace like real actual waxing and shit and it will be interesting to see what happens in the real world but how many boards and skis are out there with no maintenance, this is probably better then that.
  17. Johnny Law

    DPS Phantom

    The claimed environmental benefits are interesting, fluro and lungs don't go together, the water claims are total fucking horseshit. It's crazy tiny amounts of chemicals compared to say trucking or smelting. Dominator says "We can calculate that the amount of fluoro left on the mountain after ten million skier/snowboarder visits will be, at most, 38 pounds.* To put this number into perspective, 38 pounds of fluoro, in the form of discarded microwave popcorn bags, are thrown into trash bins around America every 15 minutes.** Clearly, the environmental impact of the fluoro in snow waxes is miniscule and, in comparison with the very real hazards endangering our planet from other sources, it is insignificant I wonder what it is, probably some kind of ceramic automotive coating, they in no way developed some kind of wonder chemical on their own. Surfactants are a big deal though so lots of them have been developed so maybe they found something nobody else was thinking about but I don't think this is a surfactant. The idea though that it continues to work even after a grind seems conceptually difficult. My guess is it would have to be some kind of uv reactant material that is hardening the bases by sealing the pores in UHMWPE, it could permeate the pores in sintered bases maybe via the capillary effect.
  18. Currently your only going to get little spurts of cold air until what appears to be mid december, the turn could be as early as the 7th but looks more like the 15th. All the cold air is up swirling at the poles and you need the oscillations to sort of knock it out or more accurately you need them to send the cold air our way. So this is just a model but you get the idea of how the cold air works, think of cold air as this kinda super limited resource locked away at the poles and for us to get it, particularly in the early season we need a conveyor of air to coral it into the NE/MA. That conveyor doesn't look to show up until mid dec so until then were all just sort of jerking off, the question will be of course is how long does this cold air stick around. It appears as if it may stick around for a bit and give rise to some snow possibly, zonal wave flux looks promising, models show lots of easterly flow but that hasn't shown up in real life yet. NAO/PNA also looks good with NAO looking negative If you like wildcard kind of bets there is a volcano in Indonesia named Gunung Agung that is low key erupting and one of the super dopest winters was 54 years ago when it last erupted. Currently it ain't doing enough in terms of ash to do much this year but that can change real quick so outside bets on an Indonesian Volcano making skiing dope at Blue Mtn.......
  19. Negative, I'm away but for pleasure......I wont' ski until mid december/mid january....once i start I won't want to stop so i want to be as healed as possible before I get going
  20. I won't be up for a bit I got to be patient but hope it's fucking siiiiick for you guys
  21. MILF game is top notch
  22. Insurance I think, somebody once told me if they are doing even semi-serious work the lights have to be on.
  23. Marcuse - One Dimensional Man is a must read
  24. I didn't mean it like personally towards you I was just saying in general....its like catcher in the rye, decent enough book but most people just read it because lots of other people said it was super dope
  25. The Great Gatsby is the worst book people pretend to like to seem smart lol
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