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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. What bindings ? A hamster with the right tool and 45 secs of explanation can adjust forward pressure . Shit must shop dudes are fueled solely by booze and weed.
  2. You don't even have to ask....
  3. I like were this is going......normally right now I'd come in and rile everyone up again so this can go another 10 pages but I'm too positive on everyone after last weekend to really troll.....I will say the dude bringing out the screen grab was clutch
  4. there a shit ton, mostly by geographic area https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_track_gauges
  5. http://www.snowmakers.com/super-wizzard-snowmaker.html
  6. If this is it I can live with that. Seriously like 3/4 SMI Wizzards or something that they could move around for spot work during the year and the hill is good until this weekend but whatever. Season is what you make of it and while the weather was shit this season rocked. Some good skiing, suprisngly good snow, lots of days with old people and new friends. Shit is sick better enjoy it before your dead.
  7. And with a solid axle they have to flange the wheels in order to go around turns...genius level simplicity to solve problems
  8. Today was a metaphor for the season at 330 it started raining haha Still really nice day I rode with like 6 or 7 different groups of people....shame it's raining, it's thin weekend I think will be at best single track.
  9. That's me, say hi next time.
  10. Today was perfect. Stoked for tomorrow
  11. hahahah just like vt big brown outs
  12. Haha boner city I'll have to fondle them next year
  13. The downward pressure of the ski combined with the friction of the bases creates a very very small layer or water on top of the snow that we actually ride on. Wax attempts to create the perfect amount of water under the ski, snow like last night sort of helps. In snow like last night were it's very warm there is more water on top of the snow which increases glide to a point. If the pack is really warm and it's baking or at the bottom flat portion where water pools then you get base suck in which now there is too much water under the ski and water tension starts to become a factor really slowing the ski down. Last couple nights are fast because there is a good amount of water around but not too much plus the snow underneath is very firm.
  14. FUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK For some reason I was really in the mood to ride tonight.....oh well tomorrow....
  15. In 5th grade conrail came to our school and showed up a train track saftey video, along with endless shots of kids getting run over and dismembered was a stat that like 99% of people that are hit are either suicide or teenagers playing on the tracks.....I have no idea if that's true but I still remember some kid getting run over in that video. Completely unrelated
  16. My ass is amazing like carved out of granite, everyhting else is a disaster but I'll see if I can pick those shorts up in a gortex
  17. Me, Ryan and dude rode last night how the hell did we not see you like 10 people there
  18. Monarch is a cool place with real actual people.
  19. I'm being straight with you but that's cool....we'll always have main st spine lol
  20. Not you PSIA but it doesn't matter one bit, PASR is a joke, it's a game of fuckery. I love vigorous debate and that's all we are doing. If I run into you tonight nothing said here is a problem, its all the same it was last week or whatever it's the same for anybody....well except TTC6 or whatever that dude's name was
  21. If I want to
  22. That is a sick pic the light is crazy good
  23. hahahahahah Are you fucking serious ? I've been nothing but nice to you, I like skiing with you, when you got into it about widowmaker and wanted to bounce I talked you off the ledge. Doug shared his opinion, you shared yours and I shared mine then you got all bent out of shape because we don't agree on the finer points of PSIA. Whoopdefuckingdo By the way the absolute best proof that it's a fucking religion is that you've been bleating like a goat for the last 5 pages about it. I said its a path not the path, I said they are good to excellent but there are other ways to get there, hardly a condemnation of the institution and you can't shut up about putting words in your mouth and extolling the virtues of the dewey decimal system or whatever. I don't really care about PSIA or spring snow but my mind is blown that you think you get to determine if I started shit for no reason. Who the fuck are you ? Seriously so what if I did, so what if I didn't ? By the way fucktard my sister was PSIA for a decade, my cousin was level 2, I went on their nov trips to killy with him, my uncle was PSIA for 30 fucking years. I met Joel Munn a PSIA board member from Vail a couple years back at an Obermeyer party for my sisters shop and said the same shit to him I said to you and he didn't get his panties in a twist. So we disagree wow who the fuck cares......
  24. Projecting bullshit ? hahahahahahhah kettle meet pot your black...........apparently you've forgotten two weeks ago and the whole widow maker dealio
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