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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Depends....which is always the answer when it comes to the law. lol Creditors have up to about 6 months to make a claim against the estate. If the estate has it the money comes out before anyone gets anything if not is usually dies with them but not always. Also the executor can sell assets to pay creditors, credit cards are low priority though pretty much everyone else comes first so they generally will try to negotiate for a %. Obviously debt collectors will tell you velociraptors will come to your house and eat all your children if you don't pay but fuck them they are liars. FTC in like 2011 IIRC made changes to debt collectors and Congress passed a big CC bill in 09 or 10 that essentially said the majority of the work is on the creditor and that they have to be quick about it. The key is to have the account only tied to the person that is dieing, an authorized user ain't the same thing I'm talking cosigner joint account holder deal.
  2. 5k or so for CO, another 2k for killy/ny probably another grand for blue 2k on random gear .....it's only money it will be of zero use to me when I'm dead.
  3. Golf clap brother golf clap for sure. You the man, no joke. Julio ain't no joke, besides the toilet bowl pre map era I can't think of anything rowdier in bounds and it's almost always thin. Tons of stumps. You rescued a dude so I'm not busting your balls at all but one small point if I may be so rude, keep the fucking skis on. To anyone out there rocks, dirt, stumps, trees, good snow, ice, shit snow etc etc they are all far far better with roughly 24ft of metal edge. Downhill boots are super fucking slick, AT are better but still neither are no where as good as skis. As long as the rock isn't filed down into a knife edge and you aren't moving at say a light skipping speed, billy goating with skis on say rock or stumps isn't doing anything more than base scratches. Shit even if the worst happens and you get a core shot that's 10mins of work and 1$ worth of ptex ribbon fuck I'll even do it for you for free. ACL is 8 months of your time and like half a dozen pairs of DPS Pure 112RPC's for sure. I love skis as much if not more than anyone but if it's me or the skis its always the skis, I'll trash them I don't care I can get more but a broken leg or something I can't fix with the internet and my credit card. No bullshit though you the fucking man.
  4. I do, I just don't want to close up shop on this year yet.....
  5. Killy looked sweet, got to run up there before they close. I'm pretty sure there were only one mount on those, then he added two because the first was true center. All I can think is the holes were too close which like Justo said would have to be pretty close. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CO was excellent. CB closing weekend was off the hook, Monarch was the tits and Snowmass is always good. CO demise was overstated, groomers were fine, 5" or so on Weds made for nice pow runs and Saturday the groomers were fucking perfect.
  6. Nice dude, the demise of CO was greatly exaggerated. Groomers were fine, even some fresh weds that's pretty fucking good for April.
  7. If they run this weekend I'll be there for sure, it's fucking skiing in PA in late April......
  8. Colin Furze the yt dude hooks a home made pulse jet to pretty much anything.....That shit is loud like seriously loud and shoots fire....perfect for coming down tuts lane or something.....
  9. That's cool, have you seen the stump collection on amazon ? Blizzard of Ahh's to Ptex and Ducttape, truly excellent.
  10. The jump as I recall had no landing, it was just a booter and then flat, real spine flexer shit.....to be fair though beyond throwing myself off shit I had no idea what I was doing.....oh man if I could get in a time ship and go back.....was super super fun. I'm Mike Jones (who) Mike Jones, the one and only you can't clone me Got a lot a haters and a lot of homies, some friends and some phony Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me
  11. I was .02 seconds away from pulling the trigger on the og Iceatlantic boards. If you account for the time, the general idea was reasonable.
  12. Gold Jerry !!!! Back in the day there were some super dope fruit booters. Mike Nick comes to mind.
  13. They used to pull your pass too if you were a skier in the park, for awhile it was snowboards only.
  14. Your out west doing your thing if there is enough snow who cares.......they invented ptex for a reason.....
  15. Snowing on the cams now, damn shame if they don't open for this weekend with all that snow still around.
  16. I'll go to Co and then some touring when I get back, maybe Killy in May. Still full on winter in the Whites, good thing we didn't go this weekend - http://www.mountwashingtonavalanchecenter.org/2015/03/29/march-29-2015-multiple-avalanches-on-mt-washington/- That's the head avy forest ranger by the way not Hojo's so for him to take a ride........
  17. Sick, sick closing day party...seriously everybody fucking delivered for real for real. Pretty melancholy on the way home which is weird...I got more skiing and you couldn't ask for a better season but it ain't the same without blue in my life. Seriously though all you fuckers it was an honor and a pleasure to ski blue with you this year. It's perhaps the most diverse crew in existence but there is not another group I'd rather spend my time with....well with the addition of Taylor swift of course. You were party rocking for real....Lol
  18. I'll bring some random beer too though I'm gonna drink all that shit nm brings like normal....Lol
  19. At least you were riding my ass what at work chatting with gss
  20. Sorted I'll bring a ton of steaks, root your now taking my champagne three bottles. Chef vtmark in the house.
  21. You the fucking man dude I can help too I just don't know what I'm doing. I'll chat with Jeff but steak seems like the best choice quick to cook and doesn't require alot of prep. Other Doug and kerry are down for a grill and Doug is making breakfast frittatas.
  22. No meat ain't an option. My mom is in China and then India but she has a meat dude at the farmers market I can probably get the hook up from. Steak, ribs let me know you have to know I don't cook I don't know how to cook steak but if somebody can cook it I can provide the meat. Step your fucking game up people it's closing day party. Waaah it's 30 out, waaaah we don't have meat. This is our fucking day we earned it now let's make this shit happen.
  23. FS lease terms. Elk fuck there or migrate can't remember which.
  24. Cool Cool, let's see if we can't find a weekend in May that works, I haven't been to Tuxs in a long time. Might have to leave thurs night to get a spot up at hermit, shit gets crazy full.
  25. Nice dude where your touring ? Notch ? We are looking at King sometime in April, maybe a tuxs trip in May too. Weather up there is still full on winter mode so everything had to get pushed back.
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