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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Is that the end of sneakys ? It's been a few years but big burn has so many full throttle runs. I'd say the freeway is my favorite as sneakys is always working one leg. Iirc they tend to not groom whispering Jesse alot but that's super good if you can catch it groomed. My favorite lap was freeway across the bridge down to Alpine springs and then rip whatever of coffee pot, naked lady or lodgepole was groomed. That's like solid 10 mins at top speed of just arc arc arc with a billion places to get air especially on lunkerville. If you go back up and take turkey trot to elk camp and go sandy Park or the one under lift that's maybe the best set of fast flowly blue groomers in the US. I'm super jelly, Highlands is my favorite but I skied Snowmass the most by far because it just has everything and their blue groomers are maybe the best anywhere, the design is just so perfect.
  2. Pretty much everyone in the house except mixil, maybe the best snow of the year. Main was just full on attack attack, lazy and dis too. Coming Soon is on repeat, ratty but superb grip. ROTD was Widow, midway, lower good midway is a rare treat. Razors and NMDW go, a little disappointed not to see them blowing on switch, enjo said it first but that's them putting the money first. With the place packed to the rafters hard to argue they don't have the loot. Last day for a bit with the Jackson crew, may you all be blessed with nipple deep titty sparkles, champagne and the imported strippers from Driggs.
  3. Johnny Law


    I think what I hate most about modern skiing is they turned it so corporate, it's all a business for the most part. Most of the ogs who went out and had the vision to see a ski mtn weren't primarily interested in turning a profit and it shows. Vail decided let's see what the market will accept and bam its 200$ a person just for the ticket. The sport and culture of skiing would lose so much including its core soul if it's a rich person's only sport. I ski alot at DV and 95% of them are not skiers, they are there to be seen or to take pics for the gram and mostly truly because they see it as an status symbol of wealth. It's so lame and for 392822842 reasons the exact opposite of what it's all about.
  4. Johnny Law


    Way old but the still watch this, pure filth https://youtu.be/vhHBr7bjyVA?si=EhBJ1GduE9ekTCeB
  5. They should have lots of loot for snow making then
  6. That makes way more sense ! I know JD was close but it's a dry town and my gut said moonshine country. Plus the oj and strong flavor would really make the shine go down.
  7. As far as I know its intended purpose was as a mixer for whiskey or bourbon, idk which, I was told it's called a pink panther. When I went to dollywood I went by where it was invented but sadly there isn't anything mt dew there
  8. I bet vtmark got mad lattes at the gangbang One day would be the jackpot of b roll, all the stuff off le chute alone but hot damn that ski was trucking. Normally I'm pro shenanigans but that's majorly uncool. Reason number 2929281849 to never stop moving at blue. Yelling off the lift at people eyeing a line is a requisite I think, one to stoke them up but two to build tension for the peanut gallery until they actually go.
  9. Johnny Law


    Mogul skiing is cool and I feel is alot more centered around actual skiing than aerials. Again it's impressive and requires lots of skill but it's more like diving in the winter. A good mogul run is cool to watch and gets you stoked, even in the Olympics aerials are impressive but I feel no stoke to ski. I skied with him years ago at Snowmass, he absolutely destroyed moguls like he's to the downhill ski before you can blink but not a big high speed carver guy.
  10. Johnny Law


    I still say the trick with the most steeze on skis is still a massive 180, I loved park skiing for like a decade, I still love to watch Casabon, Harlut etc etc but the spin to win stuff just screams aerials to me and that shit while very impressive is like the least cool thing ever. It's just diving with more hassle.
  11. That's sick xc stoke! Did you ever go out by leaser lake ? When I stop to pee I always think i should bring a rig and check it out.
  12. The snow today was calling to stay out and ski but the crowds made it impossible. So much would be improved if they just stood around elsewhere. Maybe instead of right in front of the corrals you moved over 20 ft but that's probably wishful thinking. Upper main was a carpet just do whatever you want skiing mid was like wtf and lower was ok. Lazy and dis were very good but they get so slow in good snow. Coming Soon the headwall still has primo grip but is still so ratty. Major props to gss for the mtn dew, no one I know agrees but it's just hyper refreshing post ski and to beer Jesus for the double hook up. I'm going to have to gift you a domestic servant and one of the good ones from Indonesia to begin to return the favor. I'm cautiously optimistic for tomorrow but another groom never hurts and hopefully everyone went today.
  13. I was in a line of 18 cars coming over the hill at 703, gonna be a samarai showdown https://youtu.be/zGV9mwwqdVA?si=Ec4pkof4Ktuq5L4x
  14. I totally agree, it should be like 2nd in the rotation, Vista, main st and come around
  15. Mad props for navigation, that's like trying to slide rails on the OC boardwalk
  16. Just keep it on Come around, then you have a dedicated run and there is plenty of space to hike a rail or you can just run the goofy ass Vista chair. Add in Lower Side and what used to be the half pipe trail but keep whatever its called open to go to the lift
  17. They should be able to adjust it for you in like 5 mins. Basically read the values and adjust the screws but then you know your golden too. Pivots are always a little weird but I've never heard of boot gloves effecting them. The screws can't be adjusted with the heal down so its not like you can do it by accident either. Old Soli bindings had a forward pressure screw on the wings that would back out over time so all the sudden you couldn't stay in but I've never heard of them getting tighter though that kinda makes sense for pivots as forward pressure is never as straightforward as lots of other bindings.
  18. Johnny Law


    It was the first year, they would always be yelling at me and my cousin and threatening to pull our passes. We would explain it to them endlessly and show them our park skis and shit but they had zero clue and just kept repeating the rule. In all the things I've seen at blue that was the dumbest, 99% of people at that time had zero clue and would just case the shit out of every table top. Truthfully I had only learned a bit before that from some like 7 year old kid who threw down at Mt snow when they left the x games parks open to the public.
  19. Your forward pressure is too high, flip both heels up and using a big Phillips or number 20 pozi if you have one, turn the screws on the arms left. You can see them move and there is little markings on the arms to keep it even. As you go around you'll feel it turn 1/4 or whatever at a time. I would start at 2 or 3 turns on both sides and test. You can theoretically get one full size out of the arms but only if it was mounted on the extremes of the arm adjustment otherwise it's more like half The way to know with pivots is the gap between the heal piece and the boot heal.
  20. That's the one right at 22 and MacArthur? Since I was a kid I always wanted to say there, the comedy club looks trashy AF I bet it's a great time
  21. Rode this morning with AS, JfDan and nick. Roads are way too clean so kinda busy first thing. Maybe an inch at blue or more, there is 3 or so in the ding so I'd imagine there is more on the way for blue. Conditions as you would expect are mostly excellent, lazy and dis are set it and forget it though lazy is a little slow. Coming Soon the headwall again was a bit ratty but super grip to let them run some. Upper main is very good though as you move down it gets firmer and more washboardy. I didn't ski Widow after yesterday but JF said it still needs more time. They hadn't finished pushing razors so none of that was open. Blowing on NMDW, le chute and maybe Challenge though I only saw the top gun on. Tomorow should be le tits assuming it isn't overrun by front platers and all of Delco.
  22. I wondered if the new stuff was generally better protected, honestly I didn't believe them at first when they told me so much of it is outside and not even like in an enclosure. I can't imagine an sulfuric acid plant in the winter, some of those places look straight out of Soviet Era Russia
  23. Major props, I think I would go to DV or PC on a new hip
  24. My recollection is you called it rasins ledge in a report or maybe in the lot
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