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Johnny Law

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Everything posted by Johnny Law

  1. Most of that video is from a ski movie called the Performers which followed the K2 dev team, the movie is awesome and has a part where they party at the red onion in aspen. Shit is crazy part of this box set - http://www.amazon.com/Classic-Ski-Films-None/dp/B002MD3UNM
  2. Single burger with just cheese and ketchup...
  3. Nice butt naked runs with beacons....classic
  4. Bad news - pretty much every possible storm has disappeared from the models, no snow on the horizon it seems. Good news - Jan thaw is off the map, seems cold air for the rest of Jan...
  5. Vibes +++++++++++ Heal up dude and take it easy, no need to rush it.
  6. Dude that fucking driver...wtf mate ? Anyways I finally blow by him, figure whatever the rest of the day brings this dick is out of my life. Drive ten miles, stop at burger King, get on shantz road....ugh another super slow driver. ..it's the same mother fucker this time all the way to Kutztown this dick got me twice in one night. Snow was suprisingly good considering the weather. Weekend should be perfect.
  7. It's like a whole different sport, the first time you make the avy decision on your own with a whole crew of your best friends waiting on you is like wow this is for real now no fucking around. Even if it's something low key like USA bowl there is still that feeling of adventure, it's simple working man's pleasure. I may not get 10000 laps but all I need is some random bits of food and skins and I can go ski in generally quiet isolation. I've done Roman's in Wolvy, USA Bowl, Patsy, Little Sup, Pioneer Peak, Cardiac, Red Pine, and a few random others and they are without a doubt some of the finest skiing experiences of my life. UT touring is just incredible, enjoy.
  8. so fucking sick, mad jelly of your skin track.....super clean, smooth and with plenty of elbow room
  9. There is a safety circuit, basically the lift checks a whole bunch of shit to make sure mass destruction isn't imminent. What happens most of the time is a sensor is bad and keeps telling the lift to e-stop. The lifties clear the alarm, start the lift back up and .4 seconds later the same alarm trips and we are back to square 1. Rinse and repeat ad nauseam until someone who actually knows about lifts shows up (normally burly dude on snowmobile with a big fucking sledge hammer) Often he'll walk into the box and .5 seconds later the alarm is overridden and everything is back to normal, other times he goes up into the drive assembly and wails on some shit with the giant fucking sledge hammer and once again everything is back to normal. I have no idea what they are doing with the sledge but I've seen it at least 5 separate times at different resorts on different lifts. My guess would be haul line has jumped the track but this king lifty if you will is a magical creature shrouded by mystery and intrigue, we don't know where they are from, what their actual job is or were they are buying such an enormously large sledge from but with this one simple tool they can fix all possible problems a lift might encounter....... Nothing bad is going to happen unless it's a YAN or your in Yurp on a tram 100000000 ft above the deck and jets are nearby.......
  10. Most shops won't do 3+ and 8 is what that chart says you should be. DIN is really easy, get a #3 pozi or a big fucking Philips, on the front of the toe piece and on the back of the heal piece dildo look for a big fucking screw. Turn it to whatever number you want, wait for knees to explode
  11. New tech binding too, apparently three options from a rando style to a beast style. Somebody on TGR skied the Backland Carbon, apparently its hot shit with insane ROM and lighter than the TLT6. The tech boot market is crazy, everybody is making them with sick components and crazy hike modes. Insane only a little time ago you either had tlt6 or a garmont.
  12. Waymaker carbon comes in 110 but has the touring cuff thing so doubtful, Overload and LiveFit don't come in a 110, Redster and Redster Pro come in a 110 but they are WC boots so again doubtful. Gotta be the hawk.... Doug they will say what model they are on the right side of the boot right under the top buckle....who cares though way to get boots before JH.
  13. Nah the sixer is fine, none are worth worrying about but the quad is the worst of all the chairs. Lifts basically have three braking systems, the button press or some idiot can't load, slow, please stop if you will. Service brake. The control systems error stop, lift thinks something is wrong and shuts the whole thing down, more aggressive than the button. 99% of the time this is an issue with the stop bar lol. Bear Creek......safety circuit is the official lingo. Emergency brake The third is the mechanical brake on the bull wheel, the mech is the brake of last resort. It's abrupt and is there in case the drive train or engine goes down. You would know if it was this kind of stop immediately. All of these are designed to prevent the singular failure point of all lifts, rollback. Rollback is gonna kill alot of people so you don't want that. Older chairs with counter weights will roll back a little on the quicker stops because alot of them the counter weight is undersized. In modern top quads or sixers a pneumatic or mostly a hydraulic system of haul tension is in place. You can set how aggressively it maintains tension. Sunday's issues were likely a safety circuit issue which was engaging the e-brake, it rolled back ever so slightly due to the way the tension is setup to regulate. Too quick and you can buck people off chairs. Essentially the bullwheel is on a carriage system which hydraulic rams move around to maintain haul tension, Modern lifts also have a anti-rollback device, generally it's a series of teeth that can only engage if the haul line is running in reverse, sort of similar to a otis safety elevator. This is a result of The Tramway Safety Board who after older chairs had gearbox and secondary braking failures instituted a multi system approach. Chairs are super safe, brittle bars go if you tension fails on counterweight lifts, you have at least three separate braking systems, you have the cable catchers if the haul jumps, you can drop trees on the haul as well as pull a complete tower and assuming terrain and hold down's are ok your fine. There are 100000 alarms including haul line sensors and a grip alarm. Any serious problems with a lift are almost always manufacturing defects (see YAN), improper maintenance particularly on old chairs or just total shit luck.
  14. I like that snow too but I think this one will setup much harder, tomorrow could be a real ice block....
  15. I want to eat there too, since I missed CBI I'm now way behind lol
  16. I'll ski in anything and say it was at least decent but racing in dog shit snow no thanks.....
  17. There are already rules about this, they better hope he is cool or they are getting sued and will likely lose.
  18. Because of the way the jet stream works and the 850mb line. In PA if you want it to snow you need water, water comes from the southern stream, it also brings warm air which is bad news. Cold air comes from the north and due to the air density issue cold air tends to form a bubble. Therefore if you want big snows you need both at the same time, cold air from the north and southern stream energy that brings the water. This is always a long shot and half the time it goes OTS like the 12-16th storm. The good news is when it does happen you get mega snows, blizzard of 93 was like 20 degrees out which is super rare for PA. 4 billion years ago proto earth got knocked on it's ass from a Mars size object, it was an oblique angle thank god or we wouldn't be here, This slowed our roll to 24 hour days and gave us axial tilt of about 14 degrees. Because of this tilt you get very little light at the poles, this creates a circling pattern of air movement, this is the Arctic Oscillation or the so called polar vortex. Most of the time it hangs out at the pole but if you get instability, normally warming of the upper atmosphere the oscillation starts to wobble and cold air spills out into the northern part of the US. You'll hear about the AO going negative, this is super super key to NE weather because it's generally the only time you'll have the cold air. There is another oscillation in the North Atlantic referred to as the NAO. This provides blocking and helps storms ride the coast instead of going OTS. You also want this going negative. Lastly while conceptually a little weird there is the Bearing Sea rule, basically if the EPO is going negative and throwing energy into the bearing sea, mark that storm in your books and it will pop up on the EC two weeks later. Obviously its not 100% but is generally true. If the mountains in the east were younger and therefore higher 70% of the time you couldn't ride them. The rock pile ain't that high and you couldn't really do shit up there if it was 8k feet. Another storm showed up on GFS for jan 21-23, follows bearing sea rule, gfs shows 15-20" for PA. One thing you have to understand about weather models in winter is that they almost always show a storm a week away, they simply say here's your chances, if we get it or not is a whole nother story.
  19. Lotta weed got smoked in that yurt......do we have a pouring a 40 out emoticon ?
  20. Mad disappointed I missed cbi, wife's friend kicked the bucket and I didn't know I had to attend the funeral. .......snow was decent...
  21. Today was nice, snow on challenge and switchback was very good. Tomorrow should be even better
  22. He can ski it I think he just doesn't like to. Razorback for racing league has to be as steep. Do I look shorter ? Maybe it's because unlike most people I don't wear shoes lol. I'm only going by the last physical I had maybe I shrunk.... I'm not that slow LOL though I have noticed it as well.
  23. Like a super metron kind of.....that would be super interesting They aren't hard to ski, easy to get up on edge, easy to wiggle. I'm 6'0" 175lbs and not a former WC racer so I need a bit of a hill to really carve them, on lazy you can feel the 33 radius on Main St with considerably more speed you can't. Considering you have PSIA background you may find them easier to carve at slower speeds. They were a science experiment of sorts, see how much rocker can compensate for length. Also I have a pair of Bsquad 104's that are a 36 radius that are super difficult to ski, you have to leg them all the time so I wanted to see if it was the radius or the ski.
  24. LOL if your BSL is close your welcome to try them out...they want alot of hill but they are surprisingly nimble..
  25. Shiro 203 and ON3P 186 Vicik's,
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