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Everything posted by switched

  1. just painting, next time send me up some pizza, and hot chocolate
  2. wow sorry have to see that, maybe someday he'll relize its not all about him, or his lack of ability to express himself
  3. have a nice winter, bright one
  4. looking instead of carving, that 's how seems to me the new features skate like and challenging, the people who can ride differrent features do, nobody asked you to progress, complaining is easier and you seem to enjoy using this as the forum. why don't you become proactive (future park designer),ask for what you want in the park instead complaining about what others want.
  5. the pipe is perfect for a variety of lip tricks,fast plants,airs, alot of people really enjoy rock and rolls witout the vert to flat transition of wall rides, its on perfect swing and the cope is classic, can't wait for the hardcore to session it, the strongest quater pipe I ever saw with all 4 by 4 studs. This will be an awesome feature to hit. least for me
  6. november 16 ,7:27pm
  7. .
  8. that pretty funny, a grassy snowcone
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