My son works at Camelback and I have to tell you it seems pretty fair to me. He has worked in the rental shop since he was a sophmore in HS ~He is now a freshman at college working during his break and on weekends.
He gets a FREE Sunday through Friday season pass, which is also good every night, so the only restriction he has is he can not ride on Saturday day (seriously big deal). He gets two (2) vouchers attached to his pay check each week which are good for a lift ticket and a ski rental (both FREE) that he can give to his friends (when his sister isn't using them). He learned to snowboard for FREE last winter, both the lessons were FREE and the snowboard rentals (Burton) were FREE. PLUS we can go snowtubing if we want (yes for FREE). He aslo gets 1/2 off his food (Yes it is Cafeteria food but it is reasonalble with the discount). He was able to purchase some things at the loft (20% off for CB employees) with the money he earned. He makes just a bit over minimum wage ($7.50) but with all the perks it adds up to be a pretty good deal.
He loves the people he works with (he has made some very good friends there) his bosses are nice, what more can a person ask for? His sister can't wait until she is old enough to work there. So before you knock Camelback, think of all the kids that have worked there and who have learned a sport they love. It's not so bad and if you think about it, the management there could be way worse....