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    Rome Blue Board Ride DVa Binding Vans Veil Boot
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  1. Yes it does fluctuate but over the last few years it goes down less so you have a higher starting point every spring. I just paid $75 to fill up my Acura. And we use a tank on a round-trip to Tahoe. I am looking forward to feeling more flush once we stop doing that trip 2-3x month. This weekend is our last ski weekend of the year! Passholder party at Squaw. I am ready to get my warm weather activities on!
  2. Squaw announced that they are open until the end of May. We are there this weekend and at least two weekends in May but already have non-riding stuff planned for the other weekends! K-wood will prob be open on July 4 and we plan to hit that, they were last year and we've got at least 100" more.
  3. Welcome to California! Enjoy your stay
  4. I guess riding park is different because I feel like my weight is not on the balls of my feet at all. I do constantly adjusting my bindings based on conditions and how I am riding so I am in favor of trying something new.
  5. Erin808


    That ties into the whole closed boundaries discussion at Squaw. We have closed boundaries but Alpine has BC gates. If there were BC gates at Squaw you could slide right into some AMAZING terrain. There's a whole rumor mill that KSL (Squaw's new owners) are going to buy Alpine. I digress. Timeless- we have a house (right above Mtn Mikes) and passes to Squaw so I am always there. We might take advantage of the $100 April pass at Alpine but we might not. I have 32 days at Squaw this winter and while I really want to check Alpine out its so hard to leave Squaw...I just love it too much and I can walk to the lifts. Sorry for not posting sooner! And I will post some pics this week. All in all it was AWESOME. A mix of powder days and sunshine. Timeless is correct that the storm that blew through was wet and heavy. It got skiied out really fast so you just had to get there faster The thing about Tahoe resorts is that they typically do not open all the terrain right after the heavy snow. There are so many avey tracks that patrol needs to blast a lot so usually things open throughout the day into the next day so you can get freshies all day. It looks like some more storms are coming through this week and our late season is going to rock
  6. Erin808


    Squaw is closed today due to high winds and "snow safety concerns" aka avalanche danger.
  7. Erin808


    Someone said there is a shuttle from N* to Squaw but I don't know. Like Timeless said, it can get very busy and its very family but I hear if you stick to the backside its not bad. It snowed 29" in the last 24 at Squaw. I am hoping that the roads are clear-ish tomorrow morning when we take the trek. Timeless, where are you headed this weekend?
  8. Erin808


    Okay yes it is EPIC. It took 9 hours to get there last Friday but Saturday was SO worth it. Even paid $92 for a lift pass to the Mtn where I have a season pass (holiday blackout) to ride Saturday. They didn't open the upper mtn ALL week due to avalanche danger and started opening lifts around 10:30 Saturday. We got 5th chair when headwall opened and it was AMAZING. Something like 80" since it was opened last. Skiied there for a while until Siberia opened. It has a steep face then a relatively flat traverse then a final blueish face. So many people were stuck or searching for skis...I felt SO bad for them but whatevs you can't stop or slow down fools. Granite opened around 1:45 and was beyond EPIC. I rode from 9:00 to 4:00 and really don't do that but I just couldn't stop. Then on Monday they opened the last remaining closed area of the mountain, Silverado. It is so freaking rugged am amazing. It's this little side of the mountain all to itself and you have to take this awful fixed grip lift to get out of there. The line was 45 minutes long but the queue had the same vibe as a concert before the show. Big smiles and excitement all around. It's snowing in Tahoe again now and I am headed back Saturday morning and will be there for 9 days of riding/entertaining lucky folks from out east. Don't hate for no pics. We forgot the camera at home and I was not about to turn around God its great with that much snow too, going off things I would never dream of going off. Taking the steepest runs straight. Runs that I am normally pretty scared of in normal conditions. Squaw is an incredible mountain.
  9. My Squaw housemates went to kicking horse at some point in the recent past. They are super hardcore, like leave me in the dust hardcore and LOVED it. She like raves about it being super awesome and really, really long steep runs.
  10. Yes they are reporting 25" fresh this morning and the next system comes through Friday.
  11. If you have 2-3 full days then I would head to Squaw or Alpine. Squaw is better but Alpine stays fresh longer and is less crowded. If you have 2-3 including travel days then just stay in Reno and hit up Rose one day. Rose is decent but most of the terrain is pretty easy. They opened this area called the Chutes a few years back that's pretty rad and steep. There are several other mountains that I wouldn't bother with on a short trip. I also wouldn't bother trying to head to South Lake, aside from KWood its not worth it and Kwood is far.
  12. Siberia to reverse traverse is worth the short hike. You can't hike up to access Granite Cheif terrain since the rocks aren't covered enough yet but you can traverse far, far skiiers left from the top of Shirley. If you stay high you will get all the way around to granite cheif terrain just lower. Oh wait, was today your last day there? Glad you are enjoying yourself!!
  13. When are you headed out? We have a ski lease at Squaw and will be there lots. Msg me if you have any questions closer to your trip! Or want to get cocktails
  14. I don't think Aspen is hurting for people. It's just not a crowd that would rely on the Skiing Mag ranking to determine where to go.
  15. Colorado does not have the coverage right now to be awesome in the spring. They might get some storms but the base in Vail and Beaver Creek is pretty low which is not going to be good for spring skiing. Tahoe will be really warm by then. We have great coverage now but its consistently warmer than CO especially at that time of year. If you are expecting spring skiing then come on out to Tahoe. Can't say about Mammoth as I've never been. The good thing about Tahoe is you have several micro-climates so if one resort sucks you just go somewhere else and you dont have that with Mammoth.
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