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About k2instructor

  • Birthday 09/27/1989

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    2005 K2 Public Enemy's Cannon 20D
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain

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  • Location
    Stroudsburg, Pa
  • Interests
    Skiing and photography

k2instructor's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Yeah i dont have a problem if i do have to follow the rules.. im paying 2,000 to go there i dont want to get so f'd up that i wont be able to get up in the morning or be able to get my moneys worth or skiing. I'm in college i can get f'd up for free every other night haha.
  2. ok sounds good.. boulder is fine im in stroudsburg only takes like 30 minutes to get there.
  3. ok so getting away form the topless photography. haha.
  4. sent you a pm
  6. Ive never done that before but am willing.. send me a pm
  7. sorry the modeling is not in the offer hahah.. but the shredding pictures are ok.
  8. I just started a branch off of my dads photography business. Its mostly modeling photography, but since im a skier i figured id try to get some of you guys some good pictures. Plus i need some for my book.. but.. anyone interested in getting some shots?
  9. Thank you guys.. i think im going to sign up... i may have to sell a kidney but ill do it haha.
  10. im 18 ive been skiing for about 12 years. In the past 3 years i recently got into park skiing. I can hit the jumps and boxes. But need alot of work... I wouldn't even consider myself good at the park.. but i want to get better. Should i go to the camp or would it be a waste of time. I'm not scared by the size of the jumps, rails, pipe. I've tried almost every park feature that i could get near. But im willing to spend the money but need some feed back on the camp. It says if your new to park skiing to come.. but is that true? Thanks guys, chris
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