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  1. i called that one byeaah
  2. go back and read what icedout and humble have said throughout this messageboard... i guarantee that they are just trying to get everyone flustered which is exactly what has happened, every staffmember i've talked to said bear would open definitely before monday, probably thurs-saturday... chill boys chill
  3. I think, in order for blue to claim even a decent park, that they would need to relocate their whole park entirely off of sidewinder. I know this is an unrealistic request but it is a necessary one. Go to any featured resort and their parks will be located on mellow, generally straight trails. Most of sidewinder is way too steep, resulting in rushed runs and (i'm guessing) more snow runoff=more ice. As said before, blue needs to stop producing the ridiculous rails (downflatdown s rails and swingset boxes) and make more features that let the riders be creative and aid in their progression. As a bear creek native, I've been on this site frequently and read about how much blue has stepped up their park, and every time I go to blue I am saddened by how little improvements have been made from season to season. Until these changes are made, in my opinion I think that blue's park will continue to be large steps behind bear's and big boulder's.
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