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n00b (1/10)

  1. How much money is it to get a pass at other mountains... I know at Sunday River and Killington they have this deal were you can ski at either mountain, for free... but that is if you have the Gold Pass.... So how much will it be at other mountains? O and ummm the Gold Pass is $500- $800 maybe?
  2. I think that it is great that people are finally thinking that we need more ski resorts and mountains... it does get boring after a while! :wigglePlus I would never go to a mountain far away from CIVILIZATION!
  3. I ordered mine online and I got it a few weeks later... I suggest taking a new photo!
  4. I don't know how I did it. But here's some advice... Don't Go To SUNDAY RIVER this week because the only trail open is full of moguls, and if you just got new stuff.... not the best trail to break in your new stuff!
  5. Has anyone ever gone to Sunday River? I am going this weekend... Is there any snow? Can't wait
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