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About BEasy

  • Birthday 02/22/1991

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    ride havoc, spis, anthem
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    blue mt

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  • Interests
    snowboarding soccer lax sleep food ladies the usual

BEasy's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. http://www.trutv.com/shows/ski_patrol/safe...urPhoto=17#page avalanche warnings ?
  2. when i was working last week on the way back from fixing the park me and my buddy came to up to a girl who got destroyed by a snowboarding i stopped i call ski patrol on my cell phone they come yada yada yada there ended up being mad cameras there and i was talking to one of the guys on ski patrol he said that they are saying around 2 million dollars in free advertising blue is getting out of this. and they pretty much told ski patrol they can get whatever they want.
  3. ill be up there thursday (meeting) friday around 4 sometime sat and maybe sunday
  4. BEasy


    id say ride spi's i just got the new 08 model this year and i had an older model of spi's prior to these and i love them i have a complete ride setup and like them very much. the spi's are very versitle bindings which is one of the reasons y i bought them. they do have a lifetime warrenty on the baseplate and the heel cup i do beielve like GNU rider said. and with the spi's they have adjustable straps and toe ramps to center ur straps in the center of ur boot. i wear a size twelve which has a print of 11 but i have tons of extra room to center my bindings if i had a larger boot. the spi's are very adjustable to however u feel is most comfortable for you. hope that helps need anything else let me know
  5. regarding beveled edges what do most of you riders and skiers tune ur edges to... like how many degress
  6. t*maki i left u a pm if u could get back to me with what would be best id appreciate it thanks
  7. there are features or will be set up by friday from what i understood from the park guy
  8. the blue mt website said park will be open if they get it set up so who knows...ill be up there thursday and friday but prob not sat or sunday
  9. what are u looking for from the coaches talent wise?
  10. BEasy


    does anyone know for sure what traisl they will open up with?
  11. i was up at my buddy's house yesterday to look at a car im gonna get and u can see the mountain from his back yard and it was pretty sweet seeing snow on some of the trails gets me excited
  12. 11/26/07 at 9:27
  13. wow ive been ready since the season pretty much ended. I just didnt get my fix last year. Ive been waiting for the mountains to open for so long now. Its gonna be a huge stress relief!
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