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About iheartsnowbunnies86

  • Birthday 03/11/1986

Previous Fields

  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Big Boulder Park

Contact Methods

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  • Gender
  • Location
    philadelphia, PA

iheartsnowbunnies86's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. I ride JFBB mostly, but who has this deal 3 for $99?
  2. Never came on here to start a huge dilema. I was just trying to share my video with people who ski and snowboard in the Pocono area. Sorry dudes, Have a good Thanksgiving!
  3. @DiMe Not at all, I can take constructive feedback... I also agree Andy's video is very inspirational and I knew that going into this he would be very very tough competition. But his video like many others is over the 2:00 min requirement for the contest. It wouldn't be fair of them to choose someone over the 2 min requirement, whether it's Andy or another entrant... because I like many others could have made a video over 2 min talking about how they mtn. There's a LOT of great videos up there and I'm still stunned at all the entrants who didn't even include a clip of them on snow!!
  4. Haha thanks. Can anyone shed some light on deleting a post you put up twice by accident?
  5. Definitely, didn't mean to post this twice I'm on a spotty internet connection haha. I just came back to check it out, sorrry about that. Trying to figure out how to delete one of them...
  6. Hey- I'm not sure if you have heard of this Ultimate Mountain Gig out at the Canyons in Utah? Right now I'm on page 1 of 21 for most votes and I need your help for a few more. After you're done drooling over the job, here is a link where you can watch my video and vote for me if you want, Kevin Casey: How I Mountain... Vote for me! We need to get someone from the East Coast out there for this job!!! Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!! -Kev
  7. i am
  8. yeah i was thinking of trying one of those aluminum ladders but the top is a little too narrow to strap in on (I have no idea how the pros do it in the videos)... im going to try and build a box to strap in on (4-5ft in height) and somehow figure out how to rig up the drop in (as a separate piece)
  9. yeah my bad i described it horribly at first... im looking to make a drop in ramp for hitting handrails. something transportable definitely.... i have the general concept down but instructions would be a huge help
  10. does any one know where i can find some good directions on building a starting ramp?? i've seen many different ones in videos and have a pretty good idea on how to build one, but if anyone knows of any plans online that would be pretty dope mucho thanks in advance
  11. i tried looking all over the website, but couldn't find the location... park looks pretty dope from pics of last season i guess my main concern is how far is it from philly??
  12. TUSC all day
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