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Everything posted by xNick11

  1. Last year then had a 13' half pipe. This year there will be a 13' and a 22' half pipe. They should be up once they can enough snow to cut them.
  2. Im not scary...if you ever got to know me good im actually really friendly.
  3. I am working Saturday from 3-10. But tomorrow ill definitely take some laps down the NF. I hate skiing the park at night because I can't see much. So 6 at the top of Phoebe. Sounds good, if im not there by five after six then leave without me. I might either be gone or lapping the NF already.
  4. xNick11


    I have Sony Earbuds they lasted me up until a few days ago from 3 years ago. I was chewing on the one and I guess I got spit in it, and now it doesn't work. I have to go pick up some new ones because I hate hearing stuff other then music when im skiing.
  5. I'll be up there. So where are we meeting?
  6. Ski is much cooler then any of you. So what if he races...it' s what he does.
  7. Ya Melissa, you will rarely see me out of the park unless it's a powder day. I might go up today for a few hours before I have to leave to go to my cousins. You might catch me on the NF today tho depending on how the park is.
  8. Im mad i didn't get to ski with Melissa today. Maybe some other time...
  9. Sean, it will be taken care of once the weather is good enough to blow. You know I got you man.
  10. I will be on the lookout for you tomorrow. I should be in the park around 12 if conditions are good, then after a few runs ill be down the northface. If I see you I will probably be yelling your name. lol
  11. Your lucky to have some purple gear. I would kill for purple gear depending on how dark or light the purple was. But ya ill definitely be on the lookout for you. I have nothing else to do when im down the north face. What kinda skis you got?
  12. Melissa, are you going up ton Saturday? I don't have work and would like to take some runs with you and ski if he's up there too.
  13. Ya I understand that. And plus with this weather your not missing out on much. Hopefully it will get better next week if they start blowing from this weekend on.
  14. It's kinda weird that Doug knows my warm up trick for most jumps is a 5 lol... anyways Zonked can stay over my house. And im sorry to say this ski, but I think Sean quit skiing again probably because im the only person he wants to ride with, and I don't get to ride much anymore because of work.
  15. Old time Eddie is my dude! Can't wait to ride the bus around with him and the Asians .
  16. I might be riding on Thursday also
  17. I had work, but it was mad windy and there was like no one up there at night.
  18. Same, except I got work at 3, so ill be be up there.
  19. Doug dancing was probably the best thing out of my whole day/ night. haha
  20. Good job with whoever built the jump, just in the bigger park make sure you make the lip wider. Hopefully tomorrow there won't be wind so you can actually clear it. Oh and the x-box and c box are both set up completely wrong, please fix them how they are suppose to be. And there needs to be some lips on every other box and the rail. You can't even see the ail when your going to hit it. Lower the lip on it so you actually have to jump on it to get on.
  21. Shut up Sean. Just kidding <3
  22. Maybe the should invest in some embedded quicktime. Cool edit, some shots you had on auto exposure, but I really liked the colors. I might be investing in a 100B soon. If I sell my vx I will have the money. I just don't know yet.
  23. Ya you guys waste a lot! of snow by building your tables evey year. Just blow a ton of sno, shape huge roller with a steep landing and put a nice booter infront of the roller. The booter doesn't have to be as wide as the roller, but it still has to be wide enough, you know? As for rails when you want to set them up as urban you have to set the rail though the lip, and not after it. That is the way your suppose to set up a true urban rail. Your down rail and down box that was set up last year was ride on... If we can get 2 nice rollers up top before the first jump we can get nice 2 hits, ending at the headwall, then maybe a line of 3 jumps after that starting at the 2nd headwall. Don't let the groomers who groom the regular slopes groom the prk either, last year they ruined it completely. For a look at what I mean by the jumps, im talking about something like this, but only smaller As for urban setups on rails im talking about this See how the rail goes through the lip, forcing the rider to go on urban style. New lights? This is really how I think the park should be setup. i wish I was 18 so they would let me work on park crew. Right now im over at rentals...and its so beat. Sorry for using the picture Ben, it's the only picture I can think of that explains what im talking about.
  24. Im sure it's very slushy today. Im not riding in the rain tonight, and tomorrow im working rentals, so I won't be riding again till Wednesday. Melissa when are me you and ski going to ride together?
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