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Everything posted by xNick11

  1. Guys I would just stop arguing with Poop. Hes just a park rat who can care less about his snowboard(even tho most park rats will actually wax and p-tex this shit before every major competiton).Poop just doesn't care,hes probably a little kid who doesn't know anything and lets his parents buy him his snowboards every year so he can really care less about the stuff he buys.
  2. Pipe is up! Should be open tomorrow once it freezes overnight.
  3. I think it will be harder constructing it cause your will need to make the s park a certain way cause you will just carry in to much speed to do the s part.Usually on S rails you need to go really slow,it just all about balance on them. I think a rainbow,into a rollercoster,into flat,into c would be pretty fun.It would be able easier to do then a rainbow s.
  4. Thats all BB has is flat stuff...they need more circus stuff to make skiing rails.Flat boxes get boring after a while.
  5. Park should be mad slow tonight,but its a good night to build a booter,or atleast tomorrow.
  6. I would be able to do it as long as they don't have any type of passes that scan,but I dont even have the right type of printer...it probably wouldn't print out good.
  7. I would ride with you,but ill be in Vermont. Sorry dude.If you come up again lemme know.
  8. Sick! Maybe after our snow on Tuesday you can just push most of it over where you plan on making those quarter pipes to act like a half pipe if you still plan on doing that. And every box slides fine for me except the a-frame.Just get speed and try not to stay flat on your snowboard/skis,stay on the back or front edges....it might be harder to do that on a snowboard tho...
  9. I like how that dude who was announcing the winners for Z-Games last night made fun of sno..even tho we have a bigger base and I personally like our park,if the rails were all bunched up off every headwall we would have so much more flow in the park and it would own BB's park.Although I really liked BB's jumps in the big park but you definitely get more air on sno's jumps,BB's jumps are more of a launcher jump,Sno's lips on their jumps are almost like quarter pipes and shoot you straight up just enough to get half way down the landing and flow whatever you want off it.
  10. Nice pics,im going to VT Thursday-Sunday. Sunday were hitting up Killington.
  11. That was so dumb. Wax has nothing to do with the board breaking. It makes the surface slick so that you go fast on the snow and don't stick.
  12. Haha sweet. I just usually use rub on wax.It works good enough for me.
  13. The middle part seemed fine. But umm since your kinda park crew I think you should get some wax and wax the a-frame,and s-box,they really need it.Everything else slides fine for me.Maybe wax your board?
  14. I dont think anything is sticky.Just the S,A-Frame,and flat rail.Other then that everything seems fast to me.The DFD is soooo fast.
  15. Agreed.Skiing and Snowboarding suck.
  16. Ummm...idn I thought my colors were good,I just didn't put time into editing it and it was hard to work with the clips sense they were all from one spot kinda over and over again.
  17. THANKS DUDEEE! BTW a new edit will be up next week.Ill actually spend time editing it and this time ill make the colors look good sense thats all you guys cared about.
  18. Haha! Maybe one day ill whip out my old snowboard and so a sick method grab! lol.
  19. Im down.Im a pretty good skier.If you really want we can use my vx21k for other shots to put in a variation between the 16mm film and dv film.
  20. The wind was fine when I went,and rossi you forgot the FDF box.Its sick,fast for a FDF tho.
  21. S-box is so hard,I still haven't gotten it yet,I come close everytime tho...and If you come presidents weekend I wont be their.Ill be in Vermont,so now I can see you steezy Doug
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