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Everything posted by xNick11

  1. I got my pass last Tuesday.Im #173.
  2. Nick Aldrich
  3. Nope
  4. Umm...Either your the idiot or you quoted the wrong person cause I said it was open before christmas.
  5. Last year...
  6. No.If you noticed.It rained today and its not cold enough to blow and wont be for the next like 9-10 days.They probably wont open till after Christmas.
  7. I wanna go to BB but now sense Sean quit skiing I cant get a ride with him so its up to wherever my other friend wants to go.He will go to CB is it opens cause hes on their snowboard team and has to be up their 4 times a week,if it doesn't open ill be at BB.
  8. I might be their on Saturday now if their opened and have a park up.
  9. Sean is in the same position as my friend who skied last year.Ever sense he got a gf all he has been was depressed,I think Sean is getting like that and sooner or later will quit skiing.LOL.Its all jokes Sean.You wouldn't get like Chris,or I would atleast hope not.
  10. If that was filmed with your dvx then please turn your colors up.Cool tho.
  11. I had ski porn on my computer but then I got a virus through music so i lost it.It was a good movie tho.Im more into mark theo then BC.
  12. Pick me up
  13. Ill watch it when I get home from school.Wezlo go to BB this weekend and lets film together.
  14. So are they moving or what?
  15. Haha Jeff.BIMMERS SUCK.You hear that one? What size skate do you need I have 2 I wanna get rid of.Their both size 9s but the one fits like an 8.
  16. turbon.i know who you were.
  17. Were u the kid that came up to me when I was like hiking to hit the flat box?Cause some kid was talking to me and stuff but I forget his PASR name.
  18. WTF Doug change ur name to something other then doug you confuse me.And I knew mcskialot was the real doug but i though this DOUG was doug on a new name or something.
  19. DOUG!Im going,Im bringing my camera to.Wanna bust me a rap so I can put it in the edit im going to make?
  20. Sounds good.I cant wait till next Friday.
  21. I dont think our slopes are much wider then BB's.But that is true.
  22. Im pretty sure the piping over on that side has been broken for 2 years.They are probably just testing it to see if they water runs through fine and everything.After seeing Big Boulder last night which has the same guns as Sno.Sno can open everyslope within 3 days if they really want.But if their smart they will blow on all the slopes all week so we can get a huge base and stay open forever
  23. The is some.Lib has the camera I think.But its not a mini dv and he doesnt have the right port to hook it up.Ill be getting some on saturday.
  24. Ahh that was you niggg.I skied with you last year but I didnt know if you remembered me or not.
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