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Everything posted by xNick11

  1. They want to have a rail jam on Thanksgiving day.If temps are cold enough im sure they will blow snow in a big enough area for a small rail jam.
  2. Their probably going to do something withh that stupid Moose. Next week they should have the computers up and ready to take pictures for season passes! You can purchase season passes on their website if u want it now but I would just wait until they have the computers up.
  3. Im down. Will they be doing video shots to cause I can get some good shots.
  4. Haha yes Jeff I am so ballin. Zonked,Wanna hook up sometime? Skitzo!!!!!!Yes those are Delta forces,there like 4-5 years old and there still lasting me haha. Skitzo I cant wait to see u at Sno.Me and Sno Mountain Skiier just love yelling Skitzo at you its such a cool name.
  5. Chea!Sunday is going to be ill.We should all meet up somewhere in the day. Edit:WTF.Now im not excited
  6. Ohh I thought with u being park crew and all you would need to work like everday like the guys did last year.Its cool that that we actually have skiiers on park crew this year tho.I dont think Mark and them did it cause they all already have jobs.And I dont really need a job now.Ide rather just ski and have fun sence I only go up like 3-4 times a week.
  7. Sweet Job Sean,but what sucks if that you cant hit the jumps when your working.Unless you need to test it out or something.Which sucks cause you will see me in the park all the time hitting stuff How much do you get paid an hour?And did anyone else we know get jobs in the park?
  8. ummm.Cool I guess. Try turning the colors up on you camera.There so dull.
  9. lol no.the mirror shot was just easier to get my full body in
  10. I dont know how I am so cocky.I use to really cocky but im not anymore.If anything your the one who is cocky.You argue over everything I say,you always need to be right.No one is perfect so you wont always be right...
  11. Ya...but did they ever say they bought the mountain.No.Marks dad told this to me saturday morning before we left for roundtop.I think Marks dad knows whats going on with the mountain more then what you do.He actually talks to the guys from sno mountain...
  12. Sno Mountain cant come up with the money to buy the mountain yet. And the park is being runed by grooming this year instead of park management.
  13. Just so all you guys know the mountain isnt even sold yet.Sno cant come up with the money.And the park is going to be run by grooming and the groomers dont know that there doing.Its not going to be as good as everyone thinks but it still should be better then the past few years.
  14. It was pretty good.I was there.They only used one flat box tho and I thought they would have alot more snow then they have been talking about but they still had alot just from getting it from the ice rink.The lines were kinda long,like 20-30 minutes a hit for a few hours then it started dyeing down around 3 so the lines were really nothing.Overall it was a great day.
  15. In that video with the tornado thing.Pittsburg has one like that and in a rollerblading video called black market they skate down it and then ride it like a full pipe its so sick I wanna do it after the summer when no one will be up there.Or like in April.
  16. Yea Headdd! You can bust a rap and i will put it in one of the sections for the movie im going to be producing and selling in one of my local ski shops(The Ski Corner)
  17. xNick11

    Looking for..

    His is a Hi-Fi.And ya his is like an orange plaid.But...I guess im going to have to get a white one cause I cant find brown anywhere.Ive been looking for months.
  18. Your wrong.Speicher told me they would decide monday and start construction on tuesday,i guess there just a day late with this.Mark knew sence last week it was a definit.
  19. YEAAA JUSTIN!Stay at my casa! And I knew about this last week.I said my friend told me and all that crap.Its on a previous thread under this one if u want the proof I said it.No one believed me.
  20. xNick11

    Looking for..

    A brown R.E.D Trace helmet in size L or XL.Anyone have one or know where I can buy one?
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