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Everything posted by xNick11

  1. Guessing DJ wrote this cause b-diddy doesnt ski.
  2. OMG!!! Bobby and JC on PASR...WTF ..haha w/e Rictor Beez pwn montage.The End.
  3. I agree.Montages snowtubing is already fun to begin with they dont need to improve that..they just probably need some new tubes and thats it.
  4. Haha I was just talking to Sean about that..I told him its probably a tubing area with jumps.
  5. Ya..thanks to Shadows for the suggestion.
  6. Ill be there Wednesday with Wolverine21 and some other friends to talk about the terrain park.We have really good slopes for a good terrain park.We just need a good groomer,guns,new rails and gap ons to the rails.
  7. Risers on twins arnt needed.They will allow you to make better turns but on a twin tip ski that will be used mainly in the park its not needed.I personally use risers..and i cant really tell a differance when i rode my friends skis who doesnt have risers. This is what my jact/pants will look like..only the jackt will be a tad bit darker.Ill also have a brown helmet and maybe some light blue goggles?
  8. xNick11


    Papasteez.Go on ebay any look for a vx1000 or a vx2000 there both really good cameras and you can get both for around $800 on ebay. Wezlo.What camera are you getting a dvx100?
  9. xNick11


    ...Well actually compressing the file to say 30mb isnt that hard if you have the right compression program.I know a kid who is really good with editing and he said he will help me out whenever i need it so whenever i need to compress something thats a really big file and i wanna keep all the quality i just send it to him..im going to ask him how to do it in a few days tho once i get some new rollerblading shit filmed.Also..it matters the site you host it on.Youtube sucks.
  10. xNick11


    You guys have no clue what your talking about.If you wanna spend $400 on a camera add in some extra bucks and buy a cheap 3-ccd camera.Here is a cheap 3-ccd camera http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller...egoryNavigation I know it may seem expensive but they quality is really good for the price compaired to all other 3ccd cameras.If you dont wanna spend that much money on a camera any zr series would be fine with bad quality compaired to 3ccd camera. To edit the clips with use either Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere or Final Cut(Mac)..but premiere is hard to get serials to.I use sony vegas and its great.Windows Movie Maker or Imovie will only kill your quality..dont use them. Yes you will need a Firewire cable and firewire port if you dont already have one in the back of your computer to transfer the clips onto the computer.
  11. Sorry i didnt explain enought about that..the edges wont be comming out under the boot they will be comming out on the nose from doing butters cause they have 4 edges on each ski and there already on there way out..i just need to do some summer nosepresses in my yard and it will be all good to go.2 of my friends already got them warrentied because of it so it will work.
  12. I am. Light blue Jacket(ninthward) Brown pants(idn what kind yet) New goggles..possibly smith again? Maybe skis if i can get my edge ripped out from summer jibbing then ill send them in get a new pair sell the new pair and get some ninthwards. Maybe Bindings?
  13. So like $3000 for this camp..not my style..i would rather go to woodward for 3 weeks then to go to a ski camp for 1..anyway im probably going to get a free session to woodward next year for getting taped..so ill be there again next year. PS:Papa..I think momentum is better the COC.It would definitly help nipples out more.They have a park them mogules.And mogules do help alot in park riding it gives you the "momentum" for everything.
  14. White Lighting or Boomer(Montage)might have small patches of snow cause those 2 runs dont get much snow.
  15. If you dont know how to ski then yes.I would go anything around a 165ish for ur size.
  16. xNick11


    Get the 06/07s//the 05/06s wernt so great alot of them delamed and shit.
  17. Sean were not buying one were building it..if u wanna buy something for summer buy a tramp with me and corey and whoever else.
  18. Your just a pussy cause you went Rollerblading instead of skiing in may.
  19. Rob..John(the kid who won) is awsome hes awsome at rails and jumps ive never seen him spin over a 5 cause ive only skied with him while doing jumps at the montage slope style..he did a nice clean 5 and a gnarly spread double nose grab 3(i forget the name im not up to date on skiing shit right now )..but im sure he can spin well over a 5 sence he can 450 onto rails.Anyone who can spin atleast 450 onto rails kill the jumps to..now me i cant spin onto rails cause i need to spin unnatural and i cant yet..but i can 7 jumps so..it all evens out man.
  20. Last season i hit around 40ish days this season i definitly hit 20 more then that due to not having bball practices/games.
  21. I sent them to him there in his aim s/n folder but he has no clue how to get to it haha so just check whenever u want there in there.
  22. I have 2 clips of him..if u want have him I/M me or you can just I/M me on xnick11.
  23. Compress it to 25mb and host it on putfile or yousendit.
  24. The quality sucks because you filmed with a digital camera and not a mini dv video camera.
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