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Everything posted by xNick11

  1. toast if ur really as bad as u sound me and my friend can help u out on sunday were good on rails and he can do 9s and sometimes 10s..and i can 7 and im working on cork 7s ive only done 1 and landed back seated. ps..if any other skiiers want some tips in the park on sunday lemme know ill be glad to help.
  2. ya the first rail that isnt going down the steps is.
  3. i was thinking u ment a rollercoaster box and if blue really did get on im goin to fucking pwn that shit up.
  4. ya i cant wait to ride it on sunday..if anyone wants to meet up wit me and my friend just talk to me on aim and we can have like a meeting place at a certain time or something.
  5. i wasnt talking about other resorts..but w/e if u guys want it saturday then go for it.
  6. ya ill see u up there jeff..ill probably be in the park all day and whever the bumps are.ill be up there at like 8am..till whenever my friends mom leaves.
  7. buddy im up there all day every weekend..and its paced more on saturdays then on a sunday.I vote for sunday but whenever is good for me cause ill be up there anyways.
  8. well the guy said there having some gaps for the good kids and some ride ons for the not so good kids..but on the diagram he had the first rail did have a gap on it..and now i think im goin to do it cause the guy influenced me to do it.
  9. well i was up the ski corner today getting pipe gloves and i ran into 2 of my friends who knew the one guy that was making the setup for it..and if i remember correctly the first rail has a gap onto it then i think it spits up to a small jump and then down like 22-24 snow steps a flat rail or flat box. oh and u can either sign up at the ski corner or u can just sign up at montage in the morning before 10am.
  10. xNick11

    Dynastar Skis

    well idn how the race skis are compaired to their freestyle skis but with the freestyle skis the edges crack like no other.If u wait and get the 07's then definitly get them the 07s have reconstruceted edges so they wont crack so easy.
  11. ya but on saturdays..its really packed..especially when theres actually snow
  12. i wont be there..neither will atomicskier or ski999..they got races at blue and i think im goin to blue on sunday to.
  13. xNick11

    Spyder Jacket

    ya u might wanna look at helleyhanson,oakley makes good jackets to,umm orage is good to..idn there alot of jackets that i bet are alot better then that and u can get for about $300 cheaper..burton is really nice to.
  14. ya ive been talking to his friend with the yellow oakley pants and he said they might be comming
  15. ya i heard there goin to be in the park to looking for people to sponcer..hopefully they will be so i can throw some shit down and hopefully get a sponcership by then.but i have a feeling the kid with the green plaid pants will possibly win the rail jam..i would enter but $25 is just to much for me and im not nearly as good as some kids who can spin on,off and switch up on rails..
  16. lightning was really fast yesterday that the 1 run i took on it..it was also pure ice..i came outta the park 3 times yesterday so i only skied lightning and cannoball..and of course the park.
  17. ya ur right..i can hear the wind/rain hitting on my house hard..if they do close anything it would probably be mainline/highball and switch..park seems to have a nice base and should hold up..but northface should be fine..except for smoke in some areas.
  18. it sounds like lange is a little to of a narrow boot for u or maybe u need a bigger size?i personally love my salomon 1080 foil boots,but i heard the diabello krypton rampages are the mosty comphy boot out there and are awsome for park/bc and all mtn.
  19. actually the rain made it alot colder lol..believe me i took about 4 runs tonight in the pouring rain then i left cause i couldnt stand it.
  20. i heard 22 steps..but ya them 3 kids from elk that were at the competiton were really good on rails..270 ons 270s off so idn if im even goin to do it..even alot of other kids at montage are better then me at rails and boxes.
  21. and montage on sunday. alot better park then elk..and the jumps are better then cb's and elks.
  22. oh so thats what u ment by u got the cops on u..i thought u were hanging out with my snowboarding friends cause they took tables and set them up in the woods and had their car lights on it and cops came back and thought they were smoking weed so they searched them lol.
  23. ya..i came in 8th..not bad for my first competition and only been skiing 2 months..im sure i would have done alot better the day after when i started doing fakies onto c box and flat box and i started doing the kink rail and rainbow box so i skipped over them 2 in the competition..but ya i know how to get around the copywrite..hit the print screen button(its next to f12) then paste it into paint,photoshop or whatever u use and crop it.i did a little photoshop to me on the c box(in my sig)..it can use a little less light but oh well i dont feel like fixing it.
  24. ill be there..idn about 10 because of church but ill see if my mom can get to church at 830..if not ill just meet up with everyone later on..me and atomic jeff are racing down boomer im goin to get pwned probably
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