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Everything posted by xNick11

  1. Damn Kevin...
  2. Looked fun, heres another one http://media.newschoolers.com/uploads/memb...ay_at_Breck.mov
  3. Bought: Oakley Anorak Jacket Still to buy: Another jacket, pants, ID liners, Skis, Bindings
  4. Ya dude! Bring them
  5. Word, sounds like you want me to really be there
  6. I need to see what im doing that weekend, but if I come I might bring a car full, or close to it.
  7. Ryan has one more year in his contract with Sno, but he didn't go to Sno once last season. We'll see what will happen with the park this year. I really wish Sno will find a park manager who has a lot of experience with, how to set up the park features, and a trained worker who can groom the park everyday and help build. I think if they did that, they will have a well put together park for the season.
  8. Haha Jon told me a while ago he was working on a new summer edit. Funny shit!
  9. Sorry if all the normal, flat, down, up and kinked rails get boring after a while for me. It's good to have a few rails with curves in it here and there.
  10. Circus rails
  11. I don't think Boulder will ever be able to have a jump like that. But anyways, that is a sick setup Stowe has but I hate quarter pipes. Didn't notice the hidden jump lol. Jump looks fun, would probably be scary hitting it the first time with a box above you.
  12. Oh my bad I didn't mean to say Wisp, I meant to say Windham. Im pretty sure their having a jam on the 24th.
  13. I don't think I will be making it to Loon, but I will definitely see you at Wisp to end my season. Dave, Papa has been to Sno for the Jib academy this year. He knows what its like and im sure he will never change his opinion on them until they get their act together.
  14. I live 10 minutes down the road from Sno. It has been my home mountain for the past 5 years, I think. I have never complained about them up until this latest season. But don't worry you won't hear to much complaining from me for next season.
  15. Haha, I can't stop laughing at this post.
  16. There was too many bunches of people, other then that it was fun. I got tired really quick tho so I quit after two hours and just chilled around.
  17. They really should have knocked it down right after the Rev tour and make a sick jump line. The pipe was worthless and wasn't maintained like it was suppose to be.
  18. Is this the one that is suppose to go up in Long Island? I know that they plan on putting an indoor park up in Long Island somewhere, and it was planned on opening this summer or something like that. Not sure if the plan went through of what not, but all I know is if you plan on going to one of these things, be sure to drop a lot of cash cause lift tickets are probably so expensive in order for the company to make the money in order to maintain a place like this.
  19. Very creepy
  20. Wow you guys really killed that flat box in the morning. I wish I didn't get lost on my way there lol. Cool edit Kevin.
  21. Lexie B was killing it in her yellow tall t while wearing no pants!
  22. For real, im moving out West next summer. Wanna come?
  23. There should be a lot more snow this year. It should be a super fun event. I plan on skiing for a little bit, then I might film a little bit depending on if I want to still ski or not.
  24. Ya today was super fun, im really glad I went to this. I just wish there were more skiers that went. Thanks KT for the directions, they really helped. Met Matt today also, it was a lot of fun skiing with you, KT, Justin and all your other friends that left early. Oh ya cant forget the other Matt from RT, whatever his last name is haha.
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