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Everything posted by NYShred

  1. NYShred

    terrain park opens

    Elk has never been about park... Its a nice little bonus that they have a park though. I talked to Dan (i think the head park guy) earlier this season and he understands the whole deal with all the big time budgets in this area now. If you need a sick park hit up Boulder or Creek (dare i even say Snow). Elk has the best terrain in the Mid-Atlantic/Poconos region hands down. While their direct competitor (Sno) is cutting down trees to make new trails and parks, Elk is planting (hundreds of evergreens) to preserve the mountain and even cut down on some of the wicked winds that these mountains endure. I don't really know where I intended to go with this post, but I always plan a couple of trips to Elk because they actually "get it". More mountains should take some notes on how to run a "mountain"... Keep up the good work Elk Mountain!
  2. Tussy Rocks! What what
  3. Its cool that they got a 22ft pipe and all this new stuff in the park, but the website totally blows... It hasn't been updated since last year! WTF!!! How is any non-local supposed to know what the deal is with this mountain! Yeah I'll drive in from NY, but I want to see some pics on the website and read the updates. I think I may have made their website in when I was in the 5th grade computer club on my apple IIc. I was at the Street Sessions at Union Square this week and some dude standing next to me was telling me about this mountain in PA that has a 22ft pipe. Great advertising! I hear Hunter, Camelback, and Boulder commercials at least once a day here, but no word on Sno. Maybe one of these years they can work a webmaster into their park budget to get the word out that they are up there in the park dept.! Anyway, enough complaining... I can't wait to check this place out! I'm super stoked. Is there any local park rat crews from sno with a website thats updated regularly?
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