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  • Equipment
    K2 PE Volkl tigershark 12 ft
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Sno Mtn

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  • Location
    GB, NJ

publicenemy666's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. realtime footage is good! lets me get a real idea of what the conditions are like.
  2. im 5"9 155 and a type 3 agressive skier from the sound of it i should stay with a larger ski what about the k2 hellbent ? too wide? thanks for all the great info so far
  3. 4 Seasons ski and snowboard shop in Green Brook Nj 15 mins $30
  4. What is the best length for park skis for jumping? i ride a 170 public enemy right now and want to know what the best size is it goes just above my nose. the k2 seth only comes in 168 and 178 why? i was also considering the sal dumont 161
  5. can you control it or is it stationary>?
  6. you can use craigslist and wiki???? WOW expert snow maker on this forum i hail to you and your infinite knowledge
  7. so they will have a super pipe and a half pipe? where are they going to put them?
  8. does anyone know if snow is going to create a half pipe this year i haven't been up yet, but i remember that last year they blew sno for days and never built it i know it is hard because they have to make the whole thing outta snow verses dirt + sno
  9. well ski, if you didn't already know.... sno dosent have compressors moron they have fan guns with onboard compressors
  10. probably not, hard terrain is a plus, as compared to mountain crack and blue balls mountain
  12. Dobule blue square? someone is going to die on cannonball! map looks good overall tho
  13. Lets try a more peaceful discussion on the ups and downs of snow mtn. ill start, Sno mtn is better than Mountain Creek because there arent as many boarders
  14. yes, for the last 20 years
  15. sno mtn blows and they cant make snow and they have horrble food.
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