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Everything posted by mr.couloir

  1. No way? Is this a joke? Holly cow! It's on the website!!!
  2. Quick report - Camelback is making snow on Marjie's and Rocket. I heard that other trails tonight will get snow. It would appear that the slopes didn't need a touch up, but I will take snow in March (either natural or man made).
  3. Just returned from CB. The amount of snow on the slopes was impressive as compared to what was expected with the recent warm weather and rain. Everything was open but the advance terrain park. Not much of a crowd? We got a lot of vertical for a mid day session. We will return on Sunday for more fun!
  4. Today is SkiCamelback's birthday? It's says so at the bottom of the Forum page listing for member birthdays. Is the ski area 45 years old, or is it Craig? Happy Birthday in either case!
  5. I don't think there are too many skiers that ski at CB participating on the board? There is a handful of regulars and the lurkers, but I bet most have lost interest in PASAR. Does CB participate on other boards? Would CB ever start the ride board up again?
  6. I have to know -- why does Ski911 and Craig even bother with this board?
  7. I just looked at the policy at CB - to have a night pass you have to be under 18 (and will also most likely be in school). What's the big deal? The kid that got a night pass gets a weekend to ski without having to wait the first weeks out because of being in school or the hill not open at nights. If anything - it looks like good customer service to give some opportunity to all pass holds to get out. Mon - Fri pass holders can still get out the days the pass allows. If CB did nothing, no one would have had anything to complain about, except the night skiers that would have to wait at least a week to get out. What's crazy is that CB broke a policy to get night pass holders --- kids that are in school --- a chance to ski --- a good thing -- and people are giving them crap? It seems that CB cares about the Night Pass Holder, and that's the cheapest tier?
  8. In a weird way it makes sense --- nights won't start for probably another week --- this way no one is blocked out. Mabey next season CB will stick to the "policy" and night pass people will just have to wait? Or mabey just sell one type of pass, and I bet it wouldn't be less that $600. After nights start, don't worry -- the night guys won't take up space on the primo days. Bonus for night skiers and snowboarders --- its fair.
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