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Santa Clauss

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Everything posted by Santa Clauss

  1. Got an email for sno cove the other day, the moose is looking better.
  2. I love every one of you, I hope you all are having an amazing week.
  3. To anyone who's not a complete douche bag hater, long haul is expected to be open for business this season.
  4. This is the hottest topic since Jan of 2009. your right.. I am a pretty big douche bag.
  5. Yea... I didn't really promote to anyone yet. We have event's actually planned and we'll be promoting it then.
  6. http://www.sponsormyface.com I don't know if linking it to google was a mistake or what dude.
  7. Nahh, I talked shit to you. Are you calling it a porn site because it has the word face in it? or is it because it's an action sports media site? that happens to be under construction. I don't know how you made the connection to a porn site, so I could care less if you go to it. I have nothing against boulder, my point is you guys defended blue needlessly because i said something as stupid as they named it after the color blue. Keep up the hate.
  8. this is what you do, type in your address bar www.sponsormyface.com and you'll see there is no porn, then you can go fuck your self because I already said what it's about. get with the program dude. Do you guys do anything but hate on stuff?
  9. Your right, that is a cause. sepsis is a lot worse though right? My vagina isn't bleeding that bad.
  10. Very, very well said millerm277, I wish I stayed calm and kept my posts as professional as you just did. Sno mountain skier, I think it would be septic shock I would be suffering from. (I'm actually a combat medic for the PA national guard) So how about Pennstate! MBLA's getting close I think we should give Herman cane a pass, at least he was trying to have sex with adult women. You guys don't seem like you care too much about what i've been saying, so I'm giving up. I tried to support Sno. If you want to contact me, you can find me on Facebook, just search David Charles. B&W pic. Screw you guys, i'm going home. (until next time haters)
  11. Yea, I trashed them a little. What, are you guys upset because I said something bad about boulder? is that like an unspoken rule at PASR? boulder's cool so we leave them alone. Toxic shock, wow.. someone knows some medical stuff. really guys :'( what did I do wronggggg?
  12. No, I'm not getting a "Sno" job. Like I said before, My company, "SponsorMyFace" an action sports media company, has a launch party/rail jam/expo in the books, contracted for feb 4th 2012 at sno, you can check out our website, The real site is under construction. The party is being professionally planned. it'll be awesome. We also have a facebook page. Please like it. (lol) All the cool info i'm boasting about happened to be "off the record" so i'm not going to tell you anything you didn't read in the recent article in the paper besides maybe this. The rock 107 tower went down because their back up generator doesn't work, the mountain notified the company weeks in advanced that the power was being shut off, and the writer of that great article happened to be with the same company that owns rock 107 (Something like that) So obviously they were pissed because of the loss of revenue, and they were out to give them a really bad name.. Again. It's no suprise that bad news is good news, people like to read shit talk. $15,000,000 was not just spent on "stuff" call me crazy, but I'm thinking some of that money went to BUYING THE MOUNTAIN! and I know you can't SEE the new water pumps, the lift drive systems, or most of the WATER PARK but they spent a LOT of that money on the SNOW MAKING SYSTEM and other things the previous owner (county) neglected. Ohh, and you can't just make fucking trails out of thin air. They can't terraform the mountain to make it steeper like they do in sim city. The lighting isn't that bad. I mean it was bad in the park previous years i'll give you that, but it's being addressed and they've already made improvements. I love how you guys got so worked up over BLUE MOUNTAIN So how about this, you think sno's lifts are bad? Boulder's lifts are 10x worse, at least Sno doesn't have wood involved in their chairs. (Ready for the come backs) Ready, Set, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. So my meeting went well with Sno, we got a lot of assurance, and a lot of info that'll make your comment's make you look really dumb. Ohh, and their season pass sales are up from last year despite all of this. Chinese investors for citezenship? all I can say is... WHAT THE FUCK? You guy's can keep bitching about the name and the moose, which should be addressed some day, but it's not that big of a problem. How many families do you think don't go to sno because they have a moose as a mascot? I don't think very many of you guy's posting on this topic have ever even been to sno, let alone been there more than once in the last 2 or 3 years. You wanna keep pretending you know how to run a ski resort than go ahead, but i'm telling you that in my eyes, you need to get a fucking life. I post on sno's category because I GO THERE. If you want, I can go on blues page and tell them it's stupid they named their resort after a color, that could waste some of my life, but I have better things to do.
  14. I went to one of them, they served free food! It was actually really good too. It was the last of the season, kinda like hoodie weather, but me and my friends still had a great time. To me if feels like they're being held back, it always has. It's like they're afraid to put them selves out there. Maybe in these series of events they'll change. Id also like to say from my position, I see up to the GM position and i can tell you, he, along with everyone under him, have a lot of great ideas, always has a smile on their faces, and the GM aleays gets back to me promptly. I wouldnt put any blame there, its gotta be higher. and with their mortgages, I can kinda understand why they'd be concervstive. Imm willing to bet (no evidence, just a hunch) that we'll start to see good news starting to pop up. Mark my words. When they DO OPEN id really like to see you guys up there, maybe we can get some discount passes for PASR and SponsorMyFace users. BEER
  15. Just trying to lightn the mood
  16. It could, but I didn't see or hear much of cove as far as advertisements. I went there twice this summer and it was awesome, like I said before, the beer was extremely cheap (for a water park, 5 beers for $7!!!!! Bucket o beer!!! and NO LINES!!!!! Why drive to camelback and stand in lines for hours and pay $7 for a weak mixed drink when you can drink beer all day and have the park to yourself at cove, there's your marketing. Beer, Cheap Beer. They should get rid of the moose and just have a beer bottle "Sn
  17. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.235455046478641.69022.235211376503008&type=1 Gave my cousin $100 and came up with a much more professional logo than a moose. I think we can all agree that's part of their problem. I was away for army training last winter, but when I was home for christmas It was packed. I don't think they had a problem last year.
  18. They certainly did try to compete with the park scene. Chevy rev tour, 22' half pipe? Planet snowtools.. The mountain is in view of a good chunk of the valley, tens of thousands of people can look out their back door and see the mountain. Even if the terrain sucked (which in my opinion doesn't), good marketing could make that place a good mine. We can keep speculating on their status, I think we can all agree there in for a tough time. I really think they'll be open this season, but the lack of communications with the media and trying to put the fire out does concern me. If it was my resort, I'd certainly be trying my hardest to convince my customers that my company was still good to go. *fingers crossed* Gold mine*
  19. So KCSKI, do you have any more assurance for us or are you starting to get nervous? I'm going to hold up my 100-1 odds and say the paper is miss leading and they'll be open this season. We don't know all the facts, and to blame money problems on the management is a little lame, I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than it looks and just because you have an account with PASR doesn't make you an expert. If you think you know all the answers, why aren't you running a ski resort? Who doesn't like porn?
  20. In all honesty, and I know this may seem a little naieve, but could the paper possibly be horribly miss leading? Because it seems as if they're still good on their mortgage, which is upwards of $10,000,000 and were all worked up over $1.5M? I mean look at the construction of cove, they were really fuckn late, they wasted an entire season, is it possible that they could be in dispute with the contracting company? There were big issues with their property value and the owed taxes, all I'm saying is I'm not giving up on them until it's official. All were seeing are rumors. I'll be up at the job fair to meet with the GM on the 5th to talk to him about my company integrating into this season, it's an action sports photography company. I know it in part would take away from PASR, but we're a long way off from being able to compete. Check it out, we have some sample pictures under media, and the forums are completely empty. please mind the grammar, my web guy likes to do his own thing. www.SponsorMyFace.com
  21. It's going to take a lot more than fancy passes to make them more money.
  22. Let's just hope they're on vacation.. :'(
  23. Adult Swim was pretty sweet.. beer was still cheap
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